Lutheran Open House
30second radio spots
- These radio spots can be produced locally. Stations provide production service with the time buy.
- People need to hear a radio commercial 20 times before they will have recall.
- Many radio stations will sell you time on a “buy one; get one free” basis. If they don’t offer it, ask!
- You can purchase spots for specific times or “ROS” (run of schedule). The ROS plans promise a certain amount of airplay throughout the day.
- Choose your stations depending on who listens to them. Our suggestion is to aim at a female listener aged 29-44. Any sales department will tell you who is their target audience or which age group listens to the station.
If you are in a larger urban circuit, or a circuit served by the same radio stations, consider all the congregations in the circuit pooling the funds for a time purchase. You could ask one congregation (the one with the secretary who works the longest hours) to be the telephone contact “for further information.”
SPOT1: Local Open House
Finding time to get together with neighbours and friends is not always easy. But being part of a community is important. On DATE, NAMELutheranChurchat ADDRESS invites you to an Open House to discover a place where neighbours and friends gather to explore how a simple faith brings meaning to a complicated world.
Call PHONE NUMBER for more information or visit CHURCH WEBSITE.
SPOT 2: Local invitation
Finding time to get together with neighbours and friends is not always easy. But being part of a community is important. It keeps you in touch with others—understanding your values and beliefs, sharing your ups and downs.
NAMELutheranChurch at ADDRESS invites you to discover a place where neighbours and friends gather to explore how a simple faith brings meaning to a complicated world.
Call CHURCH PHONE for more information or visit CHURCH WEBSITE
SPOT3: World of belief
Christopher Columbus believed the world was round and claimed North America for God; Isaac Newton believed the earth contained a force keeping everything in place;
Martin Luther believed God’s love was a gift and couldn’t be earned.
What you believe is important. It affects you today, even forever. On Sunday September 30 your Lutheran Church–Canada neighbours at (LOCAL INFORMATION HERE) invite you to discover what we believe…because if you don’t believe something, you’ll believe anything. Check out
SPOT 4:Everyday belief
When you climb the stairs, you believe each step will support your weight.
When you turn the key in the ignition, you believe your car will start.
When you go online you believe you will find what you are looking for.
What you believe is important. It affects you today, even forever. On DATE your Lutheran Church-Canada neighbours at (LOCAL INFORMATION HERE) invite you to discover what we believe…because if you don’t believe something, you’ll believe anything. Check out