(Yellow highlighted areas are to be modified by the designer/engineer as needed;
Following a manufacturer’s representative site visit and, or, discussion with designer. Please Note: ASI is not a paint manufacture or contractor and as such, is not a paint expert. However, we recommend that special attention be given to the painting requirements in the spec, pre-bid meeting, and pre-construction meeting, and that the engineer consider following the recommendations of the paint manufactures and paint contractors, which are to apply a light temp (30% of the pigment) to the treatment and then give a 30 day cure time prior to installing the remaining 70% as a final coat. It is our understanding that asphalt surface treatments of all kinds can be difficult to paint and that attention to detail is a must.)
609-1.1This item shall consist of preparing and treating a bituminous surface in accordance with these specifications in reasonably close conformity to the lines shown on the plans.
609-2.1BITUMINOUS MATERIALS. The emulsion concentrate, in the undiluted state, shall have the following properties:
Saybolt furol viscosity: 77°F (25 oC)………. / 20-100 secondsResidue by distillation or evaporation:……… / 57 percent, minimum
Sieve test:…………………………………… / 0.2 percent maximum
pH, cationic:………………………………… / 2 to 6.5
The emulsion concentrate, when diluted in the proportion of one part of concentrate to one part of hot water, by volume and ready to apply, shall have the following properties:
Saybolt furol viscosity: 77°F (25 oC)………. / 10-50 secondsResidue from Distillation, or Evaporation….. / 28-42 percent, minimum
Sieve test:…………………………………… / 0.1 percent, maximum
Pumping stability test:………………………. / pass
Hot water temperature at or above 100 degrees.
Tests on Residue from Distillation, or Evaporation:
Viscosity ast 275°F (135°C) ASTM D-4402…………….. / 1750 cts maximumSolubility in 1,1,1 trichloroethylene ASTM D-2404……... / 97.5 percent minimum
Penetration ASTM D-5…………………………………... / 50 dmm maximum
Asphaltenes ASTM D-2007……………………………... / 15 percent minimum
Saturates ASTM D-2007………………………………… / 15 percent maximum
Polar Compounds ASTM D-2007……………………….. / 25 percent minimum
Aromatics ASTM D-2007……………………………….. / 15 percent minimum
(1)pH may be used in lieu of the particle charge test which is sometimes inconclusive in slow setting bituminous emulsions.
(2)Pumping stability is tested by pumping 1 pint, (475 ml) of sealer material diluted 1 part concentrate to 1 part water, at 77°F (25°C), through a ¼-inch gear pump operating 1750 rpm for 10 minutes with no significant separation or coagulation.
The bituminous base residue shall contain not less than 20 percent gilsonite, and will not contain any tall oil pitch. It shall be compatible with asphalt concrete and have a 5-year, minimum, proven performance record at airports with similar climatic conditions, aircraft type and airfield activities. Curing time, under recommended application conditions, shall not exceed 4 hours.
The Contractor shall furnish and submit to the Engineer, manufacturer’s certification that the material is the type, grade, and quality specified for each load of bituminous material delivered. The certification shall show the shipment number, refinery, consignee, destination, contract number, and date of shipment. The contractor will submit two 1-quart samples of diluted, ready-to-apply bituminous material for each load delivered.
609-2.3609-2.5 SAND. The sand material shall be a dry, clean, angular, dust-free with a Mohs hardness of 6-8. The sand shall be approved by the engineer prior to the bid. It will be similar to the following gradation analysis per ASTM D 451 Please Note: The sand gradation below is meant to be a guide, with the consideration being given to the top and bottom sizes of the sand gradation. Local sand may be submitted that does not fit perfectly into this spec, but if not too large on the top size causing it to be considered fod and not to small on the bottom end causing a dusty application, may be very acceptable. ASI is happy to discuss this further with anyone interested.
609-3.0 SAND GRADATIONPercentage Retained
Sieve SizeBy Weight Min/Max
No. 80
No. 160-8
No. 200-28
No. 3020-50
No. 4010-55
No. 500-30
No. 700-5
No. 1000-2
No. 2000-2
The Contractor shall submit gradation and manufacturer’s specification for review at or prior to the pre-bid for approval.
609-3.1WEATHER LIMITATIONS. The Emulsion shall be applied only when the existing surface is dry and the pavement surface temperature is 65F and rising. At least three hours of daylight should remain after completing Emulsion application. If wind speeds are too high, it may adversely affect the application of the material, causing both the sand and the emulsion to be spread unevenly on the pavement. In these instances, material application may be discontinued by the engineer or the owner, until favorable conditions return.
609-3.2MIXING. The ready to use sealing material shall be obtained by blending bituminous concentrate material and warm or hot water. Mix one part bituminous emulsion concentrate to one part water, by volume.
609-3.3PAVEMENT PREPARATION. The asphalt surface to be treated shall be free of all dirt, sand, weeds, grass and excessive oil and/or grease. The surface shall be cleaned with a power broom or power blower supplemented by a hand sweeping or any other means required to remove deleterious matter to the satisfaction of the Engineer or Owner. Any crack sealing shall be competed,prior to the surface cleaning and preparation for sealing.
Cover as necessary existing runway edge lights, taxiway edge lights, informational signs, retro-reflective marking and in-pavement duct markers before applying the seal. If the seal gets on any light or marker it will be cleaned immediately. The Contractor shall replace any light, sign or marker with equal equipment at no cost to the Owner if cleaning is not satisfactory to the Owner.
609-3.4EQUIPMENT. The emulsion shall be applied with manufacturer-approved computer rate controlled bituminous distributor. The asphalt distributor truck will be equipped with a sander as is further described in section 609-3.6 Equipment shall be in good working order and contain no contaminants or diluents in the tank. Spreader bar tips must be clean, free of burrs, and of a size to maintain an even distribution of the sealant material. The contractor will install small enough nozzles on the distributor truck so that even applications with good bar pressures and spray patterns can be achieved and maintained with application speeds under 8 mph or 700 ft per minute. Test the equipment under pressure for leaks and to ensure it is in good working order before use.
The distributor truck shall be equipped with a 12-foot (3.6 m), minimum, spreader bar with individual nozzle control. It shall be capable of specific application rates in the range of 0.05 to 0.25 gallons per square yard (0.15 to 0.80 liters per square meter). These rates shall be computer-controlled rather than mechanical. It shall have an easily accessible thermometer that constantly monitors the temperature of the seal coat.
In the event of a temperature problem withthe material, a distributor truck will be provided that is equipped to effectively heat and mix the material to the required temperature prior to application. Heating and mixing will be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Care shall be taken not to overheat or over mix material.The distributor shall be equipped to hand spray the seal coat areas identified by the Engineer.
609-3.5APPLICATION. The sealing product shall be uniformly applied using equipment as described in Section 609-3.4 and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Material temperature will be maintained at 130F degrees or above for application. Apply the emulsion only when the existing surface is clean and dry as described in Section 609-3.3. The application rate of diluted emulsion may vary between .10 and .15 gallons per S.Y. The maximum amount of material may be required on the project, if there is no substantial material migration on the test strips at the .15 rate.
If friction testing is required by the engineer, three applications of varying rates of emulsion with sand, may be required as test strips. The test trips may be up to 8’ wide and 300’ long depending on the type of friction test to be ran on the project. Test strip size will be determined by the engineer. Full production may not begin until passing friction values have been achieved, or approval has been granted from the engineer, his inspector, or the owner.If required by the engineer, friction testing will be done, either in accordance with state DOT or FAA requirements as is specified by the engineer.
Friction testing is not required as part of this project.
If requested by the engineer, a qualified manufacturer’s Representative shall be present in the field to assist the Contractor in carrying out spot tests and/or test strips on the pavement to be sealed to determine the optimum application rate. This may be done just prior to the fullproduction application, if friction testing is not required or any time there is a change in the consistency of the pavement surface.
609-3.6SANDING. The sanding shall be done during the application of the sealant material. In the areas where hand work is done, if required by the engineer, sanding material shall be applied before the sealant begins to break. Sand will be applied at a rate of 0.25 to 0.50 pounds per square yard as determined by the engineer or the sealant Manufacturer Representative.
Sanding shall be accomplished using a sander that is mounted directly on the asphalt distributor. The sander shall be equipped with a variable control system to ensure reasonably even distribution of the sand at varying application widths and speeds. The sanding unit must have the ability to apply sand to the sealant without driving through the wet sealant. The sander must have variablecontrol mechanisms to regulate sand distribution, and should have a minimum hopper capacity of at least 3,000 pounds of sand. At the request of the engineer, the sanding unit will be calibrated prior to the start of the sealing. If required by the engineer, push-type hand sanders will be allowed for use around lights, signs and other obstructions. Any deviation from this method must be pre-approved by the engineer prior to the bid.
Contractor shall schedule this work so the sealant application by hand and the sanding operation work as a cohesive unit with the sanding immediately following the sealant application. Sanding will be done in a manner so as to prevent appreciable amounts of sand from going onto any pavement prior to the sealant being applied.
Clean up areas with excess or loose sand and dispose of off airport property.
609-3.7AVAILABILITY AND COST. For further information on the availability and cost of emulsion, contact Asphalt Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 25511, Salt Lake City, Utah84125-0511, (801) 972-2757, Fax (801) 972-6433 or pre-bid approved equal.
609-3.8FREIGHT AND WEIGH BILLS. Before the final estimate is allowed, the Contractor shall file with the Owner certified weigh bills of the emulsion materials actually used in the construction covered by the contract. Copies of weigh bills shall be furnished to the Owner during the progress of the work.
609-4.1The quantity of Emulsified Pavement Sealer and Rejuvenator to be paid for will be the number of square yards of material actually applied and accepted by the Owner as complying with the plans and specifications.
609-5.1Payment will be made at the contract unit price per square yard for Emulsified Pavement Sealer and Rejuvenator. This price will be full compensation for furnishing all materials, for all preparation, delivery, and application of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item, including the furnishing and placing of sand and any other work necessary to complete this item.
Payment will be made under:
Item P-609Emulsified Pavement Sealer and Rejuvenator -- per square yard