Grade: 4th Grade
Course: Social Studies
Discipline: Social Studies
01 MapsLocal Objective
Thelearner will construct and interpret maps. 5.A.1 (DOK 2)The learnerwill use a map to locate and labelthe cities of Kansas City, Springfield, St. Louis, Jefferson City, Columbia, and St. Joseph. 5.B.1 (DOK 1)
02 Geography-People and EnvironmentsLocal Objective
The learnerwill- describe human characteristics of a place (e.g. like population composition, architecture, kinds of economic and recreational activities, transportation, and communication networks, etc.) 5.C.1
- Describe howpeople are affected by, depend on, adapt to, and change their environment 5.D.1
- use geography to interpret the past, present and predict future consequences (e.g. what will likely happen if the population of a city increases considerably) 5.G.1
- The learnerwill compare regions (e.g. explain how life in a city region is different from life in a rural region, or how landscapes in mountainous regions look different from landscapes in plains regions). 5.F1
04 MO HistoryLocal Objective
The learner will outline issues of Missouri statehood, such as the Missouri Compromise. 3aF1Thelearner will summarize the events in westward expansion, including people's motivation, their hardships and Missouri as a jumping off point to the West. 3aF2
Thelearner will evaluate the impact of westward expansion on Native Americans in Missouri. 3a I 2
05 MO HistoryLocal Objective
Thelearner will state Missouri's role in the Civil War (e.g. Missouri as a border state). 3a I 1The learner will describe the changes in Missouri since the Civil War in education, transportation, and communication. 3a I 3
06 MO History - Gov'tLocal Objective
Identify and explain why Missouri has a constitution and why the state makes and enforces laws. 1AIdentify rights included in the Bill of Rights including freedoms of religion, speech, press, to assemble peacefully, to petition the government and to be treated fairly by the government. 1B
Explain the major purpose of the constitution and the Bill of Rights. 1C
Identify and explain the functions of the three branches of government in the state government. 2C2
The learner will describe how authoritative decisions are made, enforced, and interpreted within the state government. 2C1
03 MO HistoryLocal Objective
Thelearner will locate and describe settlements in Missouri of people of European and African heritage. 3a CThelearner will describe the contributions of Thomas Jefferson. 3a G
The learner will sequence and describe the importance of: 3a H
- the Louisiana Purchase
- Lewis and Clark Expedition
07 Famous MissouriansLocal Objective
The learner will identify and describe the significance of the individuals from Missouri who have made contributions to our state and national heritage: examples include Lewis and Clark, Mary Easton Sibley, John Berry Meacham, George Washington Carver, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Mark Twain, Harry S Truman, and Thomas Hart Benton. 2aA (DOK 1)Unit
08 EconomicsLocal Objective
The learner willexplainsupply and demandandcompare savings and investment. 4.A.1 4.A.2 DOK 2The learner will interpret past, explain present, and predict future consequences of economic decisions. 4.B.1
The learner will explain how decisions of households, businesses, and governments affect one another. 4.D.1
Thelearner will analyze how needs are met by groups and organizations, (e.g. governments, businesses, schools, religious institutions, charitable organizations, etc.)6.B.1
Thelearner will explain how the state gets the money it needs to provide goods and services, especially by the collection of sales taxes. 4C1
09 Resolving Conflicts (Counseling)Local Objective
The learner will evaluate constructive processes or methods for resolving conflicts. 6c