Miss Amy Holden

Learning Support Mathematics Class


My name is Amy Holden and I will be teaching mathematics to your son or daughter. I have come up with several ways to help your son or daughter have a successful year. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at or call the school at 610-326-8243 at extension 6504. Please read through the letter and sign and return the last page.

Thank you,

Miss Amy Holden

Math Materials:

  • Students will need a binder or folder to keep their math notes/math work in and are expected to bring the binder or folder to class each day.It is the student’s choice to use a binder or folder. It is whatever method your child prefers to keep their math work organized.
  • I am also asking that the students use pencils in math class to solve their math problems. It is very difficult to correct a problem written in pen or marker.
  • Your son/daughter should bring their charged iPad to class each day. There will be days when we will use the iPads in class. The iPads are also an excellent tool for your son or daughter to jot down their daily assignments and create reminders of upcoming tests/quizzes.

School Rules and Classroom Rules:

Students are expected to follow the school district rules and classroom rules.

Classroom Rules:

They are:

1. Be on time for class.

2. Be prepared for class.

3. Quietly stay on task.

4. Follow directions.

5. Respect the teachers, students, and their belongings.


  • The purpose of homework is to provide students with an opportunity to reinforce what has been previously taught in class or to preview the material of an upcoming lesson. It is generally given three or four times a week and the assignments vary in format and length.
  • On most days the students will have time to start their homework with me and have time to ask me any questions they may have. Students are also welcome to come back to see me 9th period for additional help.
  • I normally do not give homework on the weekends. If a student does not complete several assignments, then he or she may have homework over the weekend (to complete the work they missed.) Students are asked to write down their math assignment at the end of math class each day.


  • The students will learn many new skills this year and will take quizzes or tests to monitor their progress. Students will know when a test or quiz is scheduled.
  • Any projects that will be assigned will include an outline/rubric and a timeline for when the projects will be due.

Where to Find Homework:

  • Each student will be asked to write down the math assignment at the end of math class in either their iPad or an assignment book.
  • My homework assignments are writtenon my white board each day and staywritten on the board for the entire week. So if a student is absent they can see what assignments were given for each day.
  • My homework is listed on my web page along with copies of the worksheets that your son or daughter can print out or copy down if they are absent or forget their math worksheets in school.

Pottsgrove Website:

  • Your son or daughter’s teachers also will post their homework daily on theirPottsgrove web page, which can be found on the Pottsgrove School District web site under the heading Middle School.


  • Students will receive grades from homework/classwork, tests, and quizzes. Grades are computed by dividing the total points earned by the total points possible. This percentage is then assigned a letter grade according to the guidelines in the school handbook.

100% - 90% = A

89% - 80% = B

79% - 70% = C

69% - 60% = D

55% - 59% = F

  • Grades can also be checked at any time through the computer using the parent portal. You can see how your child is doing in each class and if you click on the actual grade, all the assignments that make up the total grade will be listed. This allows you to see what your son or daughter earned on each assignment.
  • Students’ grades will be composed from their test/quiz grades, projects, and some graded homework assignments and classroom assignments and categorized under the headings: Building Knowledge (20% of overall grade) and Demonstrating Knowledge (80% of overall grade).

iPad Usage:

  • iPads should be charged and brought to class each day.
  • iPads should only be used when directed by the teacher.
  • If a student is using his or her iPad inappropriately, they will receive a warning. If the student continues to use his or her iPad inappropriately the iPad will be taken away for the remainder of the period and returned to student at the end of class. If a student has his or her iPad taken away 3 or more times or uses it in a negative way, a formal disciplinary referral will be written.

Math Outline Letter

Please keep the first page and sign and return this page of the letter to Miss Holden.

Parent Signature ______

Student Signature ______

Date ______