WSI Board Meeting
March 3, 2017
Laramie High School, Laramie, WY
Attendees: Phil Rehard, Holly Campbell, Teri Oursler, Clint Beaver, Ian Galindo, Taylor Baldacci, Mark Miller, Jennifer Page, Tom Hudson, Sarah Aksamit and Danette Baldacci.
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Phil Rehard.
Approval of November Minutes as revised
Teri made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 2016 board meeting as corrected (typo), Tom seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer’s report was presented including WSI financials. See attached financials. Overall revenue is slightly up mostly due to increased number of swimmers at meets and official registrations.
Athlete Report
The athlete representative are currently taking applications upon coach’s recommendations for the junior athlete representative as Ian’s term is complete. Applications will be accepted through finals tonight and the athlete’s will vote at the Athlete meeting between prelims and finals on Saturday. [Athlete’s meeting was held on 3-4-2017 and Ryan Brinda from Lander Swim Club was elected as junior representative.]
Old Business
HOD/Top 5 Swimposium year: Phil indicated that he has been in contact with USA swimming regarding the swimposium athlete. USA swimming will pay for a “second tier” athlete for the approximate amount of $3500 to do a clinic and speak at the banquet. WSI can pay an additional $3500 and get a “first tier” athlete instead. Discussion was held and it was decided Phil would look into who each of those athletes might be and we could vote via email whether or not to spend the extra money. Additionally, no clubs stepped forward to host or change the site of the HOD meeting so it will remain in Casper for 2017 at the Parkway Plaza. We are still looking for a variety of clinics to be held during that weekend.
New Business
WSI Calendar: WHSAAhas changed the schedules of boys and girls seasons for the 2017-2018 school year. Because of the provision in our bylaws, moving high school boys state one weekend earlier will impact our Winter Championships. The exact dates for Sectional should be out by August so we will decide at that time whether or not we need to change the bylaws concerning the timing of Winter Championships to best serve our swimmers.
2017 Zones Debit cards, chaperones: Kiesa will be holding a zones information meeting on Sunday between prelims and finals. We need chaperones for both zones since Kiesa will not be going this year. Currently Kiesa, Amy Christensen, and Danette have WSI credit cards.
Website: Jennifer asked for suggestions on what to improve on the website to increase its user friendliness. Several suggestions were given.
USA convention: USA swimming convention will be in Dallas, Texas beginning September 10, 2017. We generally budget for 5 adults plus athletes to attend so please let Phil know if you are interested.
Officials Update: Clint reported that we have had a significant increase in the number of new officials state wide thanks to the new legislation.
Safe Sport: Sarah received positive feedback on the club emails she has been sending with safe sport information in it. She will check with USA swimming to determine options for hosting a safe sport clinic at HOD.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:11 p.m..