Application Form
Food Justice Fellows Program
Presbyterian Hunger Program
BASIC INFORMATION (Please fill in all fields)
Name (First, Middle, Last)
City ______State ______Zip
Phone Daytime ______Evening ______Cell
E-mail______Blog/Website ______
Skype name ______
Date of Birth______(mm/dd/yy) Gender ______
Present Occupation
Please explain your current involvement/leadership within the church:
Please provide three references (please include one church-related reference).
Name #1 Relationship to you______Years known_____
Phone ______City ______State
Name #2 Relationship to you______Years known
Phone ______City ______State
Name #3 Relationship to you______Years known
Phone ______City ______State
* To be in the first class of Food Justice Fellows, please return your completed form, including the eight questions below, by February 28, 2011 to Andrew Kang Bartlett, Presbyterian Hunger Program,
Background on the Food Justice Fellows Program
What it is: Food Justice Fellows are a group of faith-based organizers connected to the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP). PHP will arrange for at least one training/networking opportunity for the Fellows. Small support grants from PHP (given through the presbytery, a congregation or local organization) may also be available to help the Fellows with food justice/local food economy events they may organize in their region. PHP will correspond and do conference calls with the Fellows regularly to exchange ideas and provide updates on the U.S. and global food sovereignty movement as a way to stay abreast of developments and to be connected with common work inside and outside the church. The Presbyterian Hunger Program staff and Food Justice Fellows will provide each other with mutual support, accountability and camaraderie. Hunger Action Enablers, Mission Advocates and other leaders throughout the PCUSA are potential resources and connectors.
Why it is: The purpose is to connect Presbyterians to the agrarian roots and lessons of the Bible to inspire and equip them – together with their congregations and communities – to fight hunger and poverty by rebuilding local food economies here in the U.S. and to support the same overseas through advocacy and campaigns.
Application process: Interested individuals should send their completed applications to Andrew Kang Bartlett Application forms can also be downloaded at
Work plans are then developed for the year in consultation with PHP. Call Andrew at 502.569-5388 for additional information.
* The questions are below. Your responses should be long enough to fully answer all the questions (approximately 2-4 pages in total).
- Why do you wish to become a Food Justice Fellow with the Presbyterian Hunger Program? What do you wish to contribute? And what do you hope to gain?
- What in your life prepares you for this ministry of equipping and organizing people and congregations to build equitable, just and sustainable local food economies?
- What specific involvement have you had in organizing and social/economic justice work in your church or community?
- What initiatives are you already involved in that relate to the goals above (question #2) and/or what plans do you have to educate, organize and mobilize people toward action?
- If you haven’t done so above, please describe skills you have in organizing, educating, persuasive writing, public speaking, interviewing, journalism, videography, photography, poetry, illustrating or other artistic expression. How might you employ these skills as a Food Justice Fellow?
- How many hours per week do you estimate devoting to this Food Justice work? (This would include ongoing work you are already doing plus any new work you may be adding)
- We will meet face-to-face once a year as part of the Food Justice Fellows Program. Can you commit to participating in this gathering, which will likely involve being away from your home for a few days? (for Fellows unable to cover all of their travel, food and lodging expenses, partial scholarships will be available to enable participation) Can you also commit to regularly communicating with other Food Justice Fellows and PHP?
- Is there anything else you would like us to know about you that might help us in selecting you as a Food Justice Fellow?
Presbyterian Hunger Program, 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202-1396 (502) 569-5388