Texas Library Association

Texas Library Snapshot Day

Fall 2015

Summary and Overview of Responses

Total Number of Libraries Participating: 191 school, public, and academic libraries

Customer/student visits (door count)
Average Count: 2,458
Total Count: 398,181
Virtual counts (cumulative number of people accessing library services through phone, email, texting, or website service not in-person)
Average Count: 732
Total Count: 79,777

List some of the ways your library was used today (i.e., finishing homework, workforce development, computer training, etc.)?

Coursework, research, online library resources/databases, internet or computer use, asked for help, viewed the library's website, viewed the research guides, entertainment

1. The Library is a place to hand out with people and brainstorm on projects or go to a study room and get down to business! 2. Study and Print important notes/homework 3. I use it as a place to meet up for group projects and a place to go when I am tired of studying and work. 4. I use the library for resources, the service is very good, people are friendly, and to STUDY! 5. I use the library for research and study hall. 6. I use their study rooms, books, resources, website. 7. Study, print, sleep, read, use computer 8. I use the library for group work and studying 9. Borrowing the book 10. Came here to study 11. References, writing, papers, research 12. SPSS software to speak with Ms. June and Elsa; To get Candy 13. Messing around 14. To print assignment that’s it. 15. Searching research papers for biology 16. Video Checkout, Research, public events, gathering place 17. Study space, access the internet and have space to spread out and study 18. Study Hall 19. For homework research and to kill time before class 20. 1. Research 2. Study (rooms and boards) 3. Hangout between classes 21. I use the libraries usually for research purposes. Other times I just use them as a place to study away from my room.

2 IL sessions taught in NRG campus library. Group study room use. Copy machines/printing. ACC President/CEO visited HLC library with visitors from other institutions. Faculty used library and placed materials on reserve.

Online job application, genealogy research, entertainment, internet use, newspapers/magazines, homework assignments, workforce development, resume writing, checking out books for research and/or pleasure

Homework, research, resting between classes, etc.

For Homework, accessing social media sites, taking tests, getting coffee, visiting the Library Demo, getting popcorn, visiting for Game Night

job searching, Overdrive, newspapers/magazines, computer training, tumblebooks, arts/crafts

Finishing homework, working on research and technology projects, using online library resources, internet use, entertainment, Accelerated Reader testing, class storytime, Scholastic book fairs, investigating career information

Coursework Internet or computer use Groupwork in collaborative spaces Accessing Online Library resources databases Checking out library resources Using quiet space for study Entertainment Job seeking/resume building Looking at newspapers/magazines Attending a program or meeting Meeting with librarians for research consultations

Job Applications, Computer Training

Our library was used to help people learn English through our ESL class. There were also many adults who were studying and using our computers. Others came to entertain their kids through our Pokemon group and Star Wars Reads Day events.

Library was used as independent study space. Library was used to teach a lesson on Wikipedia and hoax websites. Library was used for iPad training and using the library union catalog.

Resume creation, job search, business analysis, stock research, genealogy research, pleasure reading

Book Talks Check out

inishing homework, research, book check out and return, quite place to study Google Apps for Education training Class library visits Individual flex check out Pumpkin contest Benchmark testing in labs chess club Halloween contests Staff meet with Region 10 Service Center Rep Google Classroom class/student training Mentors meet with their students

homework socializing gaming in our digital makerspace - 3D animation, music editing and composition research personal research National Honor Society tutors during extended hours extended hours

Small groups--reading, instruction, tutoring, testing, studying, meeting with mentors Digital citizenship lessons Librarian read-alouds Completing assignments/homework Research Leisure reading Grant writing Musical instrument practice for students Professional development for teachers Computer use and printing Circulating books Faculty meeting National Junior Honor Society meeting

Reading Club MakerSpace/STEM club Family Activity (Fall Family Fun Night) Parents/Teacher Conferences

Had story time for special needs adults.

checkout/ return materials use computers literacy lessons technology assistance ask questions parent/teacher conferences student teacher meeting with professor read school project mentors meeting students technology class

Internet or computer use Asked for help with questions or technology Research Coursework/homework/tutoring Attend a program or meeting Job seeking/resume building Entertainment Online library resources and databases Check out items

We invited a writer/cartoonist to visit our 6 grade students.

Author visit with grade 6 ELA and Art classes

On-line training study area mini-conference between teachers OC/Physical therapy for student Library class time Small group tutoring

Coursework, Research, Internet use, Databases, Test taking, and Entertainment

Checking out books Lesson on e-books Homeroom/tutorials Chess, checkers, computer games Online and paper testing Research and printing

finishing homework, group project preparation, use of computers in a mini-lab section of the building,

Finishing homework, looking for par time jobs, looking for books, and AR testing.

Finishing Homework Computer Research

Storybook Pumpkin Displays are beginning to be turned in. Studies of Author Jackie Mims Hopkins - she will be visiting next week. Learning Space Tables - with Jaguar Leaders (special behavior reward) working on Logical activities Reading nooks - Dr. Seuss Nook & Reading Hut Before dismissal Reading on Sofas.

Shelter from the rain storm Reading periodicals Playing with toys Browsing for new books

- 4th grade checkout - 5th grade checkout - Staff FALL-oween breakfast - students used quiet corners to take tests and complete assignments - students used iPads with Osmo Words & Tangrams - 5th graders used laptops when not enough computers in classrooms - Students with illness/casts and indoor recess read in library

We started the day with students (50 kids) waiting in the library for school to start and with a teacher meeting (13). Then first grade came to checkout books and see the pumpkin book characters on display in the library (193) and some fifth graders came in for checkout (10). We set up the book fair with 6 volunteers.

Junior High UIL practice Dual credit classes Checking books in and out Accelerated Reader tests

Parents and children of all ages attended our Halloween program Group working on robotics project Individuals learning out to download ebooks and emagazines Students 3D printing design project for school Computer/internet usage Picking up books to read for pleasure and research Doing homework

taking a test, finishing homework, small group instruction, book check out, computer use, iPad use, etc...

testing book checkout research Google classroom assignments typing papers Lunch time - checkers, chess, reading, word search games, audiobook listening

Three people used our free notary services; 119 people used our computers; 82 people attended our five programs; 3 groups used our meeting rooms; 22 people reserved our study rooms; and

Children came after school to wait on parents to get home from work. We set out some pumpkins for them to paint, and had a great turnout. Families came to carve pumpkins, several had never carved them before. One lady needed help with her lap top. Job application

On Friday, October 23rd, and Saturday, October 24th, we held our third annual Haunted Library event. It has quickly become one of our community's favorite and most well-attended events of the year! We turn the entire Library into a free haunted house for those two days, and our patrons absolutely love it.

1. Finishing Homework 2. Researching for ELA project 3. Reading/ Book Pass Assignment with 7th ELA classes 4. Book Return and Book Check Out 5. Book Club Meeting

Students making up a test. 8th grade students participating in "Speed Date a Book". 6th grade students coming to work independently on their Latin America project. 2 classes of 8th grade students circulating. Librarian pulled books for 8th grade Social Studies about the American Revolution.

instruction, taking online assessments, independent checkout during stations, whole class checkout

Story Time Staff meeting

Our library was used by people looking for books as well as computer use. We also had a home-school group and a community Japanese class use our meeting rooms.

1. "Books & Breakfast" teacher event 2. Student morning broadcast show 3. Library classes 4. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF drive 5. Pumpkin Decorating Festival

1 A place to hang out in the morning before school begins 2. Chess practice 3. MackinVia training (databases) for 8th grade classes 4. Checking out books 5. A.R. testing 6. Reading ebooks 7. Taking a test

1) 57 students used computers to conduct online research and to work on online projects. 2) Supporting college & career readiness: 39 students, following a field trip to Alief Early College, completed a reflective, online survey created by our Transition Counselor in Naviance, an online college & career program. 3) 50 students participated in a video conference. 4) 195 students shared scary stories in the Literacy Lounge. 5) 260 students visited the Scholastic Book Fair. 6) Circulated 85 books.

Science Vocabulary Day photos Staff trick-or-treat (my office) Fundraiser Treasure Tower winners (205 students) First Grade storytime and checkout Individual checkout Mentors met with mentees Name That Book practice (3rd-5th Grade)

Reading Putting books on hold online Creating with the Maker Space Checking out books Lunch with mentors Book discussions Lessons Students who needed extra time on assessment

English classes (3 teachers and 2 grade levels)

Dual language intervention group. Individual student testing. Whole class check out. Individual student check out. Teacher check out.

Mentoring Finishing work Research using the computers Builder Buddies Maker Club ID badges for students Working on small group projects Story Times for 5 Classes Teaching students how to use ipad apps to present information Forces and Motion Science Scavenger Hunt using ipads Reading Group Teachers using the library to finish work Teacher use of color printer District trainers met to discuss trainings

Computers used to look up books and request them from other district libraries.

Homework Projects Class check-out Individual check-out Flu shot clinic Classes for pull-out students (daily) Classes taught by librarians Classes taught by other teachers

* Class library book check outs * PK, PPCD, and Life Skills library lessons and book check outs * Tutoring * Morning staff meeting * Watch Dog Dad survey * I worked on finances in my office * Staff children report to the library after school and stay until their parents pick them up

classes checkout teaching reading, print and digital computer searches quiet work space leisure workforce development

Book Fair Literacy Night activities Research projects Check out

Making badges. Parents used the computers. Tutoring of students by paraprofessionals. Collaboration of librarian with teacher.

Finishing Homework Student Research on historical figure Tours of storybook pumpkin contest Living History Museum Showcase student work Reading AR testing Checking out books

Internet Safety Classes, teachers searching for books, student check out, parent used computer and printer.

Used to host Book Fair, 1 District 1 Book Reading Program, Used for Parent Reading Program, Parent English Program, Check out Books,Used to Host Reading Night,

Library instruction through ancillary classes Open check-out in the morning

1. Community volunteers mentoring students. 2. Student book club. 3. Lunch space for office staff. 4. Computer access for substitutes. 5.

story time class checkout teacher workspace parent computer access

The library was used for book checkout and Makerspaces.

test taking research projects Social Studies lesson using the iPads and a district database

Class checkout visits, story time, recreational computer time, Scratch programming training, individual checkout visits, reading time

In the morning before the school day begins, five fourth grade classes are in the library for a read aloud. I read aloud The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt. A digital citizenship lesson on plagiarism was taught to five classes. A parent enrichment was held in the library after school. The topics were math multiplication and a literacy outreach, BiblioTech. Parents signed up for library cards to the digital library. A small math class is held in the library daily.

Parents spent time reading to their children.

1. Studying/completing homework 2. Hanging out/playing chess 3. Testing 4. Setting up an art exhibit

Lego construction program for children ages 3-18 Instruction program on how to use the library catalog Homework Email How to use Overdrive Coin club meeting

Sophmore English research launch day Silk Road Project-World History Project-Anatomy and Physiology Junior English Research Paper-final draft Maker spaces-spiders from Blow Pops Party for receiving the Donors Choose books Tutoring with football team

- Six lessons on book genres - Test taking - Online searches - Google Expedition team at Mata this date - Google Expedition lead teacher meeting in library -

Finish Class Work, Testing, Cyberbulling Lesson, Computer Use reading eBooks, and Book Checkout

Booktalks for all of 2nd and 3rd grade

Finishing homework Six ELA classes visited to work on short story theme research Printing

Finishing homework Finding resources for SAT, ACT, and AP exams Finding resources for college scholarship programs Submitting papers to Turnitin.com Selecting books for academic and leisure purposes Reading of newspapers and magazines

We are located right across the street from an junior high school, so we get kids that come in to work on homework; whether it is at tables in the back or on the computer. We have a quiet room that is equipped with computers and is strictly for homework or job applications. A few people came in wanting help with some of mobile/tablet services our library system offers.

Parent workshop. Finish Classwork. Check out books.

13 classes checked out books. 44 students placed holds on the library computers. A mentor worked with a student

4 classes of students came to library for story time sessions and to check out library books

ELA department meeting Student Book Club ARMS club meeting One on one oral testing Homework