Excel Academy Charter School Board of Trustees
January 31, 2017
Capital One Strategy Consulting, 50 Fairfield Street, Boston, MA
Board Members Attending In Person: Ben Howe (Co-Chair), Chris DeLorey (Co-Chair), Cait Reimers Brumme (Vice-Chair), Tom Ellis (Treasurer), Stephen Mugford, Matt Ottmer, Susan Passoni
Board Member Attending by Phone: Mary Elisabeth Swerz
Staff Attending: Owen Stearns (CEO), Andrew Solomon (Managing Director of Finance & Operations), Rebecca Korb (Director of Talent), Jake Foy (Development Advisor)
Member of the Public Attending: Dan Riff
Ben Howe, Board Co-Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:30am and presided over the meeting. Jake Foy kept the minutes of the meeting.
Ben made a motion to accept the minutes from the December 20, 2016 board meeting. The motion was seconded by Chris and the Board UNANIMOUSLY approved the Minutes.
Owen presented the Student Enrollment Policy to the Board outlining this year’s policy. The main change to the policy is in regard to the common application on offer this year and the drastic increase in applications already received. After a brief discussion, Ben motioned to approve the Enrollment Policy. The motion was seconded by Susan and the Board then UNANIMOUSLY approved the motion.
Rebecca introduced herself and described the current two person talent team and the process through which the team sources, recruits, interviews, and hires talent in addition to outlining the responsibilities shared in regard to Human Resources.
Andrew Solomon provided a finance update based on Q2 reports, which indicated tuition was slightly higher than expected and expenses were slightly lower than expected.
Jake Foy presented a brief update on fundraising-related tools and trackers, requested that Board Members review the list of prospects provided and indicated that he would follow up on potential outreach to new likely givers.
Owen and Stephen provided a brief update on strategic growth initiatives moving forward given the vote in November to keep the cap intact in Massachusetts.
Ben motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00am, seconded by Chris and the Board then UNANIMOUSLY approved the motion.
List of Documents Presented at the Meeting:
- Minutes from December 20, 2016 Board Meeting
- Enrollment Policy
- HR/Recruiting Presentation
- Finance Presentation
- Fundraising Documents
- Strategy Slide
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris DeLorey, Co-Chair______