Minutes 9/1/2016

Name / Representing / Present / Absent
Carol Kimbrough, Chair / Faculty / X
Theresa Carbajal / Faculty (COU) / X
LaVerne Cook / Articulation Officer / X
Mary Cousineau / Faculty (Nursing/Allied Health) / X
Mary Dominguez / Administration(Student Affairs/Enrollment) / X
Jason Hough / Faculty (LA)/ SLO Coordinator / X
Daniel Ortega / Faculty (PE/Athletics/HED) / X
Celine Pinet / Administration (FA/SBS) / X
Mercedes Quintero / Faculty (COU) / X
Deborah Stephens / Faculty (Library)/Curriculum Specialist / X
Violeta Wenger / Faculty (COU)/Curriculum Specialist / X
Ann Wright / Faculty (MSE) / X
Mo Yahdi / Faculty / X
11 / 2

GUESTS: Shannon Bliss,Al Graham,Zahi Kanaan-Atallah, Gabriela Lopez, Mary Rayappan, Chris Zepeda,

SUPPORT STAFF:, Ruby Garcia, Herbert Cortez

  1. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: (Note the order of the agenda is modified as needed to accommodate presentation schedules or other circumstances related to the logical flow or efficiency of committee actions).Carol Kimbrough welcomed all members and guests. The agenda was adopted by unanimous vote.

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve of the minutes of 5/19/2016.


Course Inactivation:

  1. CONS-123, Sustainable Design Studio, 3 units
  2. CONS-126, Green Building Remodel and Retrofit, 3 units

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course inactivations.


Anthropology (Jorge Sanchez)

  1. ANT-20, Mesoamerica: Cultures and Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, 3 units


  1. ANT-3, Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory, 3 units

Advisory: ENG-1A

Modifications: title, grading, advisory, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, DE addendum, [SLOs]


AOD (Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling) Carol Kimbrough

  1. AOD-7, Individual Counseling Skills in Chemical Dependency, 3 units

Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A, completion of AOD-2 through 5

Corequisite: AOD-1 or completion of AOD-1 with a grade of “C” or better

Modifications: requisites, materials

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course revisions

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve changes to requisites

  1. AOD-8, Family and Group Counseling, 3 units

Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A, completion of AOD-2 through 5

Corequisite: AOD-1 or completion of AOD-1 with a grade of “C” or better

Modifications: requisites

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR (no changes made)

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve changes to requisites

  1. AOD-9, Co-Occurring Disorders, 3 units

Advisory: Eligibility for ENG-1A, completion of AOD-2 through 5

Corequisite: AOD-1 or completion of AOD-1 with a grade of “C” or better

Modifications: requisites, [SLOs]

Motion:MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR (no changes made)

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve changes to requisites

Intercollegiate Athletics: Track and Field (Chris Zepeda)

  1. PEIN-24, Intercollegiate Track and Field, 3 units

Prereq: -0-

Modifications: (lab) content, MOI, MOE

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR

South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium- JPA Administration of Justice (Libby Flores)

  1. JAJ-8, Basic Police Academy, Modular III, 4 units

Prereq: CDL, insurance, medical clearance, sponsorship, other clearance to possess firearms

Modifications: hours, objectives, lec content, lab content, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs]

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites

  1. JAJ-35, Homicide Investigation, 2 units

Prereq: JAJ-214, POST certification, skills list

Modifications: units, hours, prereq, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs]

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites

  1. JAJ-110, Counselor/Officer Training, 0.5 units

Prereq: JAJ-214 and skills knowledge list.

Modifications: prereq, description, objectives, content, MOE, assignments

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites

  1. JAJ-216, Emergency Medical and Fire Dispatcher, 1-2 units

Prereq: POST certificate, skills list

Modifications: title, variable unit (positive attendance) course, prereq, description, objectives, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites

JPA Fire Science (Libby Flores)

  1. JFS-15, CDF Fire Academy – Seasonal Refresher, 0.5-2 units

Prereq: JFS-8, certified basic firefighting academy diploma, etc.

Modifications: hours, prereq, description, objectives, content (lec/lab), MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs]

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites

  1. JFS-150, JPA Emergency Medical Technician, 6 units

Prereq: Current EMR or CPR card, etc.

Modifications: title, units, contact hours, prereq, advisory, description, content, materials

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites

  1. JFS-289, Low-Angle Rope Rescue, 0.5 units

Prereq: CA Fire Marshal certified fire fighter 1 certificate or equivalent training

Modifications: units, prereq, description, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs]

Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to COR

PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites


Agricultural and Industrial Technology (Al Graham)

  1. AIT-131, Intermediate Metal Fabrication, 3 units

Prereq: AIT-130

Al Graham and Zahi Atallah were present to discuss this new course and receive feedback from the committee.

Construction Management and Architecture (R. Burton Ward)

  1. CMA-58, Introduction to Sustainable Construction and Architecture, 3 units

Prereq: ENG-253, MAT-151L1

  1. CMA-59, Introduction to Construction Graphics, 3 units

Prereq: ENG-253, MAT-151L1

Violeta Wenger and Zahi Atallah were present to discuss these two new courses and receive feedback from the committee. Concerns were raised about the proposed transferability and the low level of entry skills connected to these courses; courses revised from the CONS designator will be re-submitted as “new courses” as the revisions are too extensive to consider them a simple revise. The remainder of the courses proposed on the agenda (items 17-23) were TABLED

  1. CMA-60, Sustainable Construction Materials, Methods, and Systems, 3 units

Prereq: CMA-50

  1. CMA-61, Construction Methods: Layout, Foundations, and Framing, 4 units

Coreq: CMA-50, AIT-169, AIT-180

  1. CMA-62, Construction Methods: Exterior and Interior Finish, 4 units

Prereq: AIT-169, AIT-180 or CMA-50, OSHA-10 Safety Certification

  1. CMA-80, Introduction to Structural Design and Codes, 3 units

Prereq: CMA-50

  1. CMA-81, Introduction to Construction Estimating, 3 units

Prereq: CMA-50, -60, -61, 62; CMA-51 or -52

  1. CMA-82, Basic Principles of Construction Accounting, 3 units

Prereq: CMA-50, -60, -61 and -62

  1. CMA-83, Construction Law, 3 units

Prereq: CMA-50

Mathematics (Mary Rayappan)

  1. MAT-7, Discrete Mathematics, 4 units

Prereq: MAT-25 or MAT-27

Mary Rayappan and Shannon Bliss were present to discuss this new course and receive feedback from the committee. This course has been developed in cooperation with colleagues at CSUMB and will articulate with one of the C-ID descriptors.

Physical Education/Kinesiology (Daniel Ortega)

  1. PEAC-41, Beginning Futsal, 1-1.5 units

Prereq -0-

Dan Ortega presented a video of this sport activity and underscored the need for developing the course at Hartnell.

South Bay Regional Public Safety Training Consortium- JPA Administration of Justice and Fire Science (Libby Flores)

  1. JAJ-165, Active Shooter, 0.5 units

Prereq: JAJ-214 and skills knowledge list

  1. JFS-300, Outdoor Emergency Care, 3 units

-0- prereq

  1. JFS, 301, Outdoor Emergency Care Update, 0.5 units

Prereq: completion of outdoor emergency care course or equivalent, skills list

  1. JFS-302, Fire Company Officer Training, 2 units

Prereq: JFS-8, Fire Fighter 1 Academy; skills list

-Items 26-29 were discussed as a whole for first reading. They satisfy requirements for the JPA program in Administration of Justice and Fire Science.

  2. Meeting dates for AY 2016-17 were established as follows:

Fall 2016Spring 2017










These timelines mirror deadlines established during the previous (2015-16) academic year:

All Curriculum Approved / Sent to BOT / With CCCCO approval, the course can be offered: / Cutoff for CCCCO Approval:
September – December 2016 / Sent to BOT by December 2016 / Following Summer and Fall term 2017 / March 1, 2017
January – May 2017 / Send to BOT by May 2017 / Following Spring term 2018 / October 1, 2017
  1. Articulation Deadlines

LaVerne Cook provided a handout on timelines and deadlines that will impact course articulation during the 2016-17 academic year. LaVerne also introduced Gabriela Lopez as an articulation specialist who will be shadowing LaVerne this year to help learn the articulation processes and procedures.

  1. First Friday (Publication from Pam Walker, CCCCO)

Carol Kimbrough discussed items from the First Friday report.

  1. Report on ASCCC Curriculum Institute

Carol provided a copy of the curriculum institute program and requested feedback from attendees. Hartnell presented two workshops; a heavy emphasis was placed on noncredit and CTE areas during this meeting. In addition, some of the GE requirements for Community Colleges offering bachelor’s degree programs were discussed. Participants included Celine Pinet, Carol Kimbrough, Herbert Cortez, Belen Gonzales, Deborah Stephens, Violeta Wenger and Val Rodriguez.

  1. Next meeting date will be: 9/15/2016
  2. Thanks to all who contributed time and talent!

1 / *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours