Minutes of the Trust Meeting 9th March 2017

Present: I Gibson(Chair), M Perry, M. Heaton, Ri Williams, J Holmes, E R Jones, R Evans, V Shields, P Choi, C W Owen, L Murley, J Davies, S Cleaver, J Bell, G Owen, G Jones, Ro Williams, J Foulkes, S Hill, M Wilde.

Apologies: A Bailey, J Dutton, H Johnson, S Roden, M Williams, B. Edwards,

Minutes of meeting 9th February 2017: Minutes agreed as a true record. Proposed M Perry, Seconded J Foulkes. Public Participation: none

Football stand: I Gibson advised a draft lease had been provided to GAFC, J Davies asked for a meeting to discuss points in the lease, agreed to meet Monday 13th March. Following a FAW meeting with all Welsh clubs the deadline for construction of the stand had been extended to 31/03/2018. M Heaton advised that the structural engineers report supplied to the Trust was very detailed and provided reassurance. J Holmes asked the present position re the Tannoy system, advised clarification still required by GAFC with WCBC planning Officers.

Administration: Finance: Budget: a copy of the budget to the end of February had been circulated as agreed via email on the 1st March; some Trustees had not seen sight of this. The Chairman asked everyone to check their email details on the circulation list. Everyone had sight of the document and R Williams explained the position to date. Proposed accept, M Perry, seconded J Bell, all agreed. I Gibson advised a finance meeting had been held to set the 2017/18 budget in conjunction with the estates maintenance schedule. Several project areas had been identified – refurbishment of blue and green rooms, entrance to changing rooms flooring, electrical safety certificate, hall flooring is also showing distress. Although the budget is showing a surplus for this year, we may need to tap into reserves for the larger projects. M Heaton asked for clarification regarding the sinking funds (reserves) held. This was given by the Treasurer. I Gibson advised that the purpose of this fund was for unplanned expenditure – if a boiler fails suddenly for example or the roof need attention. S Cleaver advised that this information gave assurance to Trustees. The 2017/2018 Budget would be emailed out to all Trustees when finalised. Income generation was also discussed at the meeting, the importance of exploring other opportunities and all Trustees can help raising awareness of the excellent facilities.

I Gibson referred to the Blue & Green room refurbishment, a ‘Story Board’ had been set up at the end of the room to display the curtain material, flooring and paint to be used lead in times for the supply of the curtains etc need consideration at this meeting. He asked M Heaton to share her experience with the Trustees. The principals that would be used when considering any project – Who What Why When How – consideration on professional opinions and taking advice. The story board supplied was useful to understand the issue. S Hill raised concerns regarding paint surfaces and the importance of light to craft groups who used the rooms extensively. J Holmes advised that this would be investigated further. M Perry proposed that the Trust proceed to order the suggested curtains and proceed with the refurbishment, seconded by S Cleaver agreed by those present – M Heaton abstained.

The date of the AGM would be set once the auditor had been contacted to check how quickly we can get the accounts back and available for the meeting. This may possibly be late May or early June. Date to be advised.

Public Relations: J Holmes advised that the April submission to Essentials was currently being finalised. She reminded Trustees to let J Dutton know of any forthcoming events to allow time to get them in the magazine.

Secretary’s Report: two trees had been affected by the recent storms; one by the tennis courts had been removed. The Acacia tree on Clappers Lane covered by a TPO had been felled following agreement of the WCBC Arboriculture Officer. We need to replace this tree as part of the permission to fell. J Holmes advised that we had lost at least 4 trees in recent years and it was important the Trust consider replacement. This could not be done until the autumn. One of the suggestions was to plant to improve opportunities for photographs if wedding receptions are held in the hall.

Reports from Club & Affiliated Groups: All Saint’s Church: Coffee morning had raised £480 towards refurbishment of the church organ. The frugal lunches for Lent continue. On the 25th March for a donation of £5 you can play the church organ, the Tuesday group on the 28th March – Who says it’s a mans world? GAFC: it was reported that they are to amalgamate with Marford & Gresford Albion. Barrier rails for the junior pitch will be installed as agreed previously. In the last month GAFC 1st team has one 3 and lost 1 match. The manager Steve Halliwell had won Manager of the Month. The reserves are top of their league and in a cup final at the end of March. A Sportsman’s evening was being held on the 8th April tickets had sold out. A football tournament on the day of the Village Festival was being proposed. Community Council: a youth working party had circulated invitations to all groups to a meeting at Gresford Methodist Church on the 20th March to highlight opportunities available in the village - to focus on what the youth want and see what we can then achieve. Sue thanked M Heaton for organising the Volunteers Event at Llindir Hall which had been a great success enjoyed by everyone. The raffle had raised £167 for Nightingale House. Virgin Media made a presentation tot eh council regarding opportunities from the installation of the fast fibre optic broad band currently taking place. Cricket: AGM had been held and officers appointed. The North Wales regional cricket development officer is visiting the hall on the 16th March to look at the facilities as they are setting up a coaching project for primary school children – All Stars Cricket – and need internal facilities for this. Bowls: 8th April the season starts, installation of new boarding on the lower green is ongoing and a working party being held on Sunday for general maintenance, the mower was currently away for repair. Snooker: approaching end of the season 1st team 2nd in league and 2nd team 6th in league. More people are playing snooker particularly during the day and membership is up. W.I.: an interesting talk on the Tudors at last meeting, the group are going to make a donation towards purchase and ongoing maintenance of a defibrillator. Playgroup: the anticipated loss for this year had been revised currently taking small steps top turn position around. Lunch club on Friday is successful and the mother and toddler group very busy. Grants form the Community council for specific projects and form WCBC to provide specific IT type equipment had been received. Table top sale had been cancelled due to lack of interest. Craft Group: Quiltfest very good this year, to run for full month in 2018. Scouts: buying new tents with grant form Gresford Com Council. IMAGE: Some of the flower tubs were being replaced this weekend and there may be some large plants left over.

Village Festival: meeting upcoming, difficult to get groups to commit to event.

Defibrillator: funding identified from Welsh Ambulance Service in April. Cost to the Trust would be £1000. Training and maintenance will be provided by Ambulance Service. The wall mounted box would be unlocked but alarmed. Dates for training would be supplied in due course. J Davies expressed concern, in relation to his own property, regarding the effect of the alarm in the case of vandalism. I Gibson advised that the area was covered by CCTV and that no issues had been experienced in other areas. J Davies was reminded by the Chairman he is speaking as a Trustee when at Trust meetings.

100 Club Draw: - February 2017 1st No. 129 ‘Angus’, 2nd No. 50 S Cleaver, 3rd No 60 Mr I Gibson

Trust Meeting: Thursday 13th April 2017 7:30pm

Administration meeting: Tuesday 27th March 7pm.