August and Autumn Tennis Skills & Play

Armstrong & McCawParks,Lafayette

with Coed Middle School/Junior High Team Tennis

August 15–October 30, 2005

The Greater Lafayette Tennis Association, Inc. (GLTA)* in cooperation with the Lafayette Department of Parks and Recreation conducts a program for tennis skills and play. PTR teaching-pro Gerry Harrison along with teaching assistance will work on tennis skills, and supervised tennis play, including team matches for middle school/junior high players. Thanks to our continuing sponsors: Lilly Tippecanoe Labs., Lafayette Community Bank, and to individual and family contributors, patrons and volunteers: Andrew Crawford Family, Dennis Drews Family, Larry French Family, Kathryn and Andrew Redd, Tom Scott, Allison Morrison, and our webmaster, Buster Dunsmore.

Where, When,

&Age Groups:McCawPark: (On Union St., between Sagamore Pkwy. & Creasy Lane)

Monday and Wednesday: 1.3:50 - 4:45 p.m.Ages 6 - 9

Monday and Wednesday: 2. 4:50 - 5:45 p.m.Ages 10 - 14 (Middle Sch/Jr. High Team)

Saturday: 3. 9:50 - 10:30 a.m.Pee Wee (ages 4-6 beginners)

ArmstrongPark:(S. 9th & Beck)

Tues. and Thursday: 4. 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. Ages 10 – teens, adults-Mdl. Sch/Jr. High Team.

Saturday: 5. 8:30 - 9:15 a.m. Pee Wee (ages 4-6 beginners)

Saturday: 6.3:30-5:00 p.m.Ages 9 & up (Middle Sch/Jr. High Team)

Sunday: 7. 3:30-5:00 p.m.Ages 9 & up (Middle Sch/Jr. High Team)

Make-ups may be at alternate dates and sites, including the Elks on Monday and Wed. If necessary, make-ups will be Fridays at7:00 at ArmstrongPark.If the wind chill drops below 45 class is postponed.

Cost:$65per registrant for 11 weeks twice as week; $90 three sessions a week; $40 once a week and $40 forPee Wee tennis. Middle School/Junior High Travel Team (up to three workouts a week andmatches – $80). Registrants who cannot participant for 11 weeks maypro-rate the cost.

Families with multiple registrants may subtract $10 for the second family and subsequent family members. Sessions with fewer than six registrants may be cancelled. Scholarships are available for children of parent(s), who may be unemployed or with very small income.We will contact you if we can not accept your registration. Be sure to include an E-mail address and phone number.

Equipment:Participants must wear tennis shoes or other athletic shoes, dress for the temperature of the day, bring a carton for water and a racket suitable for his or her size. Loaner rackets are available.

Questions: Gerry Harrison: 463-2740--8:45 p.m.-10:00 p.m.; 7:30a.m.–8:00 a.m. E-mail:

*GLTA, Inc. is a multi-county, tax exempt, charitable/educational, Indiana corporation. Membership is by service or a contribution: $10-Tennis Fan; $20-Contributor; $50-Supporter; $100-Patron. Board – Andrew Crawford, Gerry Harrison, Patti Curts, Tom Scott, and Bob Modlin.

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REGISTRATION: GLTA-Parks Tennis at Armstrong & McCaw Parks-- August 15 – October 30, 2005

Name: ______Date of Birth ___/___/___ Circle Session(s)

first last McCawPark:

1. Mon. & Wed. -3:45 Ages 6-9

Address:______City:______Zip: ______2. “ ” - 4:45 Ages 10-14, Mid.Sch/Jr.H

3. Saturday - 9:45 PeeWee (4 to 6, beginners)

Home ph: ______Parent(s) Name:______ArmstrongPark:

4.Tu.&Th.-7:00-8:15 Age 10-14, Adults Mid.Sch/Jr.H

E-mail:______School: ______5. Saturday - 8:30-9:15 PeeWee(4 to6beginners)

6. Saturday - 3:30-5:00 Age 9&up Mid.Sch/Jr.H

Tennis Experience: ______7. Sunday - 3:30-5:00 Age 9&up Mid.Sch/Jr.H

Will you need a loaner tennis racket (circle one)? Yes No.

Checks payable to: GLTA, Inc. Send to: GLTA, Inc., 104 Seneca, West Lafayette, IN47906. Enclosed $ ______