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Minutes of the Meeting of RingsteadParishCouncil
held on Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 7.30pm.
Present:Cllr R PhillipsCllr Ms K du Boulay
Cllr J HornseyCllr G Slack
Cllr R TalbotCllr G Underwood
Cllr C HarrisCllr C Marston
In Attendance:Mrs L Marshall (Clerk to the Council).
ActionRPC17/172 / James Fulton addressed the Council, giving a brief report on the study he has currently undertaken regarding the land at the Gladstone Street Recreation Ground. See report at RPC17/183.Discussions took place as to whether this could or should form part of a Neighbourhood Plan and ideas of how to use the land. James Fulton left the meeting at 19:37.
RPC17/173 / Apologies were received and accepted by the Council for CllrR Hall.
RPC17/174 / There were no Declarations of Interest received.
RPC17/175 / Resolved that the Minutes of the previous meetings held on the 12th July and 4th September be signed by the Chair as a true reflection of those meetings.
RPC17/176 / The Clerk’s report was received and accepted.
RPC17/177 / Resolvedthat the Report from the Finance Advisory Committee be accepted. Cllr R Talbot wished to raise an item that had been discussed at the last committee meeting, being that all items of expenditure must be approved prior to spend. Discussions took place regarding spending and the correct procedure to follow. Cllr G Slack suggested that receipts and a request for reimbursement comes to the next meeting for approval by the Council and if not approved then the person submitting the expenses would not get paid – he believed that this would form the approval exercise. The Clerk advised that this was still not the correct way, but the Council concluded that they were happy to proceed on this basis. Cllr J Hornsey noted however that Councillors would be reluctant to undertake any works if there was a risk that they wouldn’t get reimbursed. The Clerk advised that Councillors should think about works coming up in the following months and request approval of those works and any related costs by way of the inclusion of an agenda item. A separate discussion then ensued regarding having an account at Thrapston Farm & Garden which could be used for supplies. It was agreed that the authority would still need to be given to obtain those supplies, but that it would be a better procedure as the Council will be invoiced as opposed to Councillors purchasing items and then claiming expenses. It was resolved to open an account with Thrapston Farm & Garden. / CLERK
RPC17/177.1 / Resolved that the Council adopt the amended Internet Banking Policy.
RPC17/178 / Resolved that the Council accepts and approves the completion of the Annual Return and Issues Arising Report.
RPC17/179 / Resolved that the Council approves and accepts the Balance of Accounts. It is noted that the current account balance stands at £21,763.72.
RPC17/180 / The Chairman approved and signed the bank statements.
RPC17/181 / Resolved that the Monthly Budget Review be accepted by the Council. Cllr R Talbot asked what we do about extra monies we receive in, e.g. the £850 grant. The Clerk advised that this had already been a planned spend for a new fire door at the village hall. Cllr G Slack asked for an explanation of the minus figure against payroll. The Clerk advised that in this years’ budget we had a zero allowance as payroll was being brought back in house. However the accountants submitted an invoice for tying up the end of year payroll which then came out of this years’ funds, thus creating a minus figure.
RPC17/182 / Resolved that in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations that all payments be made. The cheques were duly signed.
RPC17/183 / Gladstone Street Recreation Ground: Following discussions at the start of the meeting, Cllr G Slack asked why we would want to wait with progressing a project at the Recreation Ground to bring it in line with a Neighbourhood Plan which could take a couple of years. Everyone confirmed that they supported this, and it was agreed to form a working party to take the project forward: GS, GU, RP, CM and James Fulton. The Clerk is to write to James Fulton advising him of the working party and inviting him to join. Cllr R Phillips also suggested that we invite a member of the Football Club to join the working party. / CLERK
RPC17/184 / It was resolved to accept the Report of the Open Meeting for the Neighbourhood Plan. It was noted that the ENC Presentation was tomorrow night, 14th September.
RPC17/185 / It was noted that Cllr R Phillips and the Clerk would attend the NCALC AGM.
RPC17/187 / Traffic Movement Advisory Committee: Cllr G Slack reminded everyone of the things that had already been agreed with Highways, e.g. moving of the speed sign on Station Road to the entrance gates, implementation of 50mph limit on Denford Road. He then reported that Highways have agreed gates on Denford Road, but on the right hand side only as you are going out of the village. Cllr G Slack confirmed the time frame for works is 3-4 months; and stated that there has been no suggestion that they will be charging the Council for any of the works. Cllr G Slack then spoke about the radar data that he was submitting and the obstacles he had faced with Highways with regards to this, but said that they were now accepting the data. He advised that there will be a traffic survey happening tomorrow by the Safety Team, but he is not sure if this is through Highways. Cllr G Slack said that he will continue to collect the data and he then intends to arrange a meeting with County Councillor Sylvia Hughes. He said he will also keep the data from the speedwatch campaign as this proves speeding through the village. He confirmed that Highways will not install chicanes on Station Road mainly due to poor lighting and what they believe to be low traffic movement – so he would now like to consider looking at purchasing another radar so there is one permanently at each end of the village. Discussions then took place regarding this. Thanks was given to Cllr G Slack for his good work. Cllr R Talbot said that when he was at the JAG meeting he was told that one person needs to continually keep in touch with Highways in order to get something done. / GS
RPC17/187.1 / Cllr R Phillips advised the Council of the new Parking Scheme and the meeting held with PCSO Lisa Ward. See report attached at 187.1. He advised that no sooner had Lisa Ward left the meeting that we had an email saying that Highways had pulled the scheme. He confirmed that we were now waiting on instructions from Lisa Ward. The Council agreed that they would be keen to join the scheme as and when it was up and running.
RPC17/188 / Lighting: Cllr C Marston reported that some residents were not happy at the moment due to the wait times of fixing lights. She also reported that communications with Balfour Beatty were poor. She advised however that Balfour Beatty do have the next list of works to be done, but they are saying there will be a 6-8 week wait due to parts being ordered. Discussions took place regarding how much it would cost to give the street lights to Highways – Cllr C Marston said she would investigate this and report back. / CM
RPC17/189.1 / Football Club: Cllr R Phillips advised that we had not heard anything further from the Club, but they had previously advised that they have the gates. Cllr J Hornsey expressed his concerns that travellers could access the recreation ground at the moment, and that we need a couple of extra posts and the gates installing. The Clerk is to contact the Football Club regarding the gates and then to arrange for quotes for the next meeting. Cllr G Slack said that we have already given them time to come back to us so now we need to step in and get the works done. / CLERK
RPC17/189.2 / Cemetery: The Clerk advised that she had spoken with John Harrison regarding the benches and they were being moved. She also advised that he had asked if he could cut the trees at the cemetery as he had done before. She confirmed that this would not be covered under our current insurance policy as he isn’t a contractor for the Council, and as such the Council agreed that he shouldn’t cut the trees. It was confirmed that the tree works were contained within the tender documents.
RPC17/189.3 / Peace Park Inspection by Wicksteeds: Cllr C Harris advised that he had tightened the ropes as highlighted in the report; and he has looked at replacement costs for the matting under the swings, but he thinks Wicksteeds are talking at cross purposes with him on the type of matting required. He continued to talk through the report highlighting the areas requiring attention. He confirmed that he would contact RGD for any quotes required and will also obtain any others needed. The Council agreed the purchase of the swing seat at £40 as per Wicksteed’s recommendation and also the cost of matting at £20 per mat, but with Cllr C Harris to check first on the actual matting needed.
RPC17/189.4 / Open Spaces: Cllr C Harris reported that he is currently inviting tenders for the grounds maintenance contract for 2018 and hopes to present the quotes to the Council at the October meeting. He advised that the specification given requests a quote for the tree works as per Wilby Tree Surgeons Report, but confirmed that he has also requested a quote from Wilby Tree Surgeons themselves. He concluded his report by advising that the specification at present also includes the maintenance of the Community Garden, but this can of course come out if required.
RPC17/189.5 / Youth Group Proposal: Cllr R Phillips advised that the Youth Group had approached him as they wished to fundraise for a bench in the Peace Park. Cllr R Phillips asked that they put their request in writing to the Council for approval. Nothing has been received to date.
RPC17/190.1 / Village Garden: Discussions took place regarding the Information Board and the mistakes it contained. It was agreed that it would be taken down and brought to the meeting the next evening for everyone to check. It would then go back to Metrosigns for amendment.
Cllr J Hornsey presented the Council with two quotes for the Village Sign. One in the sum of £1,600 for an aluminium sign, and the other in the sum of £2,400 for a hardwood sign. Discussions took place. It was agreed that Cllr J Hornsey would go back to Sign of the Times and request a proof (this being for the aluminium sign). The Village Sign will then be discussed and voted upon at the next meeting in October. Cllr J Hornsey advised the Council that we still have £2,329 left of the grant monies and £3,061 of the Council’s allocated funds. He advised that the grant monies need to be claimed by November.
Cllr J Hornsey then reported that the parcel of land in the corner hasn’t yet been rotovated as they have been working on getting the rocks and bricks out, but he said that it is proving to be a nuisance corner and is attracting anti-social behavior. He suggested that the Council could offer that parcel of land to Ringstead Robins for their exclusive use – he said that he had spoken with Ringstead Robins and they would be delighted to take it on and maintain it. Cllr J Hornsey advised that he had received a quote in the sum of £650 to have the parcel of land fenced off (in the same materials as that which is currently there). Cllr J Hornsey proposed that this be the route the Council takes with regards to that parcel of land. Discussions took place regarding this and it was felt by some that the land was purchased for the whole community and as such it wasn’t the Council’s to give away. Cllr G Slack said that he has no issue with Ringstead Robins using it, but not exclusively as it is for the whole village. Cllr R Talbot agreed with this. Cllr R Phillips said that the piece of land in question is awkward to maintain as part of the garden, but confirmed that the Council would still retain ownership of it. Lengthy discussions took place. Cllr G Slack said that the issue couldn’t be voted on as it formed part of the Information Only section of the agenda. It was agreed to hold a separate meeting to debate the land in question: Tuesday 19th September was agreed. Cllrs asked if they could submit a proxy vote. The Clerk advised that she didn’t think so but that she would double check. It was agreed that the Tuesday meeting should also include an item for voting whether the Garden should have a litter bin.
RPC17/190.2 / Opening Ceremony of the Community Garden: Cllr J Hornsey had said that he set out to have it as a low key affair, but the press and radio would now be present. He advised that Cllr R Phillips has some bunting; the WI have been asked to do the tea, coffee and cakes and Cllr G Underwood has sourced a banner for advertising the event. Cllr J Hornsey said he will get some ribbon for cutting; and that he was still trying to get in touch with the school for a child to cut the tape. Some leaflets are being provided by the Heritage Group which they hope to be available by the 23rd. Cllr G Underwood is also producing some posters for laminating and putting around the village. The Clerk is to put a copy on the website and Cllr C Marston will put a copy on Facebook. Cllr R Phillips gave his thanks to Cllrs J Hornsey and G Underwood for their hard work on this project.
Cllr R Talbot asked about the long term maintenance of the Garden. It was agreed to be an agenda item for the next meeting.
RPC17/191.1 / Kinewell Trust: Cllr K du Boulay reported that they have been busy. She asked the Clerk to chase ENC regarding the dog bins. She advised that they don’t have any issues at present; they have someone sorting the fishing tickets so they will see how it goes, but otherwise asked if it would be possible for people to collect tickets from the Clerk? Cllr R Phillips suggested that perhaps they be collected from Sandy in the Post Office.
RPC17/191.2 / Letter from WDNAC: This was briefly discussed but was concluded that it wasn’t appropriate for the Parish Council to enter into discussions with the Club as works at the Lake were under the management of Kinewell Trust and ultimately Natural England. The Clerk will respond accordingly. / CLERK
RPC17/192 / Neighbourhood Alert: The Clerk advised that she had signed up for this and will be sent any police reports for the area. She advised that if there is anything for Ringstead she will circulate it to the Council.
RPC17/193 / Noted: Date of Next Meeting - Wednesday 11th October at 7.30pm.
RPC17/194 / Private & Confidential – This section of the Minutes will not be made public
The correspondence relating to the Kinewell Boundary Dispute was discussed. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the resident of No. 3 acknowledging her letter and saying that it was being passed to our solicitors for advice. The draft letter received from the solicitors to Ryan & Frost solicitors was also discussed and the Clerk advised that she would amend the errors before sending it back as approved. Cllr R Phillips said that we should now formally write to our insurers advising that we are not happy with the service being received from the solicitors. / CLERK
There being no other business the meeting closed at 22:10
Signed: ______
Dated: ______
20-09-17 : Minute Reference: 1