Harkstead Parish Council – Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: Monday - April 14 2014 Location – Harkstead Village Hall
Councillors Present: William Wrinch, Roger Harward, John Zalucki, John Pollett, Alison Looser,
Simon Leatherdale. District – David Rose
Also present: PC Sam Gilkes, 1 parishioner and clerk
1. Apologies – County Cllr. Dave Wood
2. Declaration of Interest – William Wrinch, trustee village hall.
3. Minutes of last meeting – March 10 214, amended and signed.
4. Matters Arising – Broken glass on shore – mostly cleared up.
Adjournment: 1.PC Gilkes pleased to report no crimes in Harkstead over the past month. Locally, mainly at Copdock, Tesco car park, SatNavs and mobile phones left on view had been stolen from cars. 2. David Rose said there would be a Community Roadshow in Stutton in May, in aid of promoting community groups and activities. Also Babergh was arranging a twice yearly meeting with Parish Councils. At present there is only one a year. He asked the PC to submit anything for the agenda that they may want discussed.
5. Village Sign – Baker’s Arms has a new landlord with a 99 year lease. He and the owners of the
Freehold have agreed to let the sign be located facing The Street. PC would like to have owners
Agreement in writing first. But still go ahead and have the sign made, before costs increase.
6. Millennium Green –Debris had been removed. The floor surrounding the slide was adequate but would need replacing, longterm. Cllr. Harward had emailed Jo Hammond in Holbrook about possibility of creating a growing, willow igloo.
7. Planning Applications – B/14/241 – Land next to Hill Cottage, outline for new dwelling. PC had no objections.
8. Footpaths - FP 56 from Old Rose towards Slushy Lane. Very overgrown Clerk to contact landowner John Abbott and ask him where it actually ends. PC’s agreed to walk the parish paths again to update last report.
9. Financial Report – Current Ac. £1536. Business Saver Ac. £2672, Savings £1684. Expenditure this month – Clerk Jan 1 to MARCH 31 - £27037. SALC payroll services - £16,80. Village hall room hire Jan, Feb Mar - £22.50. Roger Harward, swing seats £105. John Abbott mower repairs - £57.05. 2. Clerk reported that 3 cheques totalling £66 hadn’t been banked by Village Hall. PC discussed possibility of paying once a year or direct transfer quarterly. Chairman to speak to Tony Leeson, chair of village hall about this. 3. Clerk had submitted audit paperwork to Rodney Freeman for completion.
10. Correspondence – nothing to discuss.
11. Any other business – Cllr. Harward suggested that a few PC’s get together and discuss how to word the Community Asset document, with regard to Baker’s Arms. Meantime clerk will ask S/ACRE what the norm. is. Cllr. Zalucki reported there were some wrecked dinghies on the shore. Clerk to contact Sucklings, the landowners to ask them if they know about them, and do they need help removing them.
12. Next meeting – Annual Parish Meeting, Monday May 12, 8pm in the hall.