NOVEMBER 9, 2016

Present: Harris Elder, Rich Remsberg, Hulda Jowett, Don Pecor, Robin Martin, Rich Taskin and library director, Mindy Hackner. No guests were present. The meeting was called to order by Chair, Harris Elder at 3 PM.

Minutes of the October 19th meeting were read and a motion to accept was made and seconded.

Director's Report:

•  Mindy reported that Foster has finished the work on the basement windows but has found damage caused by the ice jams. The city will be getting a lift for work on the Armory and Foster will use it to get a better idea of the damage. There may be a need for new drawings and the trustees asked Mindy to contact Mr. Bartels in Williamstown because we have used him before.

•  The library heating system has still been an issue because of the new computer and the fact that no one seems to understand how to get a seamless seasonal switch.

•  It was discovered that we can no longer get CFL bulbs for the library lights but Rich Remsberg is contacting “The Bulb Man” to see if he has anyway to get them.

A motion was made a seconded to accept the director's report, and the financial report as read.

New Business:

•  The trustees welcomed two new members, Robin Martin, present and Nicole Gordon, not present.

•  Harris showed everyone the editorial about the need for libraries from the Berkshire Eagle

•  Mindy talk about a new library app called Boopsie, that patron will be able to use from their smart phones or tablets to get into many library sites. This would make it much easier to renew items or even download materials from the virtual library collections. The price is $935 for the first year and $470 every year after that. Mindy will be doing more research on it but the trustees were generally in favor. A vote will be taken at the next meeting.

•  Mindy also reported that under the new federal overtime laws any staff making $47000 or less is considered hourly. As the library has always worked 37.5 and taken comp time for anything over it should not make a difference.


Next meeting is scheduled for December 14th at 3 PM

Meeting adjourned at 3:50 no official motion


Robin Martin
