English 10:
World Literature / 2011-2012
August 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19
22 Teacher Workday / 23 First Day of School
Late Start
Student info. Sheet
Introductions/ nametags
Syllabus overview
Letter to Teacher assn.
HW: write Letter to Teacher
Signatures and supplies due Tuesday / 24
Into: What is happiness? What makes you happy? Journal #1
Group posters:
-powerpoint to intro. what is happiness? (includes Maslow – could save explaining pyramid for another day)
-make posters
HW: / 25
(ideas for very beginning of class: present posters if no time yesterday, continue with discussing classroom norms, etc.)
EPT: External Rewards (45 minutes) / 26
(Maybe Maslow’s Pyramid first?)
“What is the Meaning of This”
-read & ttt
-id main idea & purpose
(if extra time: start summarize v. paraphrase, or fun activity, or more about class norms/ routines)
Intro. Etym. #1
Continue “What is The Meaning of This”: -Summarize v. Paraphrase worksheet
-Answer 2 questions
Read “Tone of Voice” poem, give some examples to show tone / 30
HOLT diagnostic – Reading Test / 31
-Check-in for Etymology
-HOLT diagnostic – Grammar Test / September 1
-Cloze notes for Soapstone
-Review Soapstone with Simpson picture
If time – they can practice soapstone on another visual (maybe a magazine picture, advertisements, Family Guy, etc.)
“Happiness Is…”
-vocab. in context
-read & use chart / 2
Etym. quiz #1
Finish “Happiness Is…”,
-finish chart
September 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
5 Labor Day – No School / 6
Etym. #2
Picture Day / 7
Etym. review
Record quiz scores
Planner discussion / 8
Start ttt’ing “People in Affluent Nations” OR
“The Science of Happiness” / 9
Etym. Quiz #2
FinishThursday’s article–practice soapstone, main idea summary, evidence back-up
Etym. #3
Bernanke article to practice soapstone, etc. / 13
NWEA / 14
Etym. Review
The Plateau of Happiness visual:
-Give students country strips (have them do a group poster arranging them according to happiness or whole-class going up to white board)
-Look at graphic and discuss / 15
“The Sandra Bullock Trade”
article test (ttt, soapstone, main idea summary, multiple choice questions) / 16
Etym. Quiz #3
Continue test as needed or fun activity, goal-setting, etc.
(Start happiness short stories)
Etym. #4
Glencoe: “The Happy Man’s Shirt” / 20 (English Dept. meeting)
Lit. Devices and wrap-up “The Happy Man’s Shirt” / 21
Etym. Review
Glencoe: “The False Gems” / 22 (lockdown drill?)
PILOT – remind students to again bring Glencoe!
“The False Gems”
(pov worksheet today or tomorrow) / 23
Etym. Quiz #4
“The False Gems”
Etym. #5
“The Necklace” / 27
“The Necklace” / 28
Etym. Review
Compare/contrast “The False Gems” and “The Necklace” / 29
WILLIAMS ACT: remind students to bring text!
Glencoe: “Catch the Moon” / 30
Etym. Quiz #5
“Catch the Moon”
October 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Etym. #6
(Another short story – maybe “The Monkey’s Paw,” “The Boar Hunt.” “The Happiness Machine,” etc. / 4 / 5
Etym. review / 6
“Bill” / 7
Etym. Quiz #6
“Bill” organizer
Etym. #7
Finish up any last short stories; review terms
HW: Flashcards/sents.; review literary terms / 11
Short Story Assessment
The Kite Runner excerpt and student-packet (without teacher assistance) / 12
Etym. Review
More time for The Kite Runner packet / 13
Multiple Choice Questions for The Kite Runner
Introduce Cahsee-style Expository Essay; Review rubric; brainstorm for topic / 14
Etym. Quiz #7
Expository Essay: Does Money Bring Happiness?
(in-class essay; teachers grade with cahsee rubric)
Etym. #8
(expository essay finished today)
Oedipus Intos can start this week / 18
Etym. blank master list
Etym. review #8 / 19
Etym. practice test / 20
Etym. Midterm – lists 1-8 / 21 End of 1st Quarter
Minimum Day
Organize binders
Grade check-in?
Or more Oedipus Intos
Etym. #9
Oedipus intos continue this week
(sometime this week – scored essays passed back and some writing instruction and students revise one paragraph of essay) / 25 / 26 / 27
Etym. Review / 28
Etym. Quiz #9
Etym. #10
Start reading Oedipus this week / November 1 / 2 / 3
Etym. Review / 4
Etym. Quiz #10
November 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Etym. #11
Oedipus / 8 / 9
Etym. Review / 10
Etym. Quiz #11 / 11 Veterans Day – No School
Etym. #12
Oedipus / 15 / 16 / 17
Etym. Review / 18
Etym. Quiz #12
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 Thanksgiving Day / 25
Etym. #13
Oedipus / 29 / 30 / December 1
Etym. Review / 2
Etym. Quiz #13
December 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Etym. #14
Oedipus test, etc. this week / 6 / 7 / 8
Etym. Review
CaHSEE field test: essay portion / 9
Etym. Quiz #14
Oedipus thesis and claims
Etym. #15
Body paragraph #1
(Oedipus essay this week) / 13
Body paragraph #2 / 14
Conclusion / 15
Etym. Review
Essay Revision / 16
Etym. Quiz #15
Oedipus Essay due
Start Minority Report
Minority Report this week (2 h. 26 mins.) / 20 / 21 (short day) / 22 (short day) / 23 Winter Break Begins – No School
26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
January 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
-Etym. #16
-Power of Secrets into: Graffiti stems
-Start filling out master list of roots (can use powerpoint to help students)
HW: flashcards/ sentences #16
(gather old lists, flashcards, etc. to help with studying) / 10
-Vocab. scaffold for “The Power of Secrets”
- Read “Power of Secrets” and talk to the text (and Soapstone if time)
HW: finish master list of roots / 11
-#16 etym. review
-“The Power of Secrets” Soapstone and questions
HW: finish Secrets questions; study etymology / 12
-Start etym. final review packet for 30 minutes
-Review Secrets questions
-Start Secrets QPR (maybe do a few together and then have students do a few)
HW: complete review packet / 13
(no quiz #16)
-Go over answers of etym. review packet
-Options: Play Bingo or pictionary; more qpr for Secrets; informal v. formal language powerpoint
HW: Study Etymology!
16 M L King Day – No School
(Finals Week) / 17
-Etym. Final
-CaHSEE multiple choice test
(reflection?) / 18 / 19 / 20 End of 1st Semester – Teacher Workday
*34 school days until CAHSEE
CAHSEE Goal: Students will gain familiarity w/ the CAHSEE exam.
-Warm-up: What do you already know about the CAHSEE?
- Finish practice CAHSEE (grammar for students who are finished)
- Pass back etym. final / 24
Students will gain familiarity w/ terms and examples of: main idea, author’s purpose & tone
Warm-up: Discuss Monday’s warm up.
- What is CAHSEE? Worksheet
-Packet, pgs. 1-9
- CAHSEE Practice test results and Journal #1 (test reflection)
HW: CAHSEE family assignment due Wed / 25
CAHSEE Goal: Students will learn how to use margin notes and SPT to attack text.
* Collect family assignment
- Warm-up: What clues does a piece of text give you to show you what you need to pay attention to? (title, bold-faced words, sidebars, etc.)
- Packet, pgs. 10-12 (margin notes and SPT)
- CAHSEE Practice test results and Journal #1 (test reflection) / 26
CAHSEE Goal: Students will identify the difference between main idea and supporting details.
-Warm-up: Write down three specific music artists or songs you like. Now, switch with a partner. Look at the specifics and now make a general statement about the music your partner likes.
- Packet, pgs. 13-16 (CFU w/ whiteboards)
- Extra main idea/detail practice / 27
27 Rally Schedule
- CAHSEE Quiz #1
- Indep. Reading Intro:
- book selection guidelines
- reading log overview
- Library?
- Practice Test Review:
- Look at School Assessment Report w/ class
- Go over a few sections and talk through answers
(NWEA this week)
- Review Quiz #1
- Indep. Reading Intro:
- book selection guidelines
- reading log overview
- Library?
- Practice Test Review:
- Look at School Assessment Report w/ class
- Go over a few sections and talk through answers
HW: Read book every day!! / 31
CAHSEE Goal: Students will learn how to navigate informational texts and use margin notes.
- Warm-up: List as many types of informational texts as possible.
- Whiteboard: Teacher shows commonplace examples of consumer, functional, and public workplace docs and students identify what type each is.
- Packet, pgs. 17-28 / February 1
CAHSEE Goal: Students will practice using margin notes to read informational texts.
- Indep. Read and log: 20 min.
- Additional info. text practice / 2
CAHSEE Goal: Review practice test sections that include informational texts.
- Look at School Assessment Report
- Go over sections and talk through answers / 3
CAHSEE Quiz #2
- Indep. Reading/log
February 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Indep. Reading when finished / 7
CAHSEE Goal: Students will understand what types of essays may be on the test.
-Warm-up: What are some essay roadblocks you will need to overcome to be successful on the CAHSEE?
- Review Quiz #2
- Journal #2: Essay Writing
- Packet, pgs. 29-34 (group work w/ scoring sample essays) / 8
P. 4-6
- Indep. Reading/log
- Small reading project / 9
CAHSEE Goal: Students will learn the components of a persuasive essay; students will practice counterargument.
- Warm-up: What are some examples of situations where you’ve tried to persuade someone of something or someone has tried to persuade you? What did the person say? Do?
- Packet,bottom of p.34-36
- Added counterargument practice
- Packet, pgs. 37-40 / 10
- CAHSEE Quiz #3
- Indep. Reading/log
13 Lincoln’s Day – No School / 14
CAHSEE Goal: Students will construct a persuasive essay.
- Review Quiz #3
- Packet, pg. 41 (thesis)
- Packet, pgs. 42-43 (persuasive essay outline)
HW: outline due Wed. / 15
CAHSEE Goal: Students will learn how to write a business letter.
- Finish outline? Outline due.
- packet, pgs. 44-48
- Indep. Reading/log / 16
- Additional essay prompt and outline practice (T-chart) / 17
No quiz this week?
- Indep. Reading/log
20 President’s Day – No School / 21
CAHSEE Goal: Students will learn characteristics of literary genres.
- Packet, pgs. 49-53 (pg. 53: make flashcards)
- Packet, pgs. 54-57 / 22
CAHSEE Goal: Review literary terms.
- Indep. Reading/log
- Review answers, pgs. 54-57
- Study lit terms in groups/ with whiteboards / 23
-Extra lit terms mult. choice practice / 24
- Lit Terms Quiz?
- Indep. Reading/log
This week:
- Poetry: pgs. 58-68
- Extra poetry
- Essays, pgs. 69-76
- Write favorite teacher essay
- Indep. Reading / 28 / 29 / March 1 / 2
March 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
This week:
- Writing Conventions/
Grammar: pgs. 77-89
- Extra grammar practice
- Indep. Reading / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
- Quiz #4
- CAHSEE get pumped day! CAKE for CAHSEE after school – D11. / 13
CAHSEE ELA (8-12:05)
Periods 1-3 after lunch (cpt schedule) / 14
CAHSEE MATH (8-11:23)
Periods 4-6 after lunch / 15
SSR project worktime / 16
SSR book must be finished
SSR project worktime
-Grammar week 1
-SSR project worktime (or poetry) / 20
SSR project due
LG: students will be able to use pre-reading strategies to make predictions about a text
“Can’t Fight the Power”
Quickwrite (can music influence change in society? Explain with exs.)
Tea Party (mingle & meet)
Intro. key vocab.
Exit Ticket: Title Prediction / 21
LG: Students will be able to survey a text for pertinent info.
-based on first two lines, predict purpose and intended audience for article
-Model TT and margin annotations for main idea (left – hook, issue, main idea, exs/evidence) (right – questions, reactions) / 22
LG: Students will be able to use margin annotations to complete SOAPSTone.
-Stylistic Choices worksheet
-Show students additional article menu (have them pick 2 choices so you can determine which one to assign and make copies of articles – reminder that “hip hop planet” is better for higher reading levels) / 23
LG: summarize a text and critically think about text
Grammar Quiz #1
Summarize w/ template
Answer questions
-Grammar week 2: warm-up and 10 minutes to start
-Start additional (independent) article work: talking to the text / 27 (Steers out)
Continue article work: Soapstone and Summary / 28
Continue article work: paragraph response / 29
Grammar check-in
Finish (or turn-in?) article work – assess standards met (not sure how many days this article will take) / 30 – End of 3rd quarter
(short day)
Grammar Quiz #2
April 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Grammar Week 3
Finish up expo. lit. / 10
Finish up expo. lit.
Eye of the Storm / 11
English 10: World Literature