APSI Strategic Planning
Fourth Year Plan
July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015
Working Document
Updated: 5/1/14, 7/6/14
THREE YEAR COMMITMENTS AND THIRD YEAR PLAN (July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014)
COMMITMENT #1: Realign APSI guardianship services to focus on a defined target group of people with significant and complex disabilities who need ongoing skilled support to make decisions, and have no suitable family or alternatives to guardianship, and/or are court ordered by the Probate Court to be served by APSI.
This objective has been completed in its entirety, as of June 30, 2013.
COMMITMENT #2: Work with stakeholders to continue to find alternatives to APSI guardianship.
Third Year Objectives / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / CompletionDate
1. Continue participation in Self-Advocacy Training for currently served APSI individuals / 6/30/15
1.1 List of Self –Advocacy Groups and training opportunities through People First, OSDA and Project Stir / Program Enrichment Director / Educate APSI staff and disseminate list about options available for individuals to learn self-advocacy / 6/30/15
2. Work with identified Probate Courts, county boards and others to develop alternatives to APSI guardianship
2.1 Documentation of efforts / Program Directors(C), Program Enrichment Director / Network with other Guardianship agencies to provide reciprocal support / 6/30/15
3. Implement with the County Boards the newly developed Review Protocol to determine if the following groups of individuals meet the target definition of who APSI serves:
a. individuals on waiting list
b. individuals currently served
a. Waiting List / 3.a.1 Discussion with individual County Boards and Providers that have individuals on APSI waiting list to determine individuals status / Program Directors,[C] Regional Program Directors / Meet with County Board Staff and providers to review wait lists / 6/30/15
Third Year Objectives #2 / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion
3.a.2 Remove individuals from wait list if alternatives have been found / Program Directors [C], Regional Program Directors / Meet with County Board staff and providers to review wait lists / 6/30/15
3.a.3 Review the waiting list with larger counties to explore alternatives as done in Cuyahoga Co. / Program Directors [P], Regional Program Directors / Meet with representatives from the following counties: Hamilton, Franklin / 6/30/15
3.a.4 Complete survey instrument for those who have had APSI deny a wait list bypass request / Program Directors,
Program Enrichment Director / Develop survey for those who have had bypass requests denied / 3/30/15
3.a.5 Examine results of survey instrument for those who have had their APSI waiting list bypass request denied. / Program Directors,
Program Enrichment Director / Identify and implement process for survey completion / 6/30/15
b. Currently served / 3.b.1 Develop protocol for evaluating and tracking numbers of successors of all types / Program Directors, Regional Program Directors, / Numbers of :
Restorations / 6/30/15
3.b.2Continue to network and partner with other advocacy and family groups / Executive Director, Program Directors, Program Enrichment Director / Take part in Advocacy Coalition meetings and events / 6/30/15
4. Work with Probate Courts to consider least restrictive level of guardianship for new APSI awards
4.1 When filing an application for guardianship, file for the least restrictive alternative available / Program staff, Attorney / 6/30/15
Third Year Objectives #2 / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion
5. Encourage families to increase involvement and apply to become successor guardians
5.1 Increase outreach to families and provide education about the successor guardianship process / Program Staff / Contact family members via requirements of family involvement policy / 6/30/15
COMMITMENT #3: Strengthen outreach and communication between APSI and families and advocates of people currently and potentially served by APSI.
Third Year Objectives / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date1. Communicate to family members and advocates the new Family Contact Policy and Procedure
a. To individuals’ families / 1.a.1 List of current contact information for families of individuals served by APSI / Program Coordinator, Program Enrichment Director [A,W] / Create fully operational family database in AWARDS / 6/30/15
1. a.3 Documentation of Communication / All Program Staff / Family contact should be completed per the family involvement plan as it is developed for each individual. / 6/30/15
2. Monitor frequency of family contact by Program Staff / 2.1 Report of all Family Contact / Regional Program Directors
Program Directors (C) / Report regularly on family contact efforts as included in the Family Involvement procedure / 10/31/14
Program Directors, Program Enrichement Director / Satisfaction survey of family and individuals regarding level of communication / 6/30/15
3.Establish a strong working relationship with the Ohio Sibs, ARC Ohio, and other family groups.
3.1 Meeting documentation and presentation materials / Program Enrichment Director, Executive Director / Attend SIBs regular meetings / Ongoing
3.2 Participation in regular events with other groups representing individuals and family members. / Executive Director / Advocacy Coalition with Ohio SIBS, OSDA, DD Council, ARC Ohio, People First, and APSI to promote: 1) Family Support 2) Self Advocacy 3)Employment First / Ongoing
COMMITMENT #4: Strengthen communication and collaboration between APSI and external stakeholders.
Third Year Objectives / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date1.Develop and Distribute APSI Public Information materials to DODD and others
1.1 Share annual report information / Leadership Team, Consultant, Program Directors / Follow-up with group discussions and one on one meetings with stakeholders / 6/30/15
Leadership Team / Schedule with Superintendent’s Assoc. / 6/30/15
Leadership Team, Consultant / Create APSI’s own list serve / 6/30/15
Leadership Team, Consultant / Network with public officals and legislators / 6/30/15
1.2 Social Media / Leadership Team, Consultant / Explore possibility of creating Facebook page or accessing other social media outlets / 6/30/15
Third Year Objectives #4 / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date
2. Strengthen collaborative efforts with other agencies
2.1 Participate in the DODD Strategic Leadership planning process / Executive Director,
Program Directors / Attend strategic planning meetings / 6/30/15
2.2 Participate in CCOE / Program Directors [C] / Attend CCOE meetings / 6/30/15
2.3 Participate in Mortality Review Committee / Program Directors
[P] / Attend committee meetings / 6/30/15
2.4 Participate in the Partners in Justice group / Program Directors [C] / Attend group meetings / 6/30/15
2.5 Participate in DODD Intensive Needs Group / Executive Director,
Program Directors / Attend group meetings / 6/30/15
2.6 Participate in the Behavior Support Rule Revision Committee / Executive Director, Program Directors / Attend committee meetings / 6/30/15
Third Year Objectives #4 / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date
3. Work with Ohio Supreme Court Subcommittee on Adult Guardianship to enact training standards for all non-family guardians
3.1 Participation in Ohio Supreme Court Subcommittee to develop Rules of Superintendence 66.01-66.09 that develop standardized policies and practices in adult guardianship / Executive Director / Attend subcommittee meetings
Commitment #5: Enhance quality of services and best practices.
Third Year Objectives / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date1. Revise Quality Assurance Process and Procedure
1. 1 Quality Assurance Procedure that complies with National Guardianship Association standards and DODD contractual requirements / Program Enrichment Director, Program Directors,[P] Regional Program Directors / Develop Quality Assurance procedure / 6/30/15
1.2 QA review completion / Program Enrichment Director / Revise draft QA review process to include Leadership team’s involvement in reviews / 6/30/15
Program Enrichment Director, Leadership Team / Targeted review of individuals with high needs and/or multiple MUI / 6/30/15
Program Enrichment Director, Leadership Team / Targeted review of individuals with significant medical needs. / 6/30/15
Program Directors, Regional Program Directors, Program
Enrichment Director / Monthly review and monitoring of title xx documentation and billing / 6/30/15
Third Year Objectives
#5 / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date
1.3 Incorporation of AWARDS into QA system / Program Coordinator, Program Directors,[P] Program Enrichment Director Regional Program Directors / Develop reports based upon QA procedure and process / 6/30/15
2. Participate in DODD Program Reviews
2.1 DODD Program Review recommendations / Program Directors,
Regional Staff,
Program Enrichment Director / Participate in program reviews / 12/31/14
3. Complete Individual
Satisfaction Survey
3.1 Complete survey instrument for individuals / Program Directors [P], Program Coordinator, Program Enrichment Director / Develop survey for individuals served by APSI / 6/30/15
3.2 Results of individual satisfaction survey / Program Directors [P], Program Coordinator, Program Enrichment Director, Regional Staff / Identify and implement process for completion / 6/30/15
4. Develop acuity system for caseload weighting
Third Year Objectives
#5 / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date
4.1 Acuity/caseload weight system / Program Directors [P] / Develop acuity case weight system / 6/30/15
5. Maintain awareness of guardianship best practices
5.1 Involvement in National Guardianship Association (NGA) and Ohio Guardianship Association (OGA) / Program Directors,[P] Program Enrichment Director / Participate in NGA/OGA meetings and conferences as able / NGA
8/11/14, 11/10/14
2/9/15, 5/11/15
5.2 Ohio Guardianship Association (OGA) annual Conference / Program Directors / Attend annual OGA conference. / 9/16/14-9/17/14
COMMITMENT #6: Strengthen the infrastructure to support more efficient use of resources and effective delivery of services.
Third Year Objectives / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / CompletionDate
1. Refine the Technology Infrastructure Plan to address Quality Assurance, Cost Containment (mileage), Continuing Communication Issues (based upon availability of funding)
1.1 Technology Infrastructure Plan to assist with QA / Information Technology Coordinator
Leadership Team / Continue to explore QA reporting features in AWARDS / 6/30/15
1.2 Plan for cost containment related to mileage reimbursement / Leadership Team, Accounting Coordinator / Develop method to verify miles traveled via random GPS monitoring / 6/30/15
Leadership Team, Accounting Coordinator / Explore automated mileage reimbursement and explore placing miles driven directly onto the progress note. / 6/30/15
1.3 Upgrade phone system at Mt. Vernon office / Chief Operations Officer, Parallel Technology / Investigate VOIP or other options / 6/30/15
Third Year Objectives
#6 / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion
1.4 Explore ways to streamline the signature and communication of external documents / Leadership Team / Investigate the use of electronic signature on external documents. / 6/30/15
2. Review and align policies and procedures (e.g. meetings, document signings) to align with IMS implementation
2.1 Revise Program Policies and Procedures / Program Directors, [P,C] Program Enrichment Director, Program Coordinator Medical Coordinator / Identify all policies and procedures impacted by new IMS / 6/30/15
Program Directors, Program Enrichment Director, Medical Coordinator, Program Coordinator / Update procedures / 6/30/15
COMMITMENT #7: Explore alternative funding sources and diversify APSI funding base.
Third Year Objectives / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date1. Pursue targeted support for the development of technology.
1. 1 Updated tablets for all program staff / Executive Director, Chief Operations Officer, Information Technology Coordinator, Program Enrichment Director / Pursue grant funding / 6/30/15
2. Continue partnership with Columbus Foundation
2.1 Update Profile for Power Philanthropy / Executive Director, Program Enrichment Director / Update Power Philanthropy Portrait / 9/30/14
Executive Director , Program Enrichment Director / Participate in Columbus Foundation Big Give event / 9/17/14
3. Develop plan to access supplemental funding through donations, grants, and planned giving
3.1 Development Committee of Board of Trustees continues to draft development plan / Executive Director, Board of Trustees, Program Enrichment Director / Committee will implement development plan / 6/30/15
Third Year Objectives #7 / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion Date
3.2 Supplemental funding / Executive Director
Chief Operations Officer, Consultant, Program Enrichment Director / Continue to investigate potential for fundraisers, charitable donations / 6/30/15
COMMITMENT #8: APSI is committed to the development of an agency-wide comprehensive retention and compensation package for APSI staff that is competitive with other similar agencies and is consistent with available funds.
Third YearObjectives / Deliverable / Responsible Position / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion
1. Develop a compensation plan, including salary schedule for new employees, that is based upon relevant experience and qualifications.
1.1 Implement salary schedule for Protective Services Representatives / Leadership Team / Develop Salary Schedule with following parameters:
$26,000 Base Salary
$27,000 With 2 yrs experience in DD related filed
$28,000 With 5 yrs experience in DD related field. / 7/1/14
2. Develop a compensation plan, including, salary schedule for existing employees that is based upon performance
2.1 Updated job descriptions / Leadership Team, HR Coordinator / Revise and update employee job descriptions for all positions / 3/30/15
Third Year Objectives #8 / Deliverable / Responsible Person / Scheduled Activities / Target Date / Completion
2.2 Updated
performance assessments / Leadership Team [C], HR Coordinator / Revise employee performance assessments for all employees / 6/30/15
2.3 Projection of future staffing levels / Executive Director, Leadership Team, Board of Trustees Personnel Committee / Project future staffing levels / 6/30/15
2.4 Agency compensation plan / Leadership Team, Board of Trustees Personnel Committee / Develop compensation policy / 6/30/15
2.5 Implement performance assessment process for Protective Services Representatives / Leadership Team, HR Coordinator, Regional Program Directors / Begin the performance assessment process for PSRs in each region. / 8/1/14