The ATLAS Orange City Area staff thanks everyone who took a tag from the Christmas tree and purchased gifts for the ATLAS Christmas Store. Local families were able to buy gifts for over 200 loved ones! Thank you for your faithful support and for making a merry Christmas for many in our community!

Thank you to everyone who remembered me with prayers, cards, meals during my down time after my surgery. Also for the holiday greetings and trays of goodies. Thank you to Pastor Nate for his visits. May each of you be rewarded for your deeds of goodness. Nelma Byker

I want to thank everyone who remembered me when I had pneumonia.

With prayers, concerns and food. Delicious potato soup, a casserole and goodies. It was very much appreciated. Fannie Westra


  1. General Fund
  1. Budget Checks: $6,549.54
  2. Budget Cash: $430.00 Budget Total $6,979.54
  3. Building Fund: $5,250.00
  4. Building Fund Roof: $40.00
  5. Calvin Seminary: $144.00
  6. Sunday School: $80.00
  1. Special Funds

1. Christian Ed: $839.50

2. Mid Sioux: $421.00


8ATLAS / Benevolence5Christian Education

15Christian Education12The Table – Craig & Jeanine Broek

22Building Fund19Christian Education

29The Banquet26Building Fund (Roof)

If you’re interested in a JFA serve trip or would like to meet others who are going on the various trips, join us on Tuesday January 10 at 6pm for pizza, an informational meeting, and a time to get to know each other. If you plan to attend, Please RSVP by Jan. 6 to Lauren by calling (712)476-2804 or email

Serve trip opportunities:

Harvest Hands Ministries, Juarez, MX: January 27-Feb 3

Spencer Perkins Center, Jackson, MS: February 18-24

Voice of Calvary, Jackson, MS: February 25-March 3

Grace Reigns, Colorado City, AZ: March 19-25

Ice Fishing Tournament - Join us for a winter family fundraiser!Ireton Christian School is hosting an ice fishing tournament on January 21, 2017 on Emerson Bay, West Lake Okoboji. Adult prizes will be given to the most weight in pan fish caught, youth prizes will be a general drawing. Entrance fees are Adults - $25 in advance and $30 same day; Youth (under 16 yrs old) - $10 in advance and $15 same day. The following will be available at the Christian Life Center at Camp Okoboji: parking, registration, weigh station, coffee, soups, cinnamon rolls, restrooms and a fish cleaning station on site.This is a family fun event, so invite your friends and relatives of all ages and skill! There are registration forms in the back of church for more information and instructions on how to register. For any questions, please contact Mary Hooyer at or 712-540-3019.

Ireton Christian School will be hosting their soup supper and bake sale on Monday, January 23. We are serving soups: chili, potato and chicken. Taverns, hotdogs. Pie and Ice Cream. Located at Ireton Christian school serving from 5-7pm. Free will donation.

Ireton Christian Reformed Church

COUNCIL MINUTES, December 5, 2016

  1. Call to Order: Art Hamming, All present except Justin Dekkers and Bryan Bonnema with notice.
  1. Devotions and Lunch: Pastor Nate opened with prayer and devotions, reading from Ephesians 2:1-10. Christ’s Love for us.

Prayer Concerns-Scott Vreeman family, Tim, Lori, & Kory, Nelma Byker, those having difficult days in this time of the year.

  1. Approval of Council Minutes- Read and approved last month’s council minutes.
  1. From the Elders: Discussed moving the evening service to 5:00 pm during the Winter months.
  1. Correspondence - We received a letter from the Friendship Community Church with the retirement of Pastor Verlyn Schaap. January 15, 2017 is his retirement service, which we are invited to attend.
  1. Old Business: Benjy Weida gave a report on our church sign on our front lawn. Motion made to buy 400 characters for $200. This was approved.
  1. Pastor’s Report- Pastor Nate gave a positive report on his visits and sermons.
  1. Committee Reports:
  2. Worship- The Knight Sounds will be in our church on January 15 for the PM service. It was discussed to invite Lebanon and Hawarden CRC’s.
  3. Building- The doors have been installed in the parsonage.
  4. Finance Committee Reports: See attached.

Approval of Reports : Approved

  1. Concept Minutes read and approved.
  1. Closing Prayer- Motion to Adjourn- Don Van Sloten
  1. Next Meeting --__Date to be announced. _ Devotions & Lunch—Kelly Noteboom


Jan. 8Howard & Sara Hulshof

Jeremy & Aftan Koopmans

Jan. 15 Willard & Donna Koopmans

Mike and Deb Kramer

Jan. 22 Nate & Ang Kuperus

Don & Marie Mulder

Jan. 29 Scott & Jennifer Miedema

Kelly & Carmen Noteboom

Feb. 5Gerald & Rhonda Postma

Marlin & Leah Schoonhoven


Jan. 8: AM Mary Hooyer, Sydney Miedema

PM Sara Hulshof, Olivia Fedders

Jan. 15 AMCarolyn Gradert, Lexi Zomermaand

PMDeb Kramer, Kortnie Bonnema

Jan. 22 AMAftan Koopmans, Cassady Dekkers

PMMarlene De Weerd, Treyton Bonnema

Jan. 29 AMJill Vander Windt, Connor Weida

PMPamela Fedders, Paige Fedders

Feb. 5 AMCindy Davelaar, Lila Sieck

PMJennifer Miedema, Erin Miedema


Jan 8

Brandon Dekkers, Justin Dekkers, Jim Dekkers

Jan 15

Arlin De Weerd, Lyle De Wit, Les Dorhout

Jan 22

Kevin Eisma, Doug Faber, Eric Faber

Jan 29

Brad Fedders, Brian Gradert, Kameron Gradert

Feb 5

Kolton Gradert, Josh Hooyer, Lynn Juffer

Jan. 3:Les & Ruth Dorhout

Jan. 4:Ryan & Angela Zomermaand

Jan. 28:Willard & Donna Koopmans

Jan. 1:Howard Bomgaars

Jan. 7:Brantley Faber

Jan. 8:Cory Kuperus

Jan. 10:Rhonda Postma

Jan. 10:Mason Kramer

Jan. 13:Les Dorhout

Jan. 14:Angela Kuperus

Jan. 14:Alex Schoonhoven

Jan. 16:Joshua Vander Windt

Jan. 19:Debra Van Bruggen

Jan. 21:Curtis De Vries

Jan. 22:Cainen Vander Windt

Jan. 24:Zachary Dekkers

Jan. 27:Kortnie Bonnema

Jan. 30:Rodney Vander Plas

Feb. 3:Nathan Broek