Wednesday 19 September 2012
Yourweekly update on the coatingsindustry / Currentnumberofsubscribers: 43010
Apartfrom the factthattheyhavetobesticky, thereis a lot more whichisimportantfor the market success ofglues and adhesives. Itgoeswithoutsayingthatnowadays the adhesiveforcemustprecisely match the respectiveuse, or evenbeespeciallysticky at a certain temperature.
Butofcourse, the questionofsustainability – whichhas in a way become the "perpetualmotionmachine” amongourindustry’sauthoritativetopics – doesnot come to a standstillwhenitreaches the adhesivesindustry. Therefore, Fraunhoferresearchershaveaddressedthis challenge withtheirlatestresearch project, and are working on newformulasfor industrial applications.
Thus, in the end the eco-friendliness and the indispensable performance features are bothdealtwithsufficiently.
Theseaspects are last butnotleastdiscussed at the World AdhesiveConferencewhichstartedtoday in Paris. Sustainabilitywasoneof the first topicstoberaised in the key note presentationby Jean Fayolle, Corporate Vice President, Adhesive Technologies, Henkel. Please scroll down to the respective news tofind a link to the complete programme.

Miriam von Bardeleben
Editor-in-chief Market & Companies
Topicsof the week
/ World AdhesiveConferenceopenstoday in Paris: over 900 attendees
/ Mechanismbehindwettabilityconversionof TiO2 nanoparticlecoatingstudied
/ Nanosilvershowsantibacterialeffect in waterborne 2 K PUR coating
/ Fraunhoferresearchersdevelopbiobasedadhesives
/ Seminar providesintroductiontopolymericbinders
/ ILAG inauguratesitsnewWangenpremises
/ Solvay toacquireSunshieldChemical
/ HoyertakesoverTurkishforwarderAktifsped
/ Michelmanexpands in India
/ TemporaryleaveofabsenceforAkzoNobel's CEO Ton Büchner
/ The mostimportant future coatingstechnologies: always the same
EuropeanCoatings SEMINARS
20 - 21 November 2012, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
The efficientrouteto expertise /
OurEuropeancoatings SEMINARS programmeisdesignedtoensureyou stay on top!
20 November 2012
Formulationofadhesives and sealants
Anticorrosive coatings
Dispersingpigments and fillers / 21 November 2012
Fundamentals of marine coatings

World AdhesiveConferenceopenstoday in Paris: over 900 attendees
/ Paris, the capital of France becomesfrom 18 to 21 September world capital forglues, adhesives and sealants. The World AdhesiveConference (WAC), oneof the mostimportanteventsof the adhesiveindustryhas just beenopenedthismorningby Ramon Bacardit, Presidentof FEICA. Hepointed out, that the adhesiveindustryis in goodshape. However, some challengeswillbeaddressedduringthisconference. Amongthemissustainability, whichwasaddressedby the key note presentationby Jean Fayolle, Corporate Vice President, Adhesive Technologies, Henkel.
Mechanismbehindwettabilityconversionof TiO2 nanoparticlecoatingstudied
/ Milena StepienfromAboAkademiUniversity, Finnland and herco-workersanaylsed in theirrecentstudyhowinitiallysuperhydrophobicnanoparticlecoatedpaperboardsurfaces can under go serveraltransitionloopsbetweenhydrophobic and hydrophilicstates.
Car Body Painting 2012
29th Workshop of the 1st GermanAutomotiveCircle
5 - 6 November 2012 | Bad Nauheim | Germany
Sustainability, technology, and people - driversforanefficientpaint shop
The leadingEuropean network ofspecialistautomotiveengineersmeets once again in Bad Nauheimto show the current status ofdevelopments and discussupcomingchallengesfor automobile surface treatment.
Further information at:
Nanosilvershowsantibacterialeffect in waterborne 2 K PUR coating
/ New studypublished on the influence on nanosilver on thermal and antibacterialpropertiesof a 2K waterbornepolyurethanecoating. Researchersdemonstrate in theirstudy a growthreductionoftwodifferentbacteria.
/ Untilnowmostadhesiveshavebeenmanufacturedfrompetroleum-basedmaterials. However, they can alsobeobtainedfromrenewablerawmaterials -- forexamplefromproteins, naturalrubber, starch, or cellulose. Fraunhoferresearchers are working on newformulasfor industrial applications.
Seminar providesintroductiontopolymericbinders
/ Unquestionably, the backboneofeverycoating system is the binder. Prof. BerndStrehmel, UniveristyofApplied Science Krefeld, Germanyprovides a detailedoverview on chemicalprinciples and basicreactionsoccurring in polymerchemistry. Additionallythis seminar familiarizesyouwith the varioustypesofbinder and theirapplicationareas.
ILAG inauguratesitsnewWangenpremises
/ Industrial coatingsproducerinvests CHF 18 million (CHF 1 = EUR 0.83) in itsnew site. more
Solvay toacquireSunshieldChemical
/ Through the acquisition Solvay seeksto accelerate growth in coatings Market in India. more
/ With immediate effect, internationallyactivelogisticsgroupHoyer, headquartered in Hamburg, isacquiring a majority interest in Aktifsped, a Turkish company. Aktifsped, a forwarderfounded in 1996 and based in Gebzenear Istanbul, isanestablished business in the Turkish market, whichspecialises in national and international road haulage and container trucking.
Michelmanexpands in India
/ Michelmanestablishesits office in India tocaterto the localcoatingsinks market. more
TemporaryleaveofabsenceforAkzoNobel's CEO Ton Büchner
/ AkzoNobel'sSupervisoryBoardhasannouncedthatChief Executive Officer Ton Büchneristaking a leaveofabsenceforseveralweeksas a resultoftemporaryfatigue. Thisdecisionwasbased on medicaladvicefollowing Ton Büchnerbeingdiagnosedwithtemporaryfatigue. Itisexpectedthat the CEO’s recoverywillenablehimtoreturnto work untilmid-October 2012.
The mostimportant future coatingstechnologies: always the same
/ When I amthinkingaboutlatesttrends and technologies I come acrossall the timewith the sametopics: sustainability, low VOC, high-performance, functional and so on. Everyyearwe are performingsurveys at differentconferencesasking the coatingsexpertswhat the mostimportant future trends are and the answerisalwaysprettymuch the same. Is the coatingstechnologymoving in a circle?
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25-26 Sep 12
Polyurethanesfor high performance coatings
Berlin, Germany
26-28 Sep 12
AnnualConferenceGeneralAssembly 2012
Seville, Spain
20-21 Nov 12
EuropeanCoatings SEMINARS
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

DispersingPigments and Fillers
€ 139,-
Images in thisissuecourtesyof: Looser Holding AG, Imageteam -, Hoyer, Frank Eckgold –, AkzoNobel, Marcin_Chodorowski-Fotolia
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