
Chris Zeller – Chair

Sue Janssen – Secretary

Donna Gerren – Northern Vice-Chair

Arthur Hingerty – Policy assistant

Adrian Nagle – Newsletter Editor

Fred Slane – Professional Development

John Grace – Webmaster

Brian Gulliver – Webmaster assistant

Kevin Mortensen – Young Professionals

Rick Gerren - Guest




Northern Vice-Chair

Wyoming Vice-Chair


Young Professionals

Public Policy


Honors and Awards



Chris Zeller welcomed everyone and opened the council meeting at approximately 18:25. He noted that this meeting is only a couple weeks from the last council meeting. The council meetings will nominally be held on the second Wednesday of the month, but may need to be shifted to avoid conflicts with programs and other events.


This meeting is focused on activities for Professional Development, Young Professionals, Educational Outreach/STEM, and Public Policy.

Chris submitted the final Cat III applications to the Region V Director. He expects to hear if any were approved within two weeks. If Cat III funding is not provided, council may consider if section budget could be used.

The first Professional Development Seminar will hopefully take place in November.

Northern Vice Chair

Donna Gerren asked when she could expect funding for the CU student branch. She will send a reminder to the Treasurer and cc: Chris. The students have begun their meetings for the year.

·  The CU student branch of AIAA participated in the Student Organization and Society Fair for Engineering Day on Thursday, August 21st. This is an annual event, combined with Freshman and New Student Orientation, which invites new students and their families on campus to hear about all of the student clubs and societies for the upcoming year. This was a great opportunity to advertise and recruit students to AIAA for the upcoming school year; dozens of students signed up to be on the e-mail list.

·  The Design Build Fly (DBF) meeting is tomorrow.

·  The next student meeting is 21 October and Sierra Nevada will present the program.

·  The November program is Orion, presented by Heather McKay from Lockheed Martin Space Systems.

The RMS website has a link to the CU student branch website. Donna will check to see that the page is kept up to date. Professional members are welcome to come to the programs.

Wyoming Vice Chair

Kevin Mortensen has been working with Mike Stoellinger (Wyoming Vice-Chair) and Heather McKay (Programs) to hold a section-sponsored event in Wyoming. They are arranging a visit of Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, probably on a Saturday in March. The visit may include a tour of a launch facility and simulator as well as a briefing. Council members asked if US citizenship is required and if families may also attend. Details will be forthcoming.


Sue apologized that the draft minutes from the October meeting were not yet posted. She will send a notice to council members to ask for their review.

Sue also mentioned that it will soon be time to prepare for participating in the Colorado, Wyoming and Montana State Science Fairs. The information on the respective websites has not yet been updated to include the information for 2015. Sue and John Eiler will monitor and report to council as information becomes available.

Young Professionals

Kevin Mortensen will contact John Niehues to plan several YP events. Chris suggested a picnic at Ball in Boulder for the spring. Another suggestion was to have happy hour after programs.

Kevin is also working with Heather McKay on a program in Colorado Springs.

Public Policy

Arthur Hingerty reported that he and Jason Kuchera are drafting questions for the ATS panel session.

They are still considering “charm school” for media interviewing. Sue suggested contacting headquarters to see if they could help.

Other events that we hope to participate in include Congressional Visits Day (CVD) and Colorado Aerospace Day which are both in March.

The PP committee is participating in the Colorado Space Business Roundtable ( meeting in December.

Chris requested that the PP committee prepare a line-item budget for their activities and submit it to Roger McNamara.


John Grace submitted the following report:


·  Please include an “expiration date” on entries for Announcements. Calendar entries expire automatically.

·  Council members – You must use your email address that is on the list to send a message. Due to abundant SPAM, any message from a “non-member” (any email address not on the list) is automatically deleted.

·  To add another email to the Council list, go to the Officers page, click the link at the top and follow the instructions to subscribe to Council.


·  ATS participant registration is 138 as of 10/06.

Updated the AIAA-RM email list () on October 6.

·  AIAA-RM now has 2,681 email addresses (increase of 34 since September).

Honors and Award

Chris asked that nominations for a Special Service award be sent to Rusty Powell for consideration.


Chris adjourned the meeting at approximately 19:40. The next council meeting is scheduled for 5 November.

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Janssen

Secretary, AIAA RMS

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