Sacred Heart

I will bless the house in which the Image of my


Shall be Exposed and Honoured

I will give peace in their families

Our Father: {Zimbawa:- Shona: baba vedu }

baba vedu muri kndinga, zita ranyu ngari namatwe; umambo kweyu nga huskike, kuda kwenyu

nga knitwe pasi sokudinga.

tiprr wo nhasi kndya kwedu kwe zuva, muh regerwewo zvata kakut adgirai so kuregereran kwa

tinosta vakntitadzira, musatirege tiki wira mune zvino tiedgu, asi muh munure kune zvakaipa.


Hail Mary: {Zimbabwe: Shona: maria musande:}

kwaziwai maria, muzere negrasiya, mambo anemi makakomborerwa pana vakadzi akakomborewa mwana, wemimba yenyu yesu.

maria musande amai vamwari, mutireverere isu vatadzi, zvimwe nepounguva yekufa kwedu. Amen.

Glory be: {Zimbabwe: Shona: Vakudzwe baba }

Vakudzwe baba nemwanakomana namweya musande, sezuakanga zviri paku tanga nazvino nakare kose nemisi isinga peri. Amen.

The Our Father: {Kanada: India:- Amanzea bappa }

Amanzeà bappa tum sorghim assoi:Tugém naum thoru zaum:Tugém ragî amancam heùm:Tugi cocsi zoszi sorghim zabá,tossi soumssarant zaum.Anim amancio disporttò grassagi amancam di:Anim amancim pattacám boghossu zoszi
amin amancer zzuccullelanku boghossitan:Anim amancám haunie poddunu duinaca:
punu póddünu gèn eta. Tem vivar.

Hail Mary: {Kanada: India: Namo Marie Varaprasada }

namo marie varaprasada poorne,kartharu nimmodene ithare.
sthreeyaralli neevu danyaru.mathu nimma udaratha phalavada yesu danyaru.

sanda maria deva mathaye,papikalagiruva namagagi eegalu
namma maranatha samayadalliyu prarthisiri. Amen.

Glory be: {Aramic}

mehullal l'abah, v'laben, v'neshamah.

k'mo ah-var, hoveh, v'ahteedolam b'lee soaf.

Sign of the Cross: { Malawi:- Mozina la atate}

Mozina la atate la mwana, ndi la mzimu woyera. Amen.

Our Father: { Atate Wathu }

Atate wathu muli kumwa mba, dzina lanu liyele tsedwe, ufunu wanu udze kufuna kwanu kuchiti dwe monsa kumwamba choncho pansi pano. Mutipatse ife lero cha kudu a chathu chalero.

Muti khulu khile ife zochimwa zathu mo nga ifeyo tiwakhulukhila adani athu. Musatisiyeife muchinyengo koma mutipulumutse ifeyo kwazoyipa zathu. Amen.

Hail Mary: { Tikuwoneni Maria}

Tikuwoneni maria, wacha-wulele chodzadza, Ambu ye ali nanu. Ndinu wodala kopambana akazi wonse. Ndipo ngo dalanso mwana wanu yesu khristu.

Maria woyera amayi a mycu ngu, muti pempherere ife ochimw. Tsopano ndi ponso pa nthawi ya kufa kwathu. Amen.

Glory be: {Ulemu ukhale}

Ulemu ukhale kwa atate ndikwa mwana ndikwa mzimu woyera monga padala poyamba tsopano ndiponso pa ni haw zotsat ha. Amen.

Our Father. {Argentina: Guarani; El Padrenuestro}

Ore ru reiméva yvágape, toñembojeroviákena nde réra. Taoreañuamba ne mborayhu. Tojejapo ne rembipota, ko yvy ári yvágapeguáicha.
Eme'êmo oréve ko'ára kóvape ore rembi'urã opa ára roikotevêva.

Ha eheja reíkena oréve ore mba'e vaikue, roheja reiháicha ore rapichápe hembiapo vaikue oréndive. Ha ani orerejátei roñepy'ara'ã, ore pe'a avei mba'e

pochy poguýgui.


Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look upon us who humbly prostrate before your altar. We are yours, and yours we wish to be; but to be more surely united with you, behold we freely consecrate ourselves today to your most Sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known you; also, many, despising your precepts, have rejected you. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to your Sacred Heart. Be You King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken you but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned you; grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. Be you King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbour of truth and unity of faith, so that soon they may be but one flock and one Shepherd. Grant your Church, O Lord, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: “Praise be to the divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to it be glory and honour for ever”. Amen

A: There are Ten Commandments of God's Law:

I am the Lord thy God:
1. Thou shall not have strange gods before Me;
2. Thou shall not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain;
3. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath Day;
4. Honour thy Father and thy Mother,
5. Thou shall not kill;
6. Thou shall not commit adultery;
7. Thou shall not steal;
8. Thou shall not bear false witness;
9. Thou shall not covet another's wife;
10. Thou shall not covet another's goods

The Ten Commandments in Hebrew

1. Anochi Adonai Alohecha

2. Lo Eheia Lecha Alohim Acherim

3. Lo Tesah Et Shem Adonai Le Shav

4. Zakor Et Yom HaShabat

5. Kabed Et Avicha Ve Emcha

6. Lo Tirtzakh

7. Lo Tignov

8. Lo Tinaf

9. Lo Taaneh

10. Lo Thakmod

Act of Reconciliation:

Forgive me my sins, Lord Jesus,

Forgive me my sins,

The sins of my youth, the sins of my age,

The sins of my soul, the sins of my body,

My idle sins, my serious voluntary sins,

The sins I know! the sins I do not know.

The sins I have concealed so long.

And which are now hidden from my memory.

I am truly sorry for every sin,

Mortal and venial,

For all the sins of my childhood,

Up to this present hour.

I know my sins have wounded, Your tender heart,

Jesus my Saviour, let me be freed,

From the bonds of evil through,

Your most bitter passion.

Jesus, forgive what I have been.

Come into my heart and be my

Personal Saviour. Amen.

Act of Consecration to Jesus through Mary

By Simon de Montfort

I ….. a faithless sinner…renew and ratify today in your hands, O Immaculate Mother, the vows of my Baptism; I renounce forever Satan, his pomp’s and works: and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the incarnate wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all the days of my life and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before.

In the presence of all the heavenly court I choose you this day for my Mother and Queen. I deliver and consecrate to you, as your slave, my body and soul. My goods both interior and exterior and even the value of all my good actions, past present and future. Leaving to you the entire and full right, of disposing of me and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to your good pleasures, for the greater glory of God, in time and eternity.

The Holy Face of Jesus

{ After the Holy Shroud of Turin}

By offering My face to my Eternal Father, nothing will be refused, and the conversion of many sinners will be obtained.

{Our Lord to Sr. Mary of Peter}

Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ

{To Sr. Mary of St Peter.}

1. By my Holy face you shall work miracles.

2. By my face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners.

3. Nothing that you ask in making this offering will be refused to you.

4. If you knew how pleasing the sight of my face is to my father.

5. As in a kingdom you can procure all you wish for with a coin marked with the King’s effigy, so in the Kingdom of Heaven you will obtain all you desire with the precious coin of my Holy face.

6. Our Lord has promised me that He will imprint His divine likeness on the souls of those who honour His most Holy Countenance.

7. All those who honour my Holy face in a spirit of reparation will, by so doing, perform the office of the pious Veronica.

8. According to the care you take in making reparation to my face, disfigured by blasphemies, so will I take care of yours, which has been disfigured by sin. I will reprint there in, My image and render it as beautiful as it was on leaving the baptismal font.

9. Our Lord promised me that all those who defend His cause in this work of reparation, by words, by prayer, or in writing. He will defend them before His Father: at their death. He will purify their souls by effacing all the blots of sin and will restore to them their primitive beauty.


An act of Praise and Reparation

May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most comprehensible and ineffable name of God be forever praised. Blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven, on earth and under the earth, by all creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Alter. Amen.


O Lord Jesus Christ, in presenting ourselves before Your adorable face to ask of You the graces of which we stand most in need. We beseech you above all, to grant us that interior disposition of never refusing at any time to do what Thou request of us by Thy holy commandments and divine inspirations. Amen.

O good Jesus, who has said, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you,” grant us O Lord, that faith which obtains all, or supply in us what may be deficient. Grant us, by the pure effect of Thy charity and for Your eternal glory, the graces which we need and which we look for from Your infinite Mercy. Amen.



Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, please have mercy on me, a sinner.

Prayers to the Holy Spirit:

Come Holy Spirit, come through the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your well beloved spouse. Amen.

Holy Spirit, descend upon us, renewing us; fill our souls, with Your love. Rest in our tormented soul giving us peace. Envelop us with Your wings, sheltering us from all evil. Humble us, guide us in Your light to be able to see Your desires and thus fulfil them. Amen.

Act of Consecration to the Eternal Father

O Heavenly father, O God of beauty, of love. I give you my heart, I surrender unto You my soul. Pour forth Your Divine Spirit of Mercy and shed Your love on me by creating Your beauty on me.

Master of Mercy, have mercy on me, a poor sinner.

Allow me to sing hymns of praise with the Cherubim and Seraphim of Angels in Your kingdom of everlasting beauty, everlasting peace.

Do not dent me Your Mercy, for I give You my heart this day. Unite my heart to Yours and protect me in Your Cloak of Purity.

Today is a new beginning in which I ask mercy from You my God.

Grant me the favour of your everlasting peace.

Have mercy on me this day and for eternity. Amen.


A focus Prayer: {Sign of the Cross to be made where indicated}

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I consecrate to You my mind {on forehead +} my words {on lips +} my heart {on heart +} my body {left shoulder +} and my soul {right shoulder +} in order that Your Will be done through me this day.

ACORDAOS / Memorare {Spanish}

Acordaos ¡Oh piadosísima Virgen María!, que jamás se ha oído decir, que ninguno de los que han acudido a vuestra protección, implorado vuestra asistencia, reclamado vuestro socorro, haya sido abandonado de Vos. Animado por esta confianza, a Vos también acudo, ¡Oh Madre Virgen de las vírgenes! y, gimiendo bajo el peso de mis pecados, me atrevo a comparecer ante vuestra presencia soberana. ¡Oh Madre de Dios! no desechéis mis suplicas, antes bien escuchadlas y acogedlas benignamente. Amen.

Salutations to my Guardian Angel:

Hail glorious Angel! appointed by God to be my Guardian! Hail holy Angel, my most faithful friend! Hail Holy Angel, be my guide! Hail holy Angel my preceptor! Hail holy Angel witness of all my actions! Hail holy Angel, my helper in every difficulty! Hail holy Angel my counsellor in doubt! Hail holy Angel, my shield at the hour of death.

Invocation to my Guardian Angel!

O Angel of God, appointed by Divine Mercy to be my guardian, enlighten and protect, direct and govern me this day and night. Amen

A daily Guardian Angel Prayer:

Dearest Guardian Angel,

You were given to me by God’s special gift

At my very beginning

When my soul was created by the great love and power,

of the Lord of all things.

Dearest Angel,

Please be with me today

And in everything I do.

By the power granted to you by my Lord,

To be my protector and champion,

Please shield me from all temptation beyond my strength.

Help me to renounce from this day forward,

All things that keep me from my Lord:

All impure thoughts,

All unkind words,

All dishonest actions,

Both actively committed

And committed through omission.

Bring to me all events and people,

Which draw me nearer this day

To my Almighty Creator,

Whether they give me joy or sorrow,

Peace or pain,

And when I come to my last day here on earth,

In your love and loyalty towards me

Please remain with me until you lead my soul

Into the full presence of my Lord,

Jesus Christ



Let us pray together the Angel prayer:

Oh my God I Believe..... (Lets reflect on that, why do we believe? what have we experienced personally, let us reflect deeply on this).....I Adore....(why do we adore him and him alone, over ourselves? reflect on this).......I trust.....(Why do we trust in him and not in material things or ourselves).........and I love you........(the above is why we love him, what else can we think of as to why we love him.) I beg pardon for those who do not believe (who are those that do not believe this includes us, why do some believe by God's grace and others do not, let us pray hard for them.) not adore....(who are they that do not adore and this includes us at times, let us beg pardon) not trust....(can we say we have surrendered) not love you. (let this be a fire to begin our prayer).