In accordance with the ministerial decree of May 25 2016 laid down by the Ministry of Education, of Higher Education and Research concerning the frame of the training and the modalities leading to the delivery of the PhD diploma, the present convention is agreed to and signed by:
The University of (name of institution) :
Country :
Address :
Represented by ( last name, first name, academic title)
The University of Limoges
33, rue François Mitterrand – BP 23204 – 87032 Limoges cedex
Represented by the President, Alain CELERIER
The present convention concerns :
Mrs, Miss, Ms, M. (cross out):
Student registration number:
Date & place of birth:
Tick approriate box:
q Holder of a Master’s degree or equivalent degree, according to article 1of the decree of May 12, 2011
q Exempted from Master’s degree and allowed to register, according to the provisions laid down by article 7 of the decree of August 23, 1985 and by article 11 of the decree of May 25 2016, stating the possibity to authenticate professional experience or obtain a dispensation granted by the President of the University on the Doctoral School’s Committee’s recommendation (the President’s decision must be provided)
Article I
Registration (The PhD student must register in both institutions)
The PhD student is registered
1 – at the University of Limoges
Doctoral field:
Doctoral School :
Starting university year :
2 – at the University of
Doctoral field:
Starting university year :
Subject of the approved PhD (full title) : ……………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………
Thesis supervisors
The student carries through his doctoral studies and research under the joint supervision of a professor in both institutions which commit themselves to thoroughly supervise the thesis.
University of Limoges, references for the supervisor:
Mrs, Ms, Mr. (first name, last name, title and position):……………………………………………………………….
Partner university, references for the supervisor or co-supervisor:
Mrs, Ms, Mr. (first name, last name, title and position): ……………………………………………………….
The student will be charged for registration by only one of the two partner institutions,
-either by one or the other institutions where the research is carried through, state which one:………………..
-or alternately by one or the other institution depending on the university year:
University year / Registration paid atArticle 2 : Tuition and Thesis
Three years is the estimated duration of the student’s tuition and research. This estimated duration may be extended by a specific agreement committing both institutions, on the joint recommendation of both supervisors.
The PhD student carries through his tuition and research alternately, in both institutions, in balanced periods jointly agreed to by the two supervisors of the thesis according to the following conditions:
Projected periods spent at the University of Limoges (tick the boxes corresponding to the PhD’s periods spent in Limoges)
Calendar year / Jan. / Feb. / March / April / May / June / July / Aug. / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec.Projected periods spent in the University of……..(tick the boxes corresponding to the PhD’s periods spent in the partner university)
Calendar year / Jan. / Feb. / March / April / May / June / July / Aug. / Sept. / Oct. / Nov. / Dec.Note that any change must be approved of by the thesis supervisor.
The protection of the subject of the thesis and the publication, exploitation and protection of the scientific results provided by the student’s doctoral research are subjected to the appropriate enforced laws according to the specific regulations laid down by each country committed by the present co-supervision document.
Article 3 : Social Security cover and civil liability
The PhD student is covered by Social Security and civil liability on the following conditions (tick the appropriate box):
-Civil liability: subscribed by the PhD student (provide the insurance certificate)
- Social Security cover:
q Subscription to Social Security / student category : q French student q foreign student
q Subscription to Social Security / general cover (paid employment)
q Other insurance subscription (state insurance name and provide insurance certificate): ...... …………..……………………
Article 4 : Tuition stages
Once she or he has completed his registration at the University of Limoges, the student must attend 3 types of complementary training modules: 1) thematic modules, 2) specialized scientific modules, 3) professional modules.
Exemption from or equivalence for these modules may be granted by the Head or joint Head of the Doctoral School and, after agreement of the partner university.
The training modules to be attended by the PhD student and for which equivalence may be considered and granted are the following (clearly state: courses, seminars, professional modules…):
-at the University of Limoges:
- at the partner university of:……………………………………………………………
The PhD student will receive the doctoral agreement of the University of Limoges signed by both thesis supervisors.
Article 5 : Defence
The thesis is defended once and both intitutions authenticate the defence.
Should disagreement about the jury appear, the President of the university where the defence is to take place will settle the case.
The student will only once defend his thesis :
q at the University of Limoges
q at the University of:
Estimated date of defence (month and year):
The thesis will be written and defended in:
q: French q: English q: other (state) :
Whenever the language in which the thesis is written and defended is not French, the thesis must be completed by a substantial summary in French.
Article 6 : Diploma issue
After the defence, both parner universities are entitled to issue:
- a diploma which is jointly issued
- a diploma which is issued by each university
In both cases:
- the diploma(s) will be issued by the entitled academic authorities after the defence, according to the jury’s recommendation
- the diploma(s) will bear the doctoral field and specific discipline, the title of the thesis or of the main works, the reference to the international joint PhD supervision, the names and titles of the examiners and the date of defence.
In each country the protection of the subject, the filing, publication and printing of the thesis will be carried out according to the enforced regulations.
The PhD student must write the Head of the Doctoral School to inform him or her about the changes altering the present convention. Should the thesis be supervised by a different supervisor, a new convention will have to be drawn up. If modifications of the contents of the convention are only limited, an amendment may be presented by the university willing to introduce modifications. The convention is by right cancelled if one or the other university realizes that the PhD student has failed to register. The convention is also cancelled if one of the two universities is informed about the student’s resignation. The student must inform both his supervisors and the Heads of the Doctoral School.
By signing the present convention, the undersigned acknowledge that they have been informed about the above specifities, conditions and regulations and that they accept the terms of the convention.
The university of………………………………… / The university of LimogesThe PhD student (date and signature):
The thesis supervisor (date and signature): / The thesis supervisor (date and signature):
The Head of the Doctoral School (date and signature): / The Head of the Doctoral School (date and signature):
The President of the University of (date and signature): / The President of the University of Limoges (date and signature):
Convention approved by the Scientific Committee of October 21 2013 and the Management Committee on October 25 2013 at the University of Limoges.