Endurance Coaches Development Centre

Meeting 3rd March 2011

Present; Martin Rush NCM, Lucy Birkenshaw CCSO, John Dennis BAN, Simon Forde BAN, Brian Scobie ACM, Bob Jackson Leeds Network

  1. MR gave a briefing on the background to the endurance centre idea. Namely that it was to pull together endurance opportunities and activity from multiple organisations with the aim of co-ordination and drawing down benefits from partners to benefit local endurance coaches. Idea had come from developments at St Mary’s and it was felt that a ‘virtual’ centre had strength beyond delivery from separate partners. MR detailed a national framework of activity but stressed the importance of local needs being met around this.
  2. MR detailed potential areas for ‘centres’ with St Mary’s, Birmingham, Milton Keynes and Bristol currently up and running to differing degrees and NE and NW being planned alongside Leeds or Yorks and Humberside.
  3. MR detailed that in practical terms the ‘centre’ needs someone to co-ordinate the endurance activity in the area and to draw in potential partners to help coach development. This role was not to be seen as a major role but more as co-ordination and partnership building with delivery of activity being retained by local networks, clubs, ACM and CCSO with support from organisations such as Universities
  4. MR detailed the draft national framework and highlighted the two/three key areas that would form the EA lead for 2011/2012. Namely; 18 to 23year old progressions (29th or 30th October 2011) and Coaching female athletes (22nd Jan 2012). A third area of recovery including nutrition was also listed. Delivery of these areas currently fell within the remit of the ACM supported by CCSO in each ACM area. MR said he was aware that a lot of quality provision was being made available through different networks and that this central framework was not meant to replace this locally identified need but that a national framework of coaching delivery had been identified and the ‘centre’ idea with co-ordinator should enable the careful planning of all endurance delivery in an area.
  5. MR indicated EA could support the ‘centre’ idea with some seed funding with the aim of co-ordinating this delivery but also to provide potential follow up activity in clubs, networks to support ongoing development at a local level.


  1. MR to write up meeting notes
  2. Meeting agreed ‘centre’ idea was worth pursuing to co-ordinate activity delivery across Yorkshire/Humberside
  3. Meeting agreed a lead co-ordinator was needed. MR to follow up on EA plans to look at this role. Co-ordinator to be supported by a ‘management group’ made up of partner organisations/stake holders but this would be a light touch with plans to probably hold two meetings per year, June to co-ordinate following winter workshop and activity plans, Jan/Feb to review and adapt depending on need. Ongoing update of ‘centre’ plans likely to be held on a website listing activity and through communication through the co-ordinator. MR to look at EA website to host this.
  4. MR to feedback to group and consult with wider networks (Sheffield area for example) with plan to formalise ‘centre’ asap.
  5. ‘Centre’ meeting to be planned for June 11 (MR and/or Co-ordinator)
  6. Before this meeting all partners to be circulated with each others plans and compare dates and potential programmes. Co-ordinator to pull meeting in June together and coordinate activities from then.
  7. MR will be in Leeds Carnegie April 16th at a Race Walking coaches weekend. Suggestion for meeting on morning of 16th to update on progress.