Dream Journal Guidelines

You will be asked to keep a daily record of at least 1 daydream, and 1 nightdream. The success and relevance of this assignment is subjective and dependent on the participation of the individual. In other words, you only learn about yourself as much as you are willing to put into the journal.

You will not be required to turn in this journal, as dreams could be personal and intimate in nature. However, the journals will be subject for “spot checks” to maintain a homework grade.

Format: On the top of every page record the date, times asleep/dreaming, times of awakening, and identify if it is a daydream or nightdream.


3/15/02 11:00 PM-6:00 AM Woke: 3:00AM (bathroom), 4:00AM (dog barking)


Describe dream…use as specific descriptions as possible…think of your 5 senses...

If you cannot remember your dreams, then follow directions above but also describe the following:

  • What was your first thought when awakening?
  • What is your mood?
  • What is the environment like? Temp, Weather, Hungry, thirsty..etc..
  • How does your body feel? ..Aches/pains/soreness/stiffness
  • How many times did you wake up last night?

Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers all of their dreams. More that you are aware and are motivated to record the dream, the more likely you will remember more details about your dream.

Dream Journal Guidelines

You will be asked to keep a daily record of at least 1 daydream, and 1 nightdream. The success and relevance of this assignment is subjective and dependent on the participation of the individual. In other words, you only learn about yourself as much as you are willing to put into the journal.

You will not be required to turn in this journal, as dreams could be personal and intimate in nature. However, the journals will be subject for “spot checks” to maintain a homework grade.

Format: On the top of every page record the date, times asleep/dreaming, times of awakening, and identify if it is a daydream or nightdream.


3/15/02 11:00 PM-6:00 AM Woke: 3:00AM (bathroom), 4:00AM (dog barking)


Describe dream…use as specific descriptions as possible…think of your 5 senses..

If you cannot remember your dreams, then follow directions above but also describe the following:

  • What was your first thought when awakening?
  • What is your mood?
  • What is the environment like? Temp, Weather, Hungry, thirsty..etc..
  • How does your body feel..Aches/pains/soreness/stiffness
  • How many times did you wake up last night.

Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers all of their dreams. More that you are aware and are motivated to record the dream, the more likely you will remember more details about your dream.