As the year draws to a close, we will focus on expanding our writing to a 5-paragraph essay format. The basic structure of expressing your ideas will be the same: a single, clear THESIS, supported with analysis and evidence. A five paragraph essay begins with an INTRODUCTION (ending with a thesis statement), followed by 3 BODY PARAGRAPHS, and a conclusion.
The intro. will be a “funnel intro.”, meaning you will start with a more general idea and “funnel down” to your specific thesis statement. For example, if your thesis is “Mr. Canavese assigns too much homework,” you might write this funnel intro.:
“Since people began to better themselves with education, teachers have tried to instill a strong work ethic. On the other hand, students have probably always felt overworked. As time has gone on, the pressures of global society have only increased, from broken homes to the increased responsibilty of students working to support their families to a more viciously competitive job market. Students at Bellarmine feel this strain daily as they work for the highest grades that will assure them a future. However, as individual teachers push to make their students excel, they often lose sight of the overall pressures inflicted on the student by the larger structure of the school. One such teacher, Mr. Canavese, assigns too much homework.”
The 3 body paragraphs develop 3 major reasons or ways the thesis is true. For example: Mr. C assigns too much reading, Mr. C weighs the class down with written work, and Mr. C has unrealistic expectations of the students in studying for tests. Each paragraph develops/proves its topic through analysis and evidence.
The conclusion is a “reverse funnel” conclusion, starting with a restatement of the thesis, and working its way back out to a more general conclusion.
For this first 5-paragraph essay, read the article “Why Children Are Violent” to help you get started. Then choose one of the topics below (or another of your own choice, approved by me). FOR THURSDAY (FRIDAY for 4th period), write a basic outline of your essay:
I. Intro.
A. Thesis: Mr. Canavese, assigns too much homework.
II. Mr. C assigns too much reading.
A. In one semester, Mr. Canavese assigns at least 4 books.
1. Mr. C assigned ItW, LotF, The Iliad, and The Elephant Man this semester.
2. In addition, Mr. C’s students had to read supplemental works like “Cathedral” + various articles.
B. The reading load is overwhelming on a day-to-day basis, as well.
1. Mr. Canavese assigns as much as 30 pages to read in one night.
2. Freshman homework averages four hours per night, by some estimates, exacerabated by reading
III. Mr. C weighs the class down with written work.
. . .
IV. Mr. C has unrealistic expectations of the students in studying for tests.
. . .
V. Conclusion
Lawmakers should increase restrictions on gun ownership.-OR- Law-abiding Americans should have unrestricted access to firearms.
Censorship or harsher restrictions on young people’s access to violent entertainment should be enacted to prevent youth violence.-OR-Violent films, books, and games do not cause real-life violence.
Youth violence is a result of environment.-OR-Youth violence is a result of biology.
“Tattling” is permissible or imperative.-OR-“Tattling” is a dangerous trend which infringes on privacy and personal freedoms.”