Massachusetts Association for Vascular Access Networks

A Local Network of the Association of Vascular Access (AVA)

2018 Conference

“Annual Full Day Conference”

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

8:00 am- 4:00 pm

Registration 7:30 am


43 Scanlon Drive

Randolph, MA 02368


From Route 24:
Take Route 24 North to I-93 North - formerly 128 South - to Exit 5A (Randolph, Route 28 South). Take a right at the first set of lights onto Scanlon Drive. The Lantana is at the end of Scanlon Drive on the right.

From Logan International Airport:
Take Sumner Tunnel to I-93 South (“Southeast Expressway”) formerly 128 North - to Exit 5A (Randolph, Route 28 South). Take a right at the first set of lights onto Scanlon Drive. The Lantana is at the end of Scanlon Drive on the right.

From Boston:
Take I-93 South (“Southeast Expressway”) formerly 128 North - to Exit 5A (Randolph, Route 28 South). Take a right at the first set of lights onto Scanlon Drive. The Lantana is at the end of Scanlon Drive on the right.

From Cape Cod:
Take Route 3 North to I-93 South - formerly 128 - to Exit 5A (Randolph, Route 28 South). Take a right at the first set of lights onto Scanlon Drive. The Lantana is at the end of Scanlon Drive on the right.

From Rhode Island:
Take I-95 north to I-93 North - formerly 128 - to Exit 5A (Randolph, Route 28 South). Take a right at the first set of lights onto Scanlon Drive. The Lantana is at the end of Scanlon Drive on the right.

From the West:
Take the Mass Pike to I-95 South to I-93 North (formerly 128 South) to Exit 5A (Randolph, Route 28 South). Take a right at the first set of lights onto Scanlon Drive. The Lantana is at the end of Scanlon Drive on the right.

(Continental Breakfast)


8:30-9:30Tissue Adhesive: A New Tool for the Vascular Access Toolbox

Leigh Ann Bowe-Geddes RN, CRNI, VA-BC

9:30-10:30Dialysis Initiation and Optimal Vascular Access; Outcomes and Mortality

Shannon Norris RN, BSN

Manufacturer’s Exhibits

11:00-12:00Nursing Ingenuity: Bedside and Beyond

Margaret McLaughlin RN and Melinda Watman RN, MSN, MBA

12:00-1:00Lunch (Provided) Manufacturers Exhibits

1:00-2:00Early Assessment and Device Selection

Mike Brazunas, BSN,RN,VA-BC,Clinical Specialist


2:15-3:15Bringing the Periphery into Focus: Risks Associated with Peripheral IVs

Lois Davis MSN, RN

3:15-3:45Evaluation and Closing Remarks

Send Payment to:


PO BOX 779

Plymouth, MA 02362


Register on line (preferred method) at

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

8:00 am- 4:00 pm

Registration 7:30 am


43 Scanlon Drive
Randolph, MA 02368

Continuing Education

This program meets the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing Requirements of a Continuing Education Program as set forth in Regulation 244MR 5.04 for 5.0 Contact Hours

Contact-Lois Davis


Conference Fees:

Register online (preferred method) at

Registrations and Payment due by Friday, May 18, 2018

After May 18, $85.00

MAVAN member  $65.00

Non-member  $75.00

Registration Information:






Nursing License#______

Make checks payable to MAVAN

VISA  MasterCard  American Express 

Credit Card #______

Exp. Date______Security code______

Zip code:______

Signature: ______