Ms. Sanders - Room 1504
I am really excited that you have chosen to take Ceramics I. I believe you will really enjoy this class. In this course you will learn the vocabulary and language of ceramics, elements and principles of design, art criticism, aesthetics, and historical periods of ceramic art. You will learn a basic understanding of clay materials, glaze materials, make simple ceramic tools, how to use equipment, and the appropriate techniques in constructing three-dimensional art objects. Techniques you will learn include: pinch, coil building, slab construction, molding, glazing and an intro to wheel throwing. You will also learn how to express your work through detailed sketches.
1. RESPONSIBILITY. Be prepared. YOU are responsible for your actions and success. Determine to achieve and not make excuses. You can control your attendance, promptness, attitude and effort.
2. LISTEN TO AND FOLLOW TEACHER INSTRUCTION. I am here to help you. It is important that you listen to my discussions and instructions so that you will have the information necessary to achieve projects presented in class. Each student will have cleaning duties assigned to them which they will be expected to complete such as: cleaning tables, sinks, cabinets, pottery wheels, floors, tools, etc. This will be part of your grade in this course.
3. RESPECT YOURSELF, TEACHER, OTHERS AND MATERIALS. Respect for yourself starts with taking pride in things you do. When you work on a piece, care about what you are doing. You should take great pride in every piece you make. You should want everyone to know that you did it! TREAT OTHERS, AS YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. Respect materials means that you should treat all things as if they were your own. Be responsible for your use of supplies, tools, and studio area.
-If you do, you will be assigned a room beautification-cleaning detention after school. The choice is up to you.
4. PARTICIPATION. Be present for class, take part in discussions, make efficient use of time during class work sessions. You should demonstrate competence by completing all your sketches and major assignments. Some people feel that if they put forth some amount of effort that is good enough. Hard work evolves actively engaging your mind, using the information you have learned, and applying it to the solution of a project. It involves going beyond the minimum, working not only the whole time in class, but also outside of class.***YOU MUST ATTEND AT LEAST 3 ACADEMIC LABS PER GRADING PERIOD.
Sometimes I stay after school on ______till 4-4:30pm.
If you stay after please have a ride arranged or take the 4pm activity bus.
5. LIFE SKILLS. These would include using good manners with your classmates and teacher. Responding, “Yes ma’am and No ma’am” when being addressed by the teacher. You are not to interrupt the class in anyway preventing the goal of learning. You must always bring the appropriate materials to class (pencils, assignments, sketchbook, etc.) You are responsible for cleaning up your mess and helping others in the room.
6. FOOD AND DRINK is not allowed in the Ceramic Studio.
Be on time and attend class everyday. Ceramics is a hands on class. You must be in class to work and complete work on time. If you must be absent, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure your parent or guardian calls the school to verify within 24 hours. If you do not the absence is unexcused. Unexcused absences result in lower achievement, calls home, cleanup detentions, and point loss. IT IS NOT WORTH IT! You must be in my classroom when the bell rings or have a note from your teacher to be considered on time.
1st through 3rd Tardy: Mark book, and inform student.
4th Tardy and so on: Mark book and student is assigned a detention.
If you chose to skip or walk out you will be assigned THREE (3) after school detentions or room beautification-cleaning detentions after school. Be smart do not skip or walk out!
In high school, effort alone is not enough to achieve an “A”. You cannot, however, achieve one without it. The criteria for grading will involve fulfilling the project guidelines, originality, craftsmanship, and a student project evaluation. It will also reflect the level of participation and attitude attained through completion of projects and examinations.
*Incomplete assignments will be averaged as a ZERO!
We have reached a point that our budget is unable to keep up. In order to maintain our excellence and be able to offer choices of materials we ask that each student pay a fifteen-dollar ($15.00) materials fee to help supplement the costs. This amount should be paid cash or check (Make checks out to PARKWAY NORTH ART CLUB) and give to teacher. You receive much more than this in the clay, glazes and materials used on your pieces, but this will help to offset the increases.
*8 1/2 x 11-size sketchbook
-You will keep a sketchbook containing all handouts and notes taken on reading assignments, lectures, films, and demonstrations.
* Folder
*10-20 Old Schnucks, Dierbergs, Target, etc. size plastic grocery bags
(these are used to cover you wheel thrown pottery)
1 small box of black or white garbage bags
Wheel tool kit can be purchased for $ 8.00
By signing this I am stating that I have read the syllabus and understand the expectations for Ceramics I.
Parents home Number(s)______
Work Number(s)______
Parents email address______
Please sign and return this portion for your first class assignment next class period.
*Sketchbooks can be purchased at Wal-Mart, Target, Bardburns, Michael’s, Walgreens, Hobby Lobby, Art Mart or any other craft supply stores.