Herget PTA Minutes

November 1, 2016

President Melissa Bedwell called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m.

Number in attendance: 8

Membership: 125

Secretary’s report-(Kim Carson)

The October 4, 2016 minutes were reviewed and accepted.

Treasurer’s report (Sarah Bastin)

Beginning balance: $26,603.00. We need to send a check for $10,000.00 to Otis Spunkmeyer.We made $7236.00 from the cookie dough sales.

A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report.

Committee Reports –

Principal’s report (Cindy Larry)

Focusing on mindset and data collection with the teachers. Working on developing curriculum district wide. Reviewed performance test data. Most kids scores did not slip over the summer. Each student set a goal this year in both reading and math. Reviewed 3 school goals – academics, climate/culture, and professional development. Went over the plan of action and the continued focus of learning/instruction. Looked at extracurricular activities that are offered. Trying to find a balance to surround each child in order to give a good foundation. Reviewed upcoming activities and special dates.

Fundraising (Taryn Hobson - Chair)

Cookie Dough fundraiser -

Taryn is working on a date for the limos to the Luigi’s pizza lunch (possibly Monday, December 5th) for the 32 kids that sold at least 20 items. The limo rides will be split-up by having the 6th gradersgo eat and then the 7th and 8th graders will go together. Cookie dough pick up is November 10th from after school until 6 pm.

Spirit Wear (Connie Wicks - Chair)

The Spirit wear sale is online. The sale ends tomorrow, 11/2. Delivery will be before Thanksgiving break.

Dinning Out (Connie Wicks – Chair)

On November 9th we will have a dinning out fundraiser at Buffalo Wild Wings.


There will be a Chipotle Fundraiser on January 19,2017 to raise funds for PBIS.

Teacher Representative (Teacher leader)

No teacher representative was present

SCAC Representative (Stacey Caragher)

The district would like parents to attend Parent University

Huskies Halloween Hangout

Thank you to all who volunteered and donated to the Herget Huskies Halloween Hangout! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules because without you, it would not have been a spectacular event for the students!

Thank you to . . .

The set up crew – Heather Hodge, Paula Naranjo, Connie Wicks, Mr. Cullison, Mr. Thornton, Ms. Larry, Mr. Davidson, and Kevin (the awesome custodial worker)

The clean up crew – Nancy and Jeff Weiss, Janet Godek, Kim Davis, Connie Wicks, Kim Andrews, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Zelman, Evelyn Gonzalez along with the student helpers and any others who lent a hand

The food crew -Miriam Magana, Kristen Aguirre, Maria Farrales, Nicole Studdard, and others who came to help

The ticket and door crew – Janet Godek, Christy McAdams, Laurie Anderson, Kim Andrews

The game crews – Mr. Butcher, Mr. Cullison, Dr. G, Debbie Tarr, Lisa Kerns, Ann Patrick, Donna and Abel Arreola, Michael Brouwer, Mr. Linneman

The dance crew – Dawn Moecher and Jacquie Novicki

The haunted stage crew – Carol Chaney, Natalie Lucania, Scott Novicki, Nancy and Jeff Weiss, Connie Wicks, Kim Davis, Heather Hodge, Paula Naranjo, Evelyn Gonzales, Donna Lucania, Sarah Rowald, Mr. Zelman

The donation crew – Connie Wicks, Beth Ulrich, Julie Simpson, Margret Wilson, Jamie Bacarella

President’s Report – (Melissa Bedwell, PTA President)

Unfinished Business-

There is no unfinished business

New Business-

Volunteers are needed for the audit committee.

Announcements / Important Dates

*Membership forms available on the PTA website - Thank you to the many faculty, staff and parents who have joined!

*Buffalo Wild Wings – Nov. 9th

*Cookie Dough Pick-Up – Nov. 10th

*PBIS fundraiser – Jan. 19th

The meeting was adjourned 7:32 atp.m.

Minutes taken by Kim Carson

Next Meeting – December 6, 2016 (6:45 pm)