Record of Servant Leadership Guidelines
SLC’s (Student Leadership Credits) are given for activities that are servant or leadership oriented. These are guidelines to help SLi participants understand the types of activities which count for extra credit (in addition to the activities which have a pre-determined SLC value which are listed on front of the “Record of Servant Leadership” form).
Due Dates: It is strongly recommended that forms are turned in as soon as an activity is complete. However, there are 2 firm deadlines: 12/15/15 and 4/14/16. NO EXCEPTIONS!
The following have been approved in the past:
o Helping out at Vacation Bible School, AWANA, Sunday School, children’s ministry
o Discipling/mentoring/leading younger students (Bible studies, sports, etc).
o Counselor or leader at church camp
o Leader of a Bible study
o Member of chapel praise team or technical team
o PCA student ambassador
o Volunteer at church library
o Helping at the PBC Christmas Store
o Coaching with PSO
o Volunteer at homeless shelter, nursing home, inner-city ministry
o Passing out literature to encourage voting
o Volunteer with charities such as Easter Seals
o Activities related to evangelism
o SPOTS Leader
o Volunteer at PCA Zig Ziglar event
o Tutoring
o Mission Trips / Leadership Conferences (e.g. SLU, Summit, Sky Ranch, etc.)
Areas that don’t qualify: (We already expect you to be doing these things)
o PCA Service Project days
o Activities related to PCA Community Service class, cheerleading, homecoming, Fury or other spirit-related activities
o Attending church camps
o Being in the church choir
o Attending Wednesday night Bible studies
o Office Aide
o Attending PBC Freedom week-end
If you’re not sure if something qualifies or not, just ask!