EIFC Board Meeting Minutes, August 28, 2017 – City Hall Chambers
Call to Order: Laura Smallhorn called the meeting to order at 7:10pm.
Present: Laura Smallhorn, Ron Potsch, Rich Sanderfer, Megan Merrill, Steve Ballinger, Amy Caltry, and Dirk Bennett
Absent: Ed Abou-Zaid and Jack McGrath
Minutes: Minutes were reviewed with no corrections needed. Motion to approve the minutes was made by M. Merrill and seconded by L. Smallhorn.
Financial Reports: High school and Club financial reports were reviewed and no corrections were needed. Motion to approve both reports was made by M. Merrill and seconded by R. Sanderfer.
Business Reports: The Pre-Academy which begins September 10th, is almost full with 76 children registered. We will cap participation at 80. Set up will begin at 4pm each Monday at Sister City. Board assistance would be appreciated. The Academy currently has 103 1st thru 6th grade players registered, allowing 8 younger aged teams and 4 older teams.
There are currently two U11 Club teams playing in the CIYSL. They are coached by Paul Stranz and Chris Norton, and Laura Smallhorn is managing both teams. The U14 team is playing in the ECISC league and is coached by Mike Brown and managed by Megan Merrill. 25 Club players attended the EIU game for club day.
Committees: Steve Ballinger was voted in as a new member with a motion by A. Caltry seconded by R. Sanderfer and approved by all. Two other parents of U11 players are also considering joining the board.
Old Business: Fundraising was addressed and the idea of holding a 50/50 raffle was motioned by R. Sanderfer and seconded by A. Caltry. A limited number of tickets would be sold primarily by our club players, but Academy families would also be encouraged to participate and tickets would also be sold at the concession stand. We are also still looking for more sponsors for our t-shirts or other promotional sponsors.
New Business: There will be another club day at the EIU game on October 14th at 1:00 at Lakeside Field. An effort will be made to ensure that all EIFC players attending have the opportunity to walk out with the EIU team.
Equipment/Fields: New balls, new pugg goals and light bulbs for the scoreboard were purchased. In addition, the high school Courver Goal also requires a new net.
Adjournment: R. Sanderfer motioned to adjourn, seconded by S. Ballinger. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.