For more detailed information on how to place your order, track sales by Scout, etc., please refer to the left navigation panel in the Popcorn System.

How to place your Show and Sell Order

  1. Sign in to your Popcorn Systemaccount (login information provided by your council)
  2. Click on the UnitOrders menu
  3. Click New Unit Order, and select the Campaign (eg. Fall 2016) and the Order from the dropdown menus
  4. Enter the quantity of cases needed next to each product (column in red below)
  5. Click on Save Changes
  6. When your order is complete, click on Submit to Council

Ordering Denominations

Depending on the order, you may have the option to order in just cases, or possibly even cases and containers.

CS = Case

A case contains multiple selling units of any given Trail's End product (eg. There are six 18pk cartons of Unbelievable Butter in one case)

CT = Container

An individual selling unit of any given Trail's End Product (eg. One 18pk carton of Unbelievable Butter)

Containers : Case

Each product line displays a case per container ratio (eg. 6:1). For example, there are six 18pk cartons of Unbelievable Butter in one case

How to add Scouts to the Popcorn System

  1. On your Unit Home Page, click on the Scouts menu
  2. Click on New Scout(circled in red below)
  3. Enter the First Name & Last Name
  4. When you are done, click Submit
  5. Scouts that have registered online selling accounts, and that are associated with your unit will already be displayed in your Scout list

How to credit your Scouts for Show and Sell and Take Order

  1. On your unit Home Page, click on the Scout Orders menu
  2. Click the Scout Tracking button
  3. When your Show and Sell sales are complete, enter the total amount sold by each Scout under the Show and Sell column
  4. When your Take Order sales are complete, either enter the total amount sold by each Scout in the Take Order column, or click on Enter Order
  • If you clicked on Enter Order, select the campaign and the appropriate order from the dropdown menus, enter the total quantity sold by Scout for each item, and click Save
  1. Return to the Scout Trackingmenu to continue entering sales for each Scout. Complete these steps for all Scouts.

How to place your Take Order

  1. After you have added all sales by Scout, click on the Unit Orders menu
  2. Click the New Unit Order button, and select the campaign and the appropriate order from the dropdown menus
  3. The Total Scout Need column shows the orders you entered on the Scouts / Scout Tracking pages
  4. If you have leftover Show and Sell product, use it to fill your Take Order by entering negative numbers in the Order Adjustment column. (column in red below)
  5. Your final order will be listed to the right under the Council Order column
  6. Double check all of your numbers before submitting to your Council
  7. Click on Save Changes
  8. When your order is complete, click on Submit to Council