Title: Disabled Patient Positioning System


Hani Bou Reslan - Communicator Snoop aka. “Tom Pearce” - BSAC

Joel Rotroff - Weblord Ben Moga - Leader

Client: Professor Frank Fronczak

Dates: 1/20 – 1/ 26

Problem Statement:

The medical field is seeking improved methods of providing for patients who use wheelchairs. There are two possible problems to solve.

Problem 1: A platform device is desired that enables wheelchair users access to health care procedures. The device should have two-degrees of freedom (rotation of 360 degrees, and vertical translation from 3”-9” above the floor). This device should be motorized, transportable, easy to use, and safe.

Problem 2: In some cases, it is necessary to weigh a patient at least once a day to aid in diagnosis. Persons with disabilities using a wheelchair often have difficulty weighing themselves using common scales because of the wheelchair and positioning issues. It would be beneficial for the patient to be weighed directly in their wheelchair or possibly in a bed.

Restatement of Team Goals:


Individual Goals:

Snoop = Construction + Design

Joel = Ordering + Battery Power

Hani = Shop Help + Looking Good

Ben = Overall Design + Construction

Summary of Accomplishments:

We’ve ordered around $300 worth of goods which include a “manual” hydraulic assembly after a meeting with Fronczak and necessary metallic components. The pusher arm assembly is cut and ready to weld and the bottom frame will be ready to weld soon. Some idiot messed up the cuts on the roller bearing attachments and they will have to be redone. Group meetings have been scheduled and construction is in full swing. Over break, all jack arms have been made and random progress on other components. We redesigned the clamp to accommodate cylinder attachments and one final order is necessary to get all materials for moving the assembly up and down. Rocking and rolling.

Statement of Team Goals:

To get the Disabled Patient Positioning System (DPPS) translating vertically by Feb. 12 for the Schoof’s competition.

Project Schedule:

Date / Goals / Activities
12 February / Schoof’s Competition / Do our best, have fun, and win it all!!!
5 March / Mid-semester Presentation
12 March / Report / Lab Books due / Oh Yeah!!!
30 April / Poster / Final Prototype due / No problemo
5 May / Written report / Do really good


Moga messed up the roller bearing sync attachments. New material must be ordered and shop time was lost.


Team = 1 h meeting

Hani = 3.5 h shop help

Snoop = 12.5 h Fronczak meeting + construction

Joel = 2.5 h ordering + research

Ben = 17 h Fronczak meeting + construction + organization


Hani = 4.5

Snoop = 13.5

Joel = 3.5

Ben = 18