Carnarvon Rooms, Chestnut Grove, Burton Joyce at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs Cluff, Fife, Greenfield, Hazard, Hyde, Johnson, Ringham & Wells
In Attendance: GBC Cllr Kevin Doyle
Jackie Dawn (Parish Clerk)
15/1054 Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllrs C & P Blandamer, & Hutt
15/1055 Declarations of Interest: None received
15/1056 Minutes of Meeting held on 1st September 2015: With the omission of Cllr Johnson from the list of Neighbourhood Planning working group members noted, the minutes of the meeting held on the 1st September 2015 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
15/1057 Open Session for the Public – meeting adjourned at 7.32pm Cllr Kevin Doyle provided a verbal update on issues which included the Gedling Community Safety Partnership, a policing report from Paddy Tipping, the intended sale of the Mineral Line and the provision of two new grit bins to be sited at Orchard Close and Bridle Road. The meeting reconvened at 7.40pm.
15/1058 Payment List, Balance Performance & Bank Reconciliation
The payment list for September/October, the balance (budget) performance and the bank reconciliation to the end of August had been previously circulated. It was resolved to approve the payment list, balance (budget) performance and bank reconciliation as presented.
15/1059 Correspondence
It was resolved to receive and note the summary of correspondence received attached as an appendix to the agenda of the October 2015 meeting. It was agreed that Cllrs Hazard, Fife and Greenfield would attend the CIL meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.
15/1060 Committees
(i) Amenities: It was resolved to receive minutes of the Amenities Committee meeting held on 22nd September 2015 and to consider the recommendations contained therein:
a. Cemetery – Cemetery Fees: It was resolved to approve the revised Cemetery Fees as presented.
b. Cemetery – Storage Unit Request: It was resolved to refuse the proposal to erect a storage unit at the Cemetery.
c. The Grove & Cemetery – Tree Works: It was resolved to authorise urgent tree works at the Grove and Cemetery as described.
d. Delegated Authority: Members discussed and made decision on the recommendations for delegated authority as presented by the Amenities Committee as follows:
(i) Allotments
a. it was resolved to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to approve or refuse applications for sheds, poly-tunnels or other structures
b. it was resolved to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to resolve boundary and allotment area issues
c. it was resolved not to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to determine , approve and implement annual allotment fees
d. it was resolved to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to authorise or refuse repayment of deposits to tenants on relinquishment of plots based on condition of allotment at end of their rental period
e. it was resolved to amend the recommendation as presented and to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to conduct regular allotment inspections and authorise termination of allotment agreements if terms of agreement breached, subject to formal review of decision by full Parish Council if requested.
(ii) Cemetery
a. it was resolved to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to approve and authorise works required to maintain headstone safety
b. it was resolved not to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to resolve disputes relating to Cemetery fees charged
c. it was resolved to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to request removal of inappropriate memorial materials in accordance with the Parish Council’s Cemetery regulations
d. it was resolved not to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to grant permission for the planting of trees or accept donation of benches
(iii) Tree Works
It was resolved to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to approve and prioritise any tree works within the approved budget
(iv) Floral Displays & Hanging Baskets
It was resolved to amend the recommendation as presented and to delegate authority to the Amenities Committee to approve the allocation of the annual budget in respect of floral display/hanging basket schemes
(ii) Planning: It was resolved to receive minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on the 15th September and to receive a summary of the meeting held on the 1st September.
a. Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Hazard confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group had met and had agreed to look at other plans in the Borough and contact a local advisor for advice prior to a formal recommendation being made to a future meeting.
(iii) Poplars Sports Ground: It was resolved to receive the minutes of the Poplars Sports Ground Committee held on the 22nd September and to consider the recommendations therein:
a. Annual Bonfire & Fireworks Event: It was resolved:
(i) to approve the date of the annual bonfire and firework event be changed to Friday 6th November 2015.
(ii) to approve the admission charges at £3.50 for adults and £1.50 for children
b. BJFC Conditional Agreement: It was resolved to approve the Partnership and Service Level Agreement between Burton Joyce Parish Council and Burton Joyce Football Club as presented. It was noted that discussions to develop a more comprehensive agreement was ongoing.
c. BJFC Extra Access Request: Cllr Cluff explained the complexity of fee structures for non-block booking reservations in respect of the 3G pitch. Following a lengthy discussion, it was agreed to amend the recommendation and to resolve to approve delegation of authority to the Poplars Sports Ground Committee to determine, implement and review any promotional charges for 3G pitch reservations outside of the block booking allocation and to advise full Council at the next scheduled meeting.
d. Poplars Sports Ground – Proposed New Floodlit 3G Pitch
(i) Cllr Cluff confirmed that work was progressing well on the 3G pitch and the anticipated end-build date was the 3rd December. Issues with regard to lighting ducts, drainage and fencing had been addressed. It was agreed that claims for payments made to date would now be submitted.
(ii) Cllr Cluff advised that 3 quotes had now been received for the fencing and it was resolved to approve Barnards as the preferred contractor for fencing as they were not only the most competitive price but could start within the required timescale.
d. Transfer of Admin: Following a brief discussion, it was resolved to approve the formation of a working group to make recommendation on proposed transfer of administration to the Poplars. It was agreed that a meeting date would be arranged and membership of the working group would comprise the Parish Clerk, Ground & Amenities Manager, Deputy Parish Clerk and Cllrs Cluff, Ringham and Johnson.
e. Burton Joyce PTA: Following consideration of the application submitted, it was resolved to grant complimentary use of the Poplars Lounge for 6 meetings, subject to availability.
(iv) Finance & General Purposes Committee: It was noted that there had been no formal meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee in September.
(v) Community Engagement: It was resolved to receive minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 8th September 2015 and to consider the recommendations contained therein:
a. Village Litter Pick: It was resolved to approve arrangements for the autumn village litter pick as discussed and to e-mail date and time to members.
b. Delegated Authority: It was resolved to approve delegated authority to the Communities Committee for the management of Christmas Fair arrangements with approved expenditure on any item up to £250.
15/1061 Shelford Mineral Extraction Proposal
Members noted Brett Aggregates application to Notts County Council for a scoping opinion on their proposed extraction of minerals at the Shelford site. It was resolved that the Parish Clerk and Cllr Fife would draft a response to the scoping opinion request and forward a draft to all members and to Cllr Kevin Doyle for comment.
15/1062 Burton Joyce Primary School – 20mph Speed Limit
Members noted and supported the proposed introduction of a 20mph school speed limit.
15/1063 Train Fares
A copy of the letter from a resident with regard to the perceived price discrimination on train fares to/from Burton Joyce had been previously circulated and it was resolved to refer this item to the Communities Committee for consideration and recommendation.
15/1064 Social Media
Following a brief discussion which considered the introduction of social media, it was resolved to delegate authority to consider and make recommendation on the introduction of social media to the Finance & General Purposes Committee
15/1065 Application for Purchase of Tablet
Following an application for the purchase of a tablet, it was resolved to purchase a tablet to the value of approximately £300 for use by the Parish Council Chair.
15/1066 Community Amenity
It was resolved to discuss this item under confidential session and to exclude any members of the public and press present due to commercial sensitivities. Following a lengthy discussion, it was resolved that the Parish Council would put forward a proposal to the Trustees on the terms agreed by members and report their response back to the next meeting.
15/1067 Information Update
Cllr Johnson confirmed that tickets were now available for the Village Venture production on Saturday 14th November.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm
Date of Next Published Meeting – Tuesday 3rd November 2015