This card prescribes the responsibilities for key personnel for MEB CBRNE operations. Commanders at all levels will establish, provide, identify, or determine the following:

  1. A CBRNE defense organization that can operate effectively in an CBRNE environment.
  2. Plans and SOPs to ensure their units can accomplish assigned missions in an CBRNE environment.
  3. The CBRNE Warning and Reporting System (CBRNEWRS) using the ANBACIS and manual methods.
  4. Requirements for unit and individual CBRNE protective equipment, Gas Particulate Filter Units (GPFU), detection equipment, and Decontamination materials.
  5. CBRNE information updates to higher, adjacent, subordinate, and attached units; evacuate any captured enemy CBRNE material.
  6. Smoke, DECON, and Recon plans which support the unit’s current and future missions.
  7. CBRNE Battle tracking of CBRNE supplies and equipment, CBRNE defense unit’s status (if assigned).
  8. Water sources and DECON sites that support the Commander’s current or future scheme of maneuver.
  9. Submit appropriate CBRNE reports when required.

CBRNE personnel at all levels will:

  1. Advise their Commander and staff on all aspects of CBRNE defense operations.
  2. Provide CBRNE defense input for plans and orders.
  3. Prepare, receive, collect, evaluate, and distribute CBRNE reports using the ANBACIS and/or manual methods.
  4. Recommend measures to avoid or reduce the effects of CBRNE attacks.
  5. Provide intelligence concerning CBRNE activities.
  6. Monitor location, personnel, logistics, and maintenance status of all attached, OPCON, or DS chemical units.

BDE CBRNE Section. Consists of the BDE Chemical Officer, the BDE CBRNE NCO, and the TAC CBRNE NCO. Responsible to: Advise MEB commander on all aspects of CBRNE Defense; and Coordinate with and assist MEB planners and other staff sections to ensure CBRNE matters are included in IPB process, planning process, and rehearsals. Prepare CBRNE Annex for all orders.

  1. BDE CHEMO is the primary CBRNE planner in the MEB. Template enemy CBRNE strikes, chemical vulnerability and MOPP analysis, proposed Decontamination sites and DECON priorities, allocation and employment of CBRNE support units, chemical casualty evacuation, and terrain management and dirty route allocation to support the BDE.
  2. Receive, process, and disseminate analog and digital CBRNE reports in a timely and accurate manner.
  3. Advise MEB commander on MOPP and other CBRNE protection measures. Perform MOPP analysis to match commander’s intent, minimum MOPP, METT-TC, and mission accomplishment. As required, recommend use of collective protection equipment. Advise other staff sections on the protection of critical equipment and supplies (water, food, munitions, etc.) from CBRNE contamination.
  4. BDE CBRNE NCO will continuously track subordinate element CDE status. Recommend cross leveling as required. Track resupply as required. Assist supporting CBRNE elements in coordinating maintenance and logistical support IAW their command relationship with the MEB.
  5. Maintain CBRNE situation in TOC on digital overlays and maps. Update required CBRNE charts.
  6. Assist HHC Cdr in MEB TOC CBRNE defense matters. Ensure CBRNE teams are identified and properly resourced.
  7. Coordinate with BDE G-3 Chemical Section as required on CBRNE defense measures. This includes requests for and coordination of supporting CBRNE units (smoke, DECON, recon).
  8. Submit required reports to BDE Chemical IAW BDE TACSOP.

BDE S4 responsibility is to coordinate movement of caches of Decontaminates to BDE through DECON sites IAW the OPORD.