[Your Address]
Dear Mr Goodwill,
I am writing to you to express my deep concern about recent developments in Botton Village.
[You may wish to say something about your own relative, and what Botton has come to mean to him / her]
On 13th May, CVT presented Botton co-workers with an ultimatum: to accept employment (if offered), or to leave the village. Furthermore, it was made clear that the current life-sharing arrangement (in which our relatives are allowed to live together with co-worker families) could not be guaranteed by the charity under the proposed employment model.
It is clear that Botton in any form recognisable as a community faces an existential threat.I am deeply concerned by both the manner in which this decision was made, and its potential implications for [your relative].
A decision of this nature is clearly of the greatest importance for both the charity and its beneficiaries. However, it came without any consultation with the key stakeholders (residents, relatives, charity members or co-workers). To substantiate this drastic action, CVT cited tax advice which it is not prepared to divulge.
What makes this step all the moreinexplicable is that in a recent CVT-commissioned consultation of the stakeholders, it was precisely the co-worker / life-sharing model,which is now to be abolished by the charity, that was cited by residents and their relatives as the most unique and valued feature of Botton Village.
The implications of this move by the Board of Trustees, are massive, and deeply worrying. [You could explain how your relative might fare in a situation in which he / she lives without 24-hour live-in supervision, but with shift workers coming in to provide strictly limited support hours]
I am aware that my own concerns are shared by a large number of the other relatives of Botton residents. Please will you to take our grave concerns to the relevant agencies.
Yours gratefully,