21st June 2016

Thorpe Park – Wednesday 13th July 2016

Dear Parents/Guardian,

We are excited to announce that the school has organised a trip for all of our students to Thorpe Park on Wednesday the 13th of July 2016 as an annual rewards trip.

This trip is in recognition of all the hard work that the students have put in to their work since the beginning of the school year to date and we hope that they will continue with this level of effort and dedication until the end of their education at Eden Girls’ School, Waltham Forest.

The trip will take place on the 13th of July 2016 and we shall be leaving the school at 8:00am prompt. Please can all students therefore arrive at the school no later than 7:45am. We shall aim to return to the school at 7:00pm, however, if there are any delays a text message will be sent to all parents informing you of this.

The school is asking parents to contribute £15.00 towards the cost of the trip. This will help towards the cost of the coach travel to and from the venue as well as entry into the theme park. Please ensure payment is made Via ParentPay.

Students who pay for their school meals or are entitled to free school meals, will be provided with a school packed lunch, all other students will need to bring in a packed lunch.

Students will also need to be dressed in appropriate and modest clothingand footwear and will not be allowed on the trip if they are inappropriately dressed.

As part of our ‘Pupil Premium Guarantee’, students receiving free school meals will be able to participate in the trip free-of-charge. If you feel that your daughter may be entitled to ‘Free School Meals’, please contact the local council’s benefits department on (020) 8496 3000 or complete the online claim form on:

If your child has a valid Merlin Pass for the 13th of July please indicate on the slip below, this will reduce payment to £8.50 for transport.

Please sign and return the consent slip on the next page, detailing any relevant medical information on the reverse of the form, with payment. Permission slips need to be returned by Tuesday the 27thof June 2016 to the office.

Yours sincerely

Sajid Khaliq

Deputy Principal

Eden Girls Waltham Forest

Registered Office: Tauheedul Education Trust, Shadsworth Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 2HT.

Registered in England and Wales. Company No: 073553849

Eden Girls’ School, Waltham Forest

Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, London E17 5SD

Tel: 020 8523 1810; Email:

Principal: Shahina Ahmad

Student Name (IN BLOCK CAPITALS)Tutor Group

I give permission for the above named student to attend the trip on Wednesday 13th July 2016

  1. I will make payment of £15.00 via ParentPay☐
  2. My daughter is entitled to free school meals and therefore is not required to contribute☐
  3. My daughter has a Merlin Pass and I enclose the sum of £8.50 to contribute towards travel☐

Please tick the appropriate box

My daughter has the following medical conditions:

SignedPrint Name:

Relationship to student: Date

Please complete and return this form no later than Tuesday the 28thof June 2016in order to secure your daughter’s place.

Registered Office: Tauheedul Education Trust, Shadsworth Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 2HT.

Registered in England and Wales. Company No: 073553849

Eden Girls’ School, Waltham Forest

Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow, London E17 5SD

Tel: 020 8523 1810; Email:

Principal: Shahina Ahmad