Update Report for Planning Committee 10.06.2015
Committee Planning Manager: Jayne Cashmore
14/02372/OUT–Land to the North of, Shipston Road, Alderminster- Correction on Page 23 of the agenda, 7th Paragraph - the words “Tanworth in Arden” should refer to “Alderminster”.
- Note that the ‘less than substantial harm’ identified by the SDC Heritage Consultant and summarised on page 22 of the report before members, would need to be clearly outweighed by the public benefits of the scheme.
The applicant has submitted an additional statement outlining that the housing mix stated on the application form is purely indicative at this stage. The housing mix is stated to be based on the applicant’s understanding of the housing market with a density to reflect the location within a village. The final mix would be put forward as part of a reserved matters scheme.
Additional Comment(s) Received
1 additional response has been received from a local resident, reiterating previously raised concerns in relation to flooding and the lack of detail submitted. Concerns are also raised in relation to the potential introduction of street lighting, and members are requested to visit the site prior to determining the application.
Additional Consultation Response to Report
A response has been received from WCC Flood Risk Management on 27.04.2015. The response raises an objection to the proposal on the basis that insufficient detail has been submitted in relation to the proposed drainage details and surface water management. Officers recommend that suggested condition No. 6 in Recommendation A on page 30 of the report before members could satisfactorily address this point by requiring full details to be agreed and implemented prior to the commencement of development.
Additional Planning Conditions Recommended (with final wording delegated to Officers)
Condition 21) No development shall take place until:
a) a Written Scheme of Investigation (“WSI”) for a program of archaeological evaluative work has been submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA in consultation with the Warwickshire County Council Archaeological Information and Advice Team;
b) the program of archaeological evaluative work and associated post-excavation analysis, report production and archive deposition within the approved WSI is undertaken in accordance with the approved details;
c) a report detailing the results of this fieldwork is submitted to the Local Planning Authority.
Condition 22) Prior to the development works (with the exception of groundworks associated with the archaeological evaluation detailed above) taking place, an Archaeological Mitigation Strategy document shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. This should detail a strategy to mitigate the archaeological impact of the proposed development and should be informed by the results of the archaeological evaluation of the site. The program of archaeological fieldwork and associated post-excavation analysis, report production and archive deposit detail within the approved Archaeological Mitigation Strategy shall be fully undertaken in accordance with the approved details prior to the commencement of development.
14/02195/OUT – Land South of Kineton Road, Gaydon
Delete Conditions 5, 6 and 7 as duplicates
Delete Condition 24 as relevant to ‘full’ application rather than ‘outline’
Travel Pack Contribution should read £75 per dwelling, full amount due up to £1125
15/00681/FUL – Tree House Farm, Fulready
Withdrawn from this committee agenda – awaiting further information and subsequent public consultation.
14/02918/FUL –Wimpstone Fields Farm, Whitchurch
No updates to report
15/00574/FUL – Land on East Side of Sand Pits Farm Road, Sandpits Farm Road
E-mail of comments in relation to conditions 2 - 5 from applicant’s agent. The minor suggestions he has made are acceptable to conditions 2-4 (relate to plan numbers and timescale triggers for condition details) and the detailed wording of the conditions is delegated to officers.
Deletion of condition 5
15/00662/FUL – Walton Wood Road, Walton, Warwick
No updates to report
15/00942/FUL & 15/00943/LBC – Butlers House, Butlers Lane, Long Compton
Reason for Referral to Committee
Correction whilst the Conservation Officer objects to these applications this should be removed from the reason for referral to Committee.
Deletion of paragraph 5 on page 103
Conclusion on Heritage Issues
New paragraph:
It is considered that the side extension to Stable Cottage, the raising of the wall and roof and rear porch, would fail to preserve and have a detrimental impact on the curtilage Listed Building, the setting of the adjacent listed buildings and the Conservation Area. Paragraph 134 of the NPPF requires the level of harm to heritage assets to be judged against any public benefits. The level of harm would be less than substantial however this is not outweighed by any public benefits.
Conclusion on Visual Amenity and ANOB
The side extension, roof extension and rear porch would have a detrimental impact upon the visual amenity of the street scene. Due to the scale and nature of the works however it is not considered the proposal will conserve the special qualities of the ANOB.
Amended reason for refusal 1 of 15/00942/FUL: Deletion of ‘and the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ (line 5) and EF.1 (line 7)
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