NHS Fife / Role development for newly transitioned band 6 midwives /
NHS Fife / Good Health, Good Heart /
NHS Fife / Evaluation of Introduction of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) by Mental Health Occupational Therapy (MHOT)in Fife /
NHS GGC / Valuing People – Using Patient stories as an educational resource in Child and Adolescent Metal Health / ;
NHS Grampian / NMAHP Band 6 development pilot programme / Julie Gillespie
NHS Lanarkshire / Enhancing role development and leadership capacity within Long term Conditions Teams / Caroline Mitchell
NHS Tayside / Literacy Sensitive Midwifery Services / ;
NHS Tayside / Team development and integration of NHS and Local Authority /
NHS Western Isles / Role of AHPs in supporting patients in or towards employment /
NHS Western Isles / Community Hospital Development Programme for nursing staff /
NHS Western Isle / Therapeutic summer programme for children with additional support needs (ASN) /
NHS A & A / Implementing evaluation and research skills in AHP Practice /
NHS A & A / Supporting Clinical Supervision within the Learning Disabilities Service through Effective Practitioner. / .uk
NHS A & A / Improving the patient experience in ICU through use of alternative and augmentative communication strategies /
NHS Highland / All NMAHP ‘bank only’ staff in NHS Highland /
NHS GGC / Pauline Johnston: Practice Development - Podiatry /
NHS Forth Valley / Leadership, Shared learning & Development (LSD) /
NHS Forth Valley / Improve clinical practice in supporting prisoners with learning disabilities /
Effective Practitioner Funded Projects 2013-2014
NHS Highland / Senior Practitioner Development /NHS Lanarkshire / Improved multi professional practice in the care of the frail older adult within the community setting. /
NHS Tayside / Neurology Outpatient Information /
NHS Western Isle / NMAHP Grand Rounds /
NHS Highland / Integrated Team Leads – promoting Effective Practitioner and supporting Integrated Teams /
NHS Lothian / Implementing Person Centred Care through enhancing the clinical learning environment. / ;
NHS Fife / Developing support and supervision for practitioners delivering acceptance and commitment therapies (ACT) /
NHS Borders / Handy access to Effective Practitioner Resources / ;
NHS Forth Valley / Reviewing & Assessing Practice /
NHS Forth Valley / Develop service users and carers contribution to education and training in the work place. /
NHS Lothian / Developing Mentors using Effective Practitioner resources / .
NHS Tayside / Meeting the MSK Heat target - Implementing the START Tool across Tayside /