The LAB met on November 3, 2008 with the following members present:
Pattie Lovelady Margaret Riley Laura Wilson Neota Brady Simone Bailey Mary McAllister Melissa Uhlhorn Gail Douglas Nicki Stohr
Pattie Lovelady, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order.
Hearing of Residents-- none
- Minutes – Consideration and/or action regarding the approval of the minutes of October 6, 2008.
Simone Bailey moved to approve the minutes as presented. Neota Brady seconded. Motion carried.
- Treasurer’s Report --Consideration and /or action approving the October 2008 Treasurer’s Report.
Due to the early November meeting date, the October report was not available as information from the city is not available. The September report was presented. Margaret Riley moved to approve the September report and Simone Bailey seconded. Motion passed. Laura Wilson reported that October Bookstore sales were $1,401.50. Also $500 was received from Abitibi recycling.
- Librarians’ Report
- October 2008 Library usage statistics
Circulation — 21,953 Patrons — 16,330 Computer Usage—2,471 Phone calls – 1,003 Info/re/comp questions—681
Volunteer hrs. – 269 Restitution hrs. – 16.75
- October Library programs and program statistics
Storytime attendance – 1,554
October programs included the Pizza Taste Off and Schertz Fire Fighters.
The Fall Reading Program begins in November. FamilyLegoBuilding
will be onNovember 18th. Participants will create a board game and
build Lego racers and tallstanding structures.
- October 2008 Fundraising statistics
Approximately $471,000 has been raised.
- Future fund raising campaign with Capital One Bank
Capital 1 will sponsor a Piggy Bank campaign after the Christmas holiday.
- Bookstore Committee Report
- Follow-up on the October 18, 2008 Bookstore Sidewalk Sale including staffing, pricing and publicity.
Posters should be displayed in the Bookstore and the library. Thanks to everyone who helped set-up and work the sale. More people will be needed for clean-up at future book sales. Consider different prices (e.g. paperbacks 10¢ per inch, hardbacks 25¢ per inch, VHS tapes 50¢) from those in the Bookstore.
- Setting dates for December 2008 Christmas Sale and publicity of sale.
Christmas sale will begin December 1. Set up will be at noon on Saturday. November 29th. Publicity items will be sent to Schertz Tales and Herald Newspaper.
Discussion and Possible Action
- Furnishings and Floor Layout of Bookstore and Workroom in new LibraryBuilding – consideration and/or possible action concerning furnishing the new bookstore with existing furniture and/or purchasing new furniture.
Melissa Uhlhorn reported that some of the items available for use are metal paperback shelving, circulation desk (4 sections), metal magazine shelves, filing cabinet, office desks, long bench, 84” shelving, and 66” double shelving. Consensus of the LAB members was to use as many items in either the Bookstore or Workroom as possible. However, some items of furniture may need to be purchased. Book carts will also need to be purchased. Floor layouts of the 2 areas were discussed.
- Library Bookmark Design Contest-- Consideration and/or action regarding bookmark design contest winner.
Two hundred entries were submitted. A winning bookmark was selected from the finalists.
- “Picturing America” Exhibit grant from National Endowment for the Hunanities – briefing and discussion on status of grant application and consideration and/or action on request for additional funding from LAB for display of exhibit.
Grant has been submitted. The “Picturing America” Exhibit consists of 20 American history art work posters. Posters would arrive in April and must be accessible to the public for 1 year. Posters could be displayed on PVC pipe stands. Four hundred dollars is requested to build the stands. Word will be received in December as to whether grant has been approved. Mary McAllister moved to fund up to $400 for the stands. Laura Wilson seconded. Motion passed.
- Library Float – Consideration and/or action on choosing theme and workday for library Festival of Angels float.
The parade is Friday, December 5th. Theme of the float will be based on the book, Dream Snow by Eric Karl. Children on the float will wear animal masks or snowflake faces. Nicki will notify us as to work time and place.
- Items by the Library Board Members
- Reminder to Board Members to turn in LAB applications to City Secretary.
Submit your application if your term is up and you wish to be considered for another term on the LAB. LAB members will be appointed at the City Council meeting the first Tuesday of December.
- Reminder to Board Members to fill out Texas Open Records Act notice of access to personal information.
Paperwork will be available at the next board meeting.
- Call for items to be included on next agenda.
Michael Spain, city attorney, will attend the December board meeting.
Discussion of residency and possible non-resident usage fees.
Simone Bailey moved to adjourn and Laura Wilson seconded. Motion passed. The next meeting will be Monday, December 1, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.