Division: Health Careers

Department: Allied Health & Human Services

Subject Code: MLTCourse #: 124

Course Title: Immunohematology


FORM 335

Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years per AP 765 to include, at a minimum, the following elements. [§335.2]

1.Digital Description:

Credit hours:3.0

Lecture hours: 2.0

Lab hours:3.0

BL: [ ]⅓ [x]½ [ ]⅔ [ ] Other (Indicate fraction or percent)

2.Catalog Description:

The study of blood-group antigens and antibodies. Laboratory procedures for typing and compatibility testing are emphasized. Donor screenings and processing of blood are also covered. A course fee is required.

Minimum Grade Required

3.Prerequisites:MLT 100, BIOL 122, CHEM 101C

Corequisites:MLT 222, 224C

Other: Enrollment in this course is restricted to students in the Medical Laboratory Technician/Clinical Laboratory Technician Programs.

4.Learning Outcomes

[These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential

knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.]

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

  • Describe various blood grouping systems
  • Discuss and perform routine blood banking systems
  • Describe and use quality assurance procedures in blood banking

5.Planned Sequence of Learning Activities

[These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.]


  1. Introduction
  2. Blood Bank Reagents
  3. ABO & Rh Systems
  4. Other Blood Group Systems
  5. Antibody Detection and Identification
  6. Transfusion Process
  7. Compatibility Testing
  8. Donor Selection
  9. Donor Testing
  10. Blood Component Preparation
  11. Transfusion Reactions
  12. Quality Control in Blood Bank


1. ABO and Rh typing

2. DAT and IAT Procedures

3. Antibody Detection and Testing

4. Quality Control

Note: A complete listing of course objectives is located in the MLT Program Director’s office.

6.Assessment of Student Learning

[Methods of assessment should be appropriate for Learning Outcomes listed above.]

Assessment of student learning outcomes for the course, as required by AP 765, is part of regular curriculum maintenance and/or improvement. The specific plan has been determined by the pertinent faculty involved and is kept on file in the division office.

7.List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning Materials (code each item based on instructional use): C-Lecture/Laboratory, A-Lecture, B-Laboratory, LC-Lecture/Clinical, CLN-Clinical, I-Online,

BL-Blended, D-Independent Study, P-Private Lessons, E-Internship,

F-Cooperative Work-Study, FE-Field Experience. [These resources must be easily accessible to students.]

C, BL Whitlock, S Immunohematology for Medical Laboratory Technicians. (latest edition). Delmar Cengage Learning.

8.Prepared by Faculty Member: Georgeann Laughman Date: 10/31/11

9.Approved by Department Chairperson: Date: 11/8/11

10.Approved by Academic Division Dean: Brad Wolf Date: 12/8/11

This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335, subchapters A / B.

This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is consistent with the college mission.

If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and universities.

11.Associate Dean, Curriculum & Assessment: Karen Tombs-Harling

Date: 12/8/11

12.Provost & VP, Academic Affairs: Ronald R. Young Date: 12/8/11

13.Original Date of course approval by the college:200820

14.Date(s) of subsequent reviews [Indicate change: Learning Outcomes; textbook(s)]:

3/11 – prerequisites & type of instruction

10/31/11-Prerequisites, course fees & program restriction


Review and updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/14/11