3rd Grade Forces/Motion/Machines Checkpoint 3rd Nine Weeks
1. Two teams are having a tug-of-war. The force used to get the other team across the line is a ______.
A. push
B. lever
C. pulley
D. pull
2. Which force does a friend use to make you go higher on a playground swing?
A. pull
B. push
C. lever
D. pulley
3. Which direction will the box move when Maria pushes it?
4. Two boys are trying to move a very heavy box. Which is the BEST way for them to move the box?
A. Both boys pull on opposite sides of the box.
B. Both boys push on the opposite sides of the box.
C. One boy pushes and one boy pulls on the same side of the box.
D. One boy pushes on one side of the box while the other boy pulls on the opposite side.
5. It is easiest to push a box up which ramp?
Use the picture below to answer question 6.
6. Which belongs with the simple machines above?
7. When Dan pushes down on the long end of the board, what simple machine is he using to lift his father?
A. lever
B. pulley
C. wedge
D. wheel and axle
8. This piano is being lifted using ______.
A. a lever
B. a pulley
C. an inclined plane
D. a wheel
9. A seesaw is a simple machine called ______.
A. a lever
B. a pulley
C. a wheel and axle
D. an inclined plane
10. A loading ramp is a simple machine called ______.
A. a lever
B. an inclined plane
C. a wheel and axle
D. a pulley
11. Which simple machine is used to chop wood?
A. pulley
B. inclined plane
C. wheel and axle
D. wedge
12. Jacob needs to pull down on a hammer to take a nail out of a piece of wood. Jacob is using the hammer as ______.
A. a lever
B. a pulley
C. a wheel and axle
D. an inclined plane
13. Which picture does not show someone using a simple machine?
14. Sally was pulling her heavy cart by herself. Then Jo began pushing on the back of the cart. This will ______.
A. keep the cart going at the same speed
B. make the cart go backward
C. make the cart go slower
D. make the cart go faster
15. Which could help a person in a wheelchair get from the street onto the sidewalk?
A. lever
B. inclined plane
C. screw
D. wheel and axle
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3rd Grade Forces/Motion/Machines Checkpoint 3rd Nine Weeks
Answer Key
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. D
15. B
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