Thursday, August 14, 2014, 5:30 P.M., Board Room
Hunter Beasley, Ph.D., President, Presiding
The School Board of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, met in special session at its regular meeting place, the Lafayette Parish School Board Administrative Building, Board Room, Lafayette, Louisiana, on Thursday, August 14, 2014, 5:30 P.M., pursuant to notice given in writing to every member.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Hunter Beasley, President; Tommy Angelle, Vice-President; Gregory Awbrey, Mark Babineaux, Kermit Bouillion, Tehmi Chassion, Shelton J. Cobb, Mark Cockerham and Rae Trahan, Board Members; Dr. Pat Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer/Superintendent
The Chair called the meeting to order.
1. Review of Budget Recap & Timeline
Motion (Awbrey, Babineaux) that the Board instruct staff and Superintendent to proceed with the advertisement of the 2014-2015 General Fund budget as approved by the Board on July 31, 2014; and that the request for the advertisement of the budget be given to the Daily Advertiser, August 15 and request that it be advertised by August 20, 2014.
A substitute motion was made by Cockerham that the Board include a $209,000 line item for the three positions, and the utilization of Fund Balance be increased by same amount.
After some discussion, the substitute motion was withdrawn.
The Chair called for a vote on the motion made by Awbrey and Babineaux.
Voting for were Angelle, Awbrey, Babineaux, Beasley, Chassion and Trahan. Voting against were Bouillion, Cobb and Cockerham. Motion carried.
Motion (Trahan, Angelle) that the Board ask the Board President to begin the advertising process if staff has not complied with directive of this evening and two weeks ago to advertise budget.
Voting for were Angelle, Beasley, Chassion and Trahan. Voting against were Awbrey, Babineaux, Beasley, Bouillion and Cobb. Motion failed.
2. Administration's Revised 2014-2015 General Fund Budget Reductions
3. Summary of Board Approved Adjustments and Suggested Adjustments: 2014-2015 Proposed General Fund Budget
4. Board member recommended cuts (1100 Cost Centers)
5. Board member recommended cuts (1200 Cost Centers)
6. Board member recommended cuts (1300 Cost Centers)
7. Board member recommended cuts (1400-1425 Cost Centers)
8. Board member recommended cuts (1426-1450 Cost Centers)
9. Board member recommended cuts (1451-1475 Cost Centers)
10. Board member recommended cuts (1476-1499 Cost Centers)
11. Board member recommended cuts (1500 Cost Centers)
12. Board member recommended cuts (1600 Cost Centers)
No discussion held on Items 2-12.
13. Strategy session and/or action concerning pending litigation
Motion (Awbrey, Bouillion) that the Board go into Executive Session in regards to Greg Davis vs. Lafayette Parish School Board, Mark Babineaux, Tehmi Chassion, Civil Action Number 14-2447.
Voting for were Angelle, Awbrey, Babineaux, Beasley, Bouillion, Chassion, Cobb, and Trahan. Voting against was Cockerham. Motion carried.
Motion (Chassion, Babineaux) that the Board go back to Regular Session. Motion carried.
Motion (Chassion, Cockerham) that the Board request that Judge Haik not recuse himself from Greg Davis vs. Lafayette Parish School Board, Mark Babineaux, Tehmi Chassion, Civil Action Number 14-2447. Motion carried.
There being no further business, it was moved by Awbrey, seconded by Chassion, and carried that the meeting adjourn.
/s/ Hunter Beasley, Ph.D. /s/ Dr. Pat Cooper
Hunter Beasley, Ph.D., President Dr. Pat Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer