Planning Committee
Meeting held at the Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury
At 6.00pm on Tuesday 08 April 2014
PRESENT – Councillors A Townsend (Chairman), A Bannerman, A Chebsey, I Jones, P Nutting, M Price and K Roberts.
IN ATTENDANCE – Helen Ball (Town Clerk), Hilary Humphries (Admin Assistant), Rebecca Oliver (Committee Clerk).
(i) Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
None received
(ii) Declarations of Non-Pecuniary Interest
Shropshire Councillors / · Those twin-hatted members declared an interest in any matters relating to the Town Council’s relationship with Shropshire Council.Councillor Nutting / · As a member of Shropshire Council Central Planning Committee he reserved the right to take a different view of the same applications considered in light of any additional information presented to the Central Planning Committee.
Councillor Price / · As Shropshire Council Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning & Housing he reserved the right to take a different view of the same applications considered in light of any additional information presented to him in his Portfolio capacity.
The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 18 March 2014 were submitted as circulated and read.
That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 18 March 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising.
The meeting was joined by David Edwards, Shropshire Council’s Floods and Water Manager whose team acts as a consultee to the planning process. They monitor proposals to ensure that drainage and flooding issues are taken into account by developers, i.e. ensuring sites are not at risk of flooding and that flood risks in other places do not increase as a result of any development.
This team works closely with many other teams including the Planning Department, Environment Agency, Water Companies, Internal Drainage Boards plus other Statutory Consultees.
SuDS aims to alleviate problems of downstream flooding and deterioration in river water quality, by decreasing flow rates to watercourses and therefore improving the quality of the water. There has been a positive take-up of SuDS by Developers with the majority adopting the guidelines as the ‘norm’.
Examples of SuDS includes
· permeable paved parking areas which act as filters to the water and can be very effective in cleaning water contaminated with liquids from vehicles i.e. oil or petrol.
· filter grass strips with French drains which also filtrates dirt out of the water
· roadside wetlands
· swales (grass lined channels) and flood storage areas which typically have shallow sloped sides and are designed to be public open spaces which become shallow water features in inclement weather. The grasses also filtrate the water.
Smaller sites will see alternative solutions such as:
· green roofs
· rainwater harvesting systems
· water butts
· soakaways etc.
Members were concerned over the safety implications of having areas of open water near to where children are encouraged to play. David stated the SuDS that are incorporated into public open spaces are safer than conventional drainage systems.
Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 is expected to be enacted in October 2014 and focuses on Sustainable Drainage. This will be phased in affecting major developments, ten or more dwellings of more than 0.5 hectares, for the first three years and then from 2017 all developments of 100m2 or more.
The introduction of Schedule 3 has been delayed several times and Shropshire Council was disappointed by the delay but the existing guidance (Surface Water Management Interim Guidance for Developers 2011) continues to monitor the impact of flooding.
From October 2014 SuDS approval in addition to the planning process shall be mandatory and no work can begin on site until the SuDS approval has been given (even if planning approval has been granted). Pre-application discussions are being encouraged. Surface water drainage will no longer be part of the planning process and the SuDS approval board will be responsible for approving drainage to comply with National Standards.
The preferred method of application approvals shall be via the Local Planning Authority as a combined planning/SuDS application. The Local Planning Authority must consult with the SuDS Approval Body in determining the application. The alternative route is directly to the SuDS Approval Body as a free-standing application. There is a right of appeal and enforcement procedures which will be managed by the existing enforcement team at Shropshire Council.
The fees for SuDS applications will be set nationally and will vary depending on each site but will cost around £350 plus a further £70 per 0.1 hectare. DEFRA have given money to all SuDS Approval Boards to help get the scheme initiated. There is a SuDS payment charge for taking the water away which will be received as a separate invoice from Shropshire Council but Severn Trent will not charge for connecting to a drainage system.
The timescale for approving a SuDS application is around 7 weeks and the National Planning Portal system will be updated to incorporate SuDS applications.
The SuDS approval can have conditions attached, such as:
· Inspections during construction and charge developers for inspections
· Non-performance bonds
· New forms of legal agreements for adoption and easements
· Set maintenance period
· Designation of SuDS for serving single properties
· Arrangements for build over agreements
An affordability test may allow developers to use conventional drainage solutions where it can be proven to be more cost effective. However, David stated that SuDS is cheaper if thought about in the early application stages. Early engagement is the key! The approving body (Shropshire Council) must adopt the SuDS if it meets national standards unless:
· The drainage system is part of a publicly maintained road
· It serves only a single property
The Town Clerk detailed various discussions with developers about open space adoption and given all had SuDS Schemes it would seem pertinent for collaborative discussions between Highways, Drainage and Town Council given that all are likely to be involved in land adoption.
(i) That the SuDS presentation be circulated to all Councillors.
(ii) That the Town Clerk consider what amendments might be required to the Town Council’s Land Adoption Policy in light of the new approach to SuDS.
139.1 Various Trees on Land on Overflow Car Park, London Road
Members noted a tree preservation order for various trees on the Land on Overflow Car Park, London Road. No further comments were raised.
139.2 Land Adjacent to Whittington Close, Sundorne
Members noted a tree preservation order for a single tree on land adjacent to Whittington Close. No further comments were raised.
Members noted various premises licence applications. They commented on the application for St Nicholas Café, reference 23448. They are disappointed that this business is changing away from its gentile reputation and the change of opening hours will only contribute to this. Members of the public have also commented on the changes.
141.1 Various Highway Waiting Restrictions Applications
Members noted various applications for waiting restrictions around Shrewsbury with no further comment.
141.2 Street Naming Proposals for the development off Hanwood Road
Members considered the proposed names for the Barratt Homes development off Hanwood Road. Whilst they did not dislike the subsidiary road names they thought the main street proposed as ‘Red Deer Road’ was inappropriate. They would be grateful for alternative proposals to be considered.
That members’ comments be fed back to Shropshire Council and a request for them to liaise with the local member on an alternative name be made.
142.1 Schedule of Planning Applications
The Committee Clerk submitted schedules of valid planning applications for planning consent for development within the Town Council’s area which had been registered between 18 March and 07 April 2014.
That the following comments be submitted to the Shropshire Council Planning Authority:
1 / 14/ / 00926 / FUL / Erection of first floor side extension / Green Acre, Racecourse Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,SY3 5BJ / No Objection
2 / 14/ / 01077 / ADV / Erect and display 3 no. fascia signs / Building 4 Unit 4, Sundorne Retail Park, Arlington Way, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
SY1 4YA / No Objection
3 / 14/ / 01079 / FUL / Erection of two storey extension to rear elevation / 24 Besford Square, Shrewsbury,
SY3 7PG / No Objection
4 / 14/ / 01080 / FUL / Erection of single storey extension with rooflights to rear/side elevation and two storey extension to side elevation / 25 Sutton Grove, Shrewsbury,
SY2 6DN / No Objection
5 / 14/ / 01134 / TCA / Crown reduce major limb/stem and remove low limb, (2 metre foliage removal) 1 no. Robinia within Belle Vue Conservation Area / 40 Belle Vue Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
SY3 7LL / No Objection
6 / 14/ / 00759 / FUL / Construction of a solar farm comprising the installation of (circa) 80,000 ground mounted solar panels; 16 inverters; electricity substation; 12 x 3m high pole mounted CCTV cameras; 2.4m high security fencing / Development Land At Sundorne, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, Shropshire / Representation
Whilst the Council is supportive of measures to provide more sustainable forms of renewable energy we would wish to see the following:
* Assurance that there shall be no reflection impact on both local residents and also vehicular traffic along the A49, therefore we would wish to see the retention and enhancement of the boundary hedging along the curtilage of the site. ·
* This is clearly an educational resource and we would wish to see the applicant sharing their skills and expertise with the neighbouring schools and potentially going further and advising and supporting in the installation of solar panels for the school.
7 / 14/ / 00860 / FUL / Erection of brick pillars on existing wall and railings above wall; erection of railings from front wall to boundary; erection of replacement / 10 Dorset Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
SY1 2JB / No Objection
8 / 14/ / 01047 / FUL / Conversion of garage to a habitable room and enclosure of porch / 1 Appledore,
Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury,
SY3 5PR / No Objection
9 / 14/ / 01091 / FUL / Erection of a two storey side extension and alterations and additions to existing garden wall / 47 Alberbury Drive, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
SY1 4TA / No Objection
10 / 14/ / 01099 / CPL / Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed conversion of loft and installation of rear dormer / 34 Hotspur Street, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
SY1 2QB / This application was noted
11 / 14/ / 01102 / TPO / To reduce in height approx 6-10 hawthorns protected by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (Land at New Park Farm off Telford Way, Shrewsbury) Tree Preservation Order 1995 / Land To The Rear Of, Newent Close, Shrewsbury, Shropshire / No Objection
12 / 14/ / 01014 / FUL / Erection of 27no dwellings inc 5no affordable homes with associated roads, parking and new rights of way / Residential Development Land Adjacent, Ingleby Way, Shrewsbury / Objection
Members are generally disappointed that there has been no pre-consultation with local residents, local member or the Town Council particularly since many will see this as a loss of green space and public amenity. Given that the developer has already sought planning permission for neighbouring land and not contributed to the provision of public open space or play. Members feel that this further tranche of development needs to be placed in the context of those existing dwellings and that adequate space for recreation and play needs to be factored into the site.
13 / 14/ / 01112 / FUL / Erection of single storey sun room to rear including 3 no. velux windows; erection of garage to include utility room following demolition of existing garage / 24 Swiss Farm Road, Shrewsbury,
SY3 8XB / No Objection
14 / 14/ / 01124 / FUL / Erection of extension to industrial building / Sentinel Manufacturing Ltd , March Way, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury,
SY1 3JE / No Objection
15 / 14/ / 01133 / TPO / To fell 1no Cypress Tree protected by The Borough of Shrewsbury (Ridgebourne Road) Tree Preservation Order 1968 / Hillcrest, 27 Ridgebourne Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
SY3 9AA / No Objection
16 / 14/ / 01225 / FUL / Erection of single storey rear extension / 24 Netherway, Shrewsbury,
SY3 6DD / No Objection
17 / 14/ / 01227 / FUL / Erection of a front porch / 12 Carlton Close, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury,
SY3 5JA / No Objection
18 / 14/ / 01360 / TCA / Various works to trees as per schedule within Shrewsbury Conservation Area / Shrewsbury School, Ashton Road, Shrewsbury,
SY3 7BA / No Objection
19 / 14/ / 01361 / TPO / Various works to trees as per schedule protected by SABC (Kingsland No 1) Tree Preservation Order 1966, SABC (Severn Hill and Ridgemount) Tree Preservation Order 1967 and SABC (Kingsland No 3) Tree Preservation Order 1969 / Shrewsbury School, Ashton Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
SY3 7BA / No Objection
20 / 14/ / 01206 / TPO / To fell One Horse Chestnut protected by SABC (Meole Brace) TPO 2002 / Fernwood, Field House Drive, Shrewsbury, Shropshire,
SY3 9HJ / No Objection
21 / 14/ / 01214 / FUL / Erection of a dwelling / Land To Rear Of 25 Longner St, Shrewsbury,
SY3 8RB / Objection
This application forms part of the Shrewsbury Conservation Area and as such any development should both protect and enhance the area. Longnor Street has a very distinct vernacular of low-level cottage style properties with traditional back yard amenity space. This development is in effect back-land development and denies the occupiers of both the existing dwelling and the proposed dwelling any meaningful amenity space. Council accepts that measures have been made to mitigate against any potential for the one in a hundred year flood, but that in effect creates a two storey house on stilts which sits above the existing dwellings, thereby denying all local residents their rights to privacy.