Name ______
Organism – Eagle
Eagles are from the Kingdom Animalia. That means they are animals, not plants. They are in the Phylum Chordate. Animals in the Phylum Chordate have a spine and make eggs that turn into babies. There are more than 60 different kinds of eagles in the world.
Life Cycle Stages
Female eagles lay between 1-4 eggs. The parents incubate the eggs for about 40 days. When they hatch, the eaglets are called hatchlings. As eagles grow in the nest, they are known as nestlings. This nestling stage lasts for 10—12 weeks. Next, eaglets are known as fledglings as they become ready to “fledge” or fly from the nest. Fledglings spend another month learning to fly and hunt for food. When it leaves, the nest, it is a juvenile. After 4 or 5 years as a juvenile, it becomes an adult. Eagles can live between 20-40 years.
Eagles are large birds. They weigh between 4 - 15 pounds. An eagle has a sharp, curved beak. The sharp, curved beak helps eagles tear into meat. Eagles also have strong claws called talons. Talons are used to grab prey. Eagles have brown, black and white feathers.
Eagles live all over the world expect in very cold places. They are found in deserts, woodlands, and rain forests. An eagle nest is called an eyrie. Eyries are built in trees and on high cliffs and bluffs. They can be up to 10 feet (3 meters) across. Eagles eat small mammals such as fish, rabbits and squirrels.
Interesting Facts
Eagles are the symbol for the United States and represent freedom. Bald eagles are not really bald. They have white feathers on their head. Their hollow bones help them fly. Eagles have no natural predators other than man.