Ancient Order of Hibernians
Colonel Thomas J. Cunningham Jr. Division
“Faugh A Ballagh”
August 1, 2016
July 11-14, 2016
Notes and Observations
Margie and I arrived at the Harrah’s Resort & Waterfront Conference Center) Casino about mid-day on Tuesday, July 12th. Upon Hotel registration (not a problem) followed by Convention registration (very impersonal, not very welcoming….), I caught up with State President, Gene Bransfield, who had already secured the Virginia State voting credentials (30 in total). Approximately 7 of the 30 credentials had been distributed prior to my arrival and a number of the remaining credentials were going to require changes involving Alternates which were going to be present in lieu of the pre listed delegates previously provided to the National Secretary by me.
Bob & Linda Fay had arrived the previous day. Bob had intended to participate in a floor vote led by National Director Mike Delaney involving “At Large” Hibernians who are in proximity to a Division. Due to a credential registration issue, Bob (along with several other Brothers throughout the Order) was not able to vote on the amendment. Bob’s credentials were provided to him later that day by me.
During the course of the day, a lot of networking took place by all in attendance. That evening, a Theatrical Group from Cleveland performed an “Easter 1916 Through Song & Story” for a rather packed house. The presentation was terrific! Bob and I along with or spouses then ventured out to “visit” the 8 Hospitality Suites that made up the Convention….!
Wednesday, July 13th, involved a lot of time devoted to getting approved credentials out to those from Virginia that made it to Atlantic City for voting on Thursday morning. By the end of the afternoon, I had successfully provided credentials to 27 out of a possible 30 delegates from Virginia. The afternoon was spent by Bob Fay and me along with at least 30 other Brothers in the Virginia State Caucus to discuss the strategy of electing Brother Ralph Day (D.C). This caucus was led by National Director Mike Delaney, who did a superb job in managing the time and discussion points. This year, 6 National Directors were going to be elected from a pool of 8 candidates which included Ralph Day. Mike Delaney had previously elected not to rerun for a National Director position. Following the state discussions, the Virginia Caucus entertained presentations from 6 of the other 7 Candidates.
That evening, approximately 1,000 guests attended the “”Irish Nite Dinner/Dance” at the Harrah’s facility. The guest speaker was Mary Lou McDonnell, VP, Sinn Fein (a fantastic speaker) and the recipient of the 2016 St. Brigid of Ireland Humanitarian Award was Agnes O’Leary. A vey nice evening!
Thursday, July 14th, was election morning starting at 7am.. We awaited the bus loads of Brothers coming in from NJ and NY to place their ballot for the local NY Candidates for the National Director positions. Locally, Brothers Cole Slattery and Francis Thornton arrived that morning to participate in the election as well as to take part in the Major Degree that afternoon. Brother Francis was a Candidate whereas Brothers Bob, Cole and I witnessed the Major Degree. Approximately 50 Brothers made their Major Degree that afternoon.
Prior to that evening’s Installation Dinner, we learned that our Candidate, Ralph Day, was not elected as a National Director. All new Directors reside in the New England area if I recall correctly (aside from a gentleman from Ohio).
Thursday evening consisted of the formal Installation Dinner/Dance, attended by at least 1,000 guests. The guest speaker was Barbara Jones, Consul General of Ireland, NYC and the recipient of the 2016 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial Award was Major General Patrick Henry Brady, Major General Brady is the only living Army Veteran of Vietnam to hold both the Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross, our nation’s second highest award. It was an Honor for all of us present that evening to meet this wonderful individual.
Friday morning, Margie and I traveled north to Tenafly, NJ to visit with Brother Fr. Pat Kelly for the weekend. Fr. Pat continues to offer daily prayers for our Division and is exploring an opportunity for members of our Division to visit NYC sometime in early 2017…..more to follow!
Jay McCarthy
President, Colonel Thomas J. Cunningham Jr. Division
Virginia State Secretary
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America
Brief video provided by Brother Bob – thank you!
26 Christopher Lane
Potomac Falls, VA 20165