Members present :
Dr. Subesh Das, I.A.S., Addl. Chief Secretary, Department of Forests,Govt. of W.B
Vice-Chairman, WBZA
Sri S. B. Mondal, I.F.S., PCCF (WL) & Member, WBZA
Sri Nantu Pal, Chairman, Siliguri Municipal Corporation
Sri SankarDhar, People's for Animals, Alipurduar
Sri A. K. Jha, I.F.S., Director, PNHZ Park & Member WBZA
Dr.KamalakantaSaha, Director, Animal Health & Veterinary Services
Dr. B. R. Sharma, I.F.S., CCF (WL) North & Special Invitee, WBZA
Sri K. L. Ghosh, I.F.S., Director, Alipore Zoo
Sri T. V. N. Rao, I.F.S., Member Secretary, WBZA
Sri SubratoDutta, I.A.S., Addl. Secretary, Dept. of Forests (Special Invitee).
Sri Samar Ghosh, I.A.S., Chief Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal, Sri A. K. Raha, I.F.S., P.C.C.F.(General), Sri B. S. Bonal, I.F.S., Secretary, CZA, Sri H. K. Dwivedi, I.A.S., Secretary, Dept. of Finance, Govt. of West Bengal and Sri Susanta Mondal, President, All Backward Class Relief & Dev. Mission member could not attend the meeting.
In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, WBZA chaired the meeting.
Following are the deliberations and resolutions taken :
Agenda 1 :
Sub. : Approval of the minutes of the 4th meeting of the Governing Board.
The GB has resolved that,
"the minutes of the 4th Governing Board held on 24th March, 2012 are hereby approved."
Agenda 2 :
Sub. : To note and approve the 'Action Taken Report' on the resolutions of the 4th G.B.
The GB has resolved that,
"the 'Action Taken Report' on the resolutions of the 4th Governing Board meeting has been ratified."
Agenda 3 :
Sub. : Approval of Annual Report & Annual Accounts (2012-12) of Darjeeling Zoo.
The annual report & annual accounts of Darjeeling Zoo along with Auditor's Report are discussed and GB advised the Director, PNHZP to provide a detailed reply to the Auditor's observations and the MS to examine the same and put up with his comments to the next G.B.
Agenda 4 :
Sub. : Approval of Annual Accounts (2011-12) of Alipore zoo.
The GB is appraised that Alipore Zoo has been doing only 'Receipt & Payment Audit' in the past and the same is ready only up to 2009-10. There is a back log of annual accounts of two years.
So the Director, Alipore Zoo is asked to put in efforts to compile the accounts up-to date and the Annual Accounts of 2010-11 & 2011-12 should be compiled and put up to the GB as early as possible.
Agenda 5 :
Sub. : Approval of Annual Budgets of Mini Zoos of West Bengal for year 2012-13.
The annual budget of the 8 mini zoos for the year 2012-13 are enclosed(asAnnexure 1)
The GB has resolved that,
"annual budget of the 8 mini zoos of WBZA for the year 2012-13 as enclosed is hereby approved.''
Agenda 6 :
Sub. : Status report of Animal Exchange program of Darjeeling & Alipore zoos.
The animal exchange program of the Darjeeling and Alipore zoos, as put up, is noted.
Agenda 7 :
Sub. : Development of North Bengal Wild Animal Park near Siliguri.
The proposal for development of North Bengal Animals Park near Siliguri over 240 Ha (Dabgram 1 & 4 compartments of Adabari, Baitunthapur Division) was discussed and was approved in principle.
The GB has resolved that,
"to start the project and the MS is authorized to do the initial expenses of tendering and survey for Master Plan preparation.
A committee consisting of members - Dr. B. R. Sharma, C.C.F (W.L) N.B., Director, Darjeeling Zoo, Sri Nantu Pal, Member WBZA, C.F., Northern Circle be formed to prepare an estimate and take up developmental activities at site and the estimates be sent to Dept. of North Bengal Development for funding.''
Agenda 8 :
Sub. : Filling up of posts of Zoo Keepers in Darjeeling and Alipore Zoos.
At present Darjeeling Zoo has 8 vacancies against 14 and Alipore Zoo has 19 vacancies against 66 sanctioned posts of zoo keepers. Zoo Keeper post is a very important professional post and needs to be filled up on permanent basis.
The GB has resolved that,
"the vacant post of Zoo Keepers, 8 in Darjeeling zoo and 19 at Alipore Zoo to be filled up by direct recruitment as per the qualifications fixed by CZA and a committee of MS, WBZA, Director, Alipore Zoo and Director, Darjeeling Zoo to form the interview Board. The qualification criteria and selection process for the posts of Zoo Keepers should be taken up for approval in the technical committee, WBZA.''
Agenda 9 :
Sub. : Delegation of powers for issue of cheques of WBZA.
The delegation of powers for signing of the bank cheques of WBZA is not approved by the GB.
Agenda 10 :
Sub. : Strategy for preparation of Master Layout Plan & Master Plans.
The GB noted the strategy and progress in preparation of Master Layout Plan & Master Plan for mini zoos.
Supplementary Agenda No. 1
Sub. : Appointment of Statutory Auditors at PNHZ Park for a period of 3 years starting from 2012-13.
The Board resolved that,
M/s.Dhar & Partner be appointed as the Statutory Auditors for an annual remuneration of Rs.19,000/- + S. tax, boarding, lodging & travel extra for PNHZ Park and the appointment is to be done by office of M.S., WBZA. The M.S. is also been directed to initiate the process for appointment of Statutory Auditors for the entire WBZA (PNHZP to be done separately for this year 2012-13).''
Supplementary Agenda No. 2
Sub. : Release of Red Panda in the Singalila National Park.
The Board resolved that,
"two male red pandas from PNHZ Park be shifted to Gaiarbans Soft Release Center for subsequent release into the wild, subjected to the approval and financing by CZA."
Supplementary Agenda No. 3
Sub. : Collaborative Research Programme with Sikkim University/North Bengal University.
The Board resolved that,
"Sikkim University and North Bengal University to be approached for collaborative program for recognizing the two years spent at PNHZP as project period for awarding PhD Degrees for students undertaking research projects at PNHZ Park."
Supplementary Agenda No. 4
Sub. : Implementation of 'Child Care Leave' to the female employees of WBZA.
After deliberations the GB has not approved the adoption of 'Child Care Leave' G.O. No.1364-F(P) dated 15.02.2012 for WBZA and advised MS to come up with well examined proposal after taking the consent of the Dept. of Forests, Govt. of W.B regarding the applicability of the said G.O to WBZA.
Supplementary Agenda No. 5
Sub. : Ratification for granting higher scale to the Head Clerk in the Zoological Garden, Alipore.
After deliberations, the GB has not approved the adoption of G.O. No. 10751-F(P) dated 19.11.2010 for WBZA and advised MS to come up with well examined proposal after taking the consent of the Dept. of Forests, Govt. of W.B regarding the applicability of the said G.O to WBZA.
Supplementary Agenda No. 6
Sub. : Appointment of Md. Anwar, S/o. Late Islam Meah, Ex-Junior Keeper, Grade-I on compassionate ground at the Zoological Garden, Alipore.
The Board resolved,
"to appoint Md. Anwar, on Died-In-Harness case pertaining to his father Md. Islam Meah, against the existing vacancy at Alipore Zoo as per the rules and regulations of the State Government and authorised the Director, Alipore Zoo to take action accordingly."
Supplementary Agenda No.7
Sub. : Creation of underpass/overbridge between the two blocks of land at Alipore Zoo.
Alipore Zoo has two blocks of land divided by the public road. The zoo witnesses footfalls of 20,000 every day and most of these people have to cross the road by foot. To ameliorate the situation, the two compounds are proposed to be connected by underground pass/overhead bridge with escalators.
To take the project through conceptualization, design and tendering stage, a technical committee of two C.Es, the C.E of WBZA and the C.E of KMC is approved to be formed and MS to take action accordingly.
The Board resolved that,
"the idea of connecting the two compounds of Alipore Zoo by underground passage / overhead corridor is approved and the committee as suggested above be formed and the M.S is authorized to incur the initial expenses of the designing & tendering and come back to the G.B for further deliberations."
Supplementary Agenda No.8
Sub. : Grant of Ad-hoc Bonus for the permanent employees of the WBZA.
The Board resolved that,
"the permanent staff of WBZA are hereby granted 'ad-hoc bonus' on par and according to the terms and conditions of the Finance Dept. order regarding the same for the year 2011-12."
The minutes of the meeting may kindly be approved.
Member Secretary
Vice Chairman, WBZA &
Addl. Chief Secretary, Forests, Govt. of West Bengal.