Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 13 July 2010, 7:00 p.m., 10102 Willowgrove
Call to Order (Emory Glover, president) at 7pm
Attendees: Garry Weisman Stephen Polnaszek, Brett Triola, Emory Glover, Robert Szafranski, Jonathan Roach, Howard Lindsey
Treasurer’s Report (Robert Szafranski, treasurer)
Provided actuals vs budget. Net income for the year is roughly $25,000.
Motion by Robert Szafranski that the Board empower the treasurer to move our storage unit from Public Storage to Meyer Park Storage. Seconded by Howard Lindsey. Motion passed.
Motion by Robert Szafranski that the Board empower the treasurer to roll over one Beal Bank CD of approximately $30,000 and to cash in one CD of approximately $19,000. Seconded by Stephen Polnaszek. Motion passed.
Standing Committee Reports
Architectural Control (Garry Weisman, Chair)
Home on Piermain is being completely renovated.
Publications and Technology (Howard Lindsay, Chair)
No report.
Deed Restrictions Enforcement (Jonathan Roach, Chair)
Two complaints brought up with no actions required.
Maintenance and Beautification (Joey Canahuati, Chair)
Sealing of the entry markers will take place this week.
Security (Stephen Polnaszek, Chair)
June crime stats were provided. The plan is to patrol about 60 hours per week with the combined donations and budget. Two patrol shifts were cut.
Motion by Howard Lindsey to accept all of the standing committee reports. Seconded by Garry Weisman. Motion passed.
Special Committee Reports
Mosquito Abatement (Stephen Polnaszek, Chair Pro Tem)
Working on the approval from the city storm drain enforcement.
Budget Planning (Scott Stjernstrom, Chair)
No report. Board suggests that the Budget Planning Committee consider the maximum allowable dues increase that doesn’t require a 2/3rds vote.
Financial Review (Robert Szafranski, Dr. Ho)
Draft of the financial review report from 2004 to 2008 completed.
Nominating Committee for 2011 Officers (Robert Garza, Chair)
Submitted list of 2011 nominees and whether the nominations have been accepted.
Picnic Planning Committee (John Mooney, Chair)
No report.
Deed Restriction Revision Committee (Graham Hildebrand, Chair)
No report. Discussed jurisdiction of Deed Restrictions on unkempt back yard.
Unfinished Business
No update regarding the Policies and Procedures Manual. (Erich Wolz)
Nailing down the WMCC website requirements (Erich Wolz)
Updated board and chairs roster provided by Stephen Polnaszek. Changes were suggested and a revised version will be emailed.
Discussed petition to rezone all of Willow Meadows to Bellaire High School. Subcommittee of Howard Lindsey, Cindy Mora, Brett Triola and Joey Canahuati formed to investigate this.
New Business
Next board meeting will be August 10th at 7pm at 10102 Willowgrove.
Motion to adjourn by Garry Weisman. Seconded by Jonathan Roach. Motion passed.