Generic Indicator
This PGN applies to commands that drive and control user indicators.This command can be sent from any device on the network to specify what the indicator should display.
An Example of this use could be a single illuminated indicator, a tell-tale cluster, or status display on a switch panel, etc.
The following formats apply (see Table 1).
Table 1 – Generic Indicator definition
Device attribute / ValueCategory / Controls & Displays
Default Source Address / 68
DynamicAddressRange / 128-143
Instance / Multiple
Static addressing is discouraged in this product.
Generic Indicator Status
Table 2 defines the PG attributes and Table 3 defines the signal and parameter attributes.
Table 2 – PG Definition
PGN / 1FED7h (pending)
Default priority / 6
Maximum broadcast rate / N/A
Normal broadcast rate / on change, as required
Minimum broadcast rate / N/A
Number of frames / 1
ACK requirements / None
Table 3 - Signal and parameter definition
Byte / Bit / Name / Data type / Unit / Value description0 / - / Instance / uint8 / - / Indicator instance targeted by this command.
1-250 = valid instance
0 = all instances
255 = no instances (use for group command)
1 / - / Group / uint8 / bitmap / Indicates group membership. Bits 0 to 6 correspond to groups 1 to 7. A zero in one of these seven bits indicates that the command applies to that group. Bit 7 must be zero for a group command
01111110 – Group 1
01111101 – Group 2
11111111 – For non-group commands
2 / - / Brightness / uint8 / percent / Indicator brightness level in percent.
0-200 = 0-100% in 0.5% increments.
Ignored if not used by specified function.See table 4 from ISO_21zzz-7_Draft2_E_.pdf.
3 / - / Bank Select / uint8 / Bitmap / Bit 0: 1 = bank 1, 0 = bank 2. Each bank will support up to 250 instances, An additional bank will allow support for up to 500 instances.
Bits 1-7 Reserved
4 / - / Delay/Duration / uint8 / Sec / Number of seconds remaining in a delayed or duration command. Max 240 seconds.
0 = delay/duration has expired
253 = out of range (more then 240 seconds remaining)
255 = no delay/duration active
5 / 0 to 1 / LED1 Status / Bit2 / 00 = LED1 is off
01 = LED1 is on
2 to 3 / LED2 Status / Bit2 / 00 = LED2 is off
01 = LED2 is on
4 to 7 / Reserved
6 / - / Last Command / uint8 / - / Indicates last command (function) executed by this instance. This is the last command executed by the GENERIC_INDICATOR_COMMAND (PGN 1FED9).
7 / - / Reserved
Generic Indicator Command
Table 5 defines the PG attributes and Table 6defines the signal and parameter attributes.
Table 5 – PG Definition
PGN / 1FED9h (pending)
Default priority / 6
Maximum broadcast rate / N/A
Normal broadcast rate / as needed (source determined)
Minimum broadcast rate / N/A
Number of frames / 1
Table 6 - Signal and parameter definition
Byte / Bit / Name / Data type / Unit / Value description0 / - / Instance / uint8 / - / Indicator instance targeted by this command.
1-250 = valid instance
0 = all instances
255 = no instances (use for group command)
1 / - / Group / uint8 / bitmap / Bits 0 to 6 correspond to groups 1 to 7. A zero in one of these seven bits indicates that the command applies to that group. Bit 7 must be zero for a group command
01111110 – Group 1
01111101 – Group 2
11111111 – For non-group commands
2 / - / Brightness / uint8 / percent / Indicator brightness level in percent.
0-200 = 0-100% in 0.5% increments.
Ignored if not used by specified function. See Table 4.
3 / - / Bank Select / uint8 / Bitmap / Bit 0: 1 = bank 1, 0 = bank 2. Each bank will support up to 250 instances, so two banks will allow support for up to 500 instances.
Bits 1-7 Reserved
4 / - / Duration / uint8 / Sec / Number of seconds of duration for the specified command, after which the instance will revert to its previous state. Max 240 seconds.
Additional minute increment values:
241 = 5 min
242 = 6 min …
250 = 14 min
255 = Continuous command
0 = momentary command (revert to previous state if command is not repeated at least once every 2 seconds).
5 / - / Reserved
6 / - / Function / uint8 / - / 0x00 – Set Brightness for both LED1 and LED2 (1)
0x01 – LED1 Off, LED2 Off
0x02– LED1 On, LED2 Off
0x03 – LED1 Off, LED2 On
0x04 – LED1 On, LED2 On
0x11 – Ramp Brightness from current value to new value specified in byte 2.
0x33 – Flash Alternate (alternate between LED1 on and LED on)
7 / - / Reserved
(1) The set brightness command controls the general brightness of both indicator LEDs, but does not affect whether the LEDs are actually On or Off. This should be seen like a dimmer control for the indicators.