Lilai Xu, PhD

School of Economics, Finance & Marketing

RMIT University,

Melbourne, Vic 3000 Australia

Tel: +61 3 9925 5886 (O);



In Australia

Dec 05 – Present Senior Lecturer at the School of Economics, Finance & Marketing, RMIT, Melbourne

Lectured postgraduate course Financial Decision Making and

undergraduate courses International Trade, Risk management, Investment, International Finance, and Business Finance.

Jan 02 –Nov 05 Senior Research Fellow at the Research Development Unit of the RMIT Business Faculty.

Mar 97 – Dec 01 Lecturer at the GSM, La Trobe University

Developed the MBA course Money and Banking and lectured Risk Management, International Finance, Financial Management, Money and Banking, and Economics

June 94 - June 97 Tutor at Univ of Melbourne, La Trobe Univ, and Victoria Univ.

Taught Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Asian Economic Development, and Money & Banking

In the US

Dec 90 - present Associate, Center for Pacific Basin Monetary & Economic Studies at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Oct 91 Visiting Research Fellow at the State Uni of New York (SUNY) sponsored by SUNY - Binghamton

Feb 89 - July 90 Visiting Scholar at the School of Business and East Asian Institute, Columbia University, New York, sponsored by the Ford Foundation

In China

Sep – Nov 04 Main trainer of the Chinese government mandated program on entrepreneurship capability building for Chinese universities

March 93 - Feb 95 Deputy-Director, Australian Studies Centre, SASS

Jan 91 – Mar 93 Deputy Director and Acting Director, Dept of International Finance, Institute of World Economy, SASS

June 89 - Oct 94 Deputy-Director, Shanghai Futures & Options Trading Studies Centre


Books &textbooks

Oh, KB and Xu, L (2012) China’s Financial Markets in the 2000’s and Beyond, SASS Press. ISBN 978 7 5520 0063 4

Xu, L (2011) China’s Economy in the Post-WTO Environment, Edward Elgar. ISBN 978 1 84980 934 4.

Oh, KB, X. Ge and Xu, L. (2011) China: economic prosperity and business opportunities in the new decade.ISBN 9780646554167

Brooks, R., Coate, B., Fraser, I. & Xu, L. (eds) (2003) China in the New Era: Strategies for Sustainable Economic Growth and Business Responses to Regional Demands and Global Opportunities. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economics Studies Australia, Melbourne: RMIT

Xie, D., Xu, L., et al. (2001) Business English: Intensive Reading (Book I1), Beijing: China Higher Education Press. Pp.504. ISBN 7 04 008681 6.

Xu. L., et al. (2001) Business English: Business Writing (Bok II), Beijing: China Higher Education Press. Pp.455. ISBN 7 04 008685 9.

Xie, D., Xu, L., et al. (2000) Business English: Intensive Reading (Book 1), Beijing: China Higher Education Press. Pp.437. ISBN 7 04 008547 X.

Xu, L. (2000) Financial Development and Household Savings in China, SASS Press. ISBN 7 80618 716 2.

Refereed book chapters& journal articles

Xu, L (2011) The stock market in China: An endogenous adjustment process responding to the demands of economic reform and growth, Journal of Asian Economics, 22 (1): 36-47.

Xu, L (2011) Going global : China's outward foreign direct investment. In Xu, L (ed.) China’s Economy in the Post-WTO Environment, Edward Elgar.

Xu, L (2009) Foreign banks in China: market segmentation and expanded presence in the post-WTO environment. In Chen, C. (ed) China's Integration with the Global Economy, London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 126-140.

Xu, L. (2009) “Business incubation in China: effectiveness and perceived contributions to tenant enterprises”, Management Research News, Special Issue on China (forthcoming).

Xu, L. & Bennington, L. (2008) “Xiagang and re-employment policies in Shanghai”, Management Research News, 31(12), 976-987.

Xu, L. & Liu, J.C. (2005) Growth vs. development: China’s challenge for the 21st century. In Gangopadhyay, P. & Chatterji, M (eds) Economic globalization in Asia, Hampshire: Ashgate,

Bennington, L. & Xu, L. (2001) “Relative Benefits of Off-shore Education”, Higher Education Policy and Management. 23.

Liu, J. & Xu, L. (2001) The Asian financial crisis and China's foreign exchange policy. In Dutta, J. & R. Hooley (eds.) Restructuring Asian Economics for the New Millennium, Research in Asian Economic Studies, Volume 9, New York: Elsevier Science, 533-545.


1978-82 B.A. (English), East China Normal University, Shanghai

1984-87 M.Eco (International Finance), Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai

1989-93 Part-time PhD candidate (International Economics), SASS, Shanghai

1993-97 Ph.D. (Economics), La Trobe University, Melbourne

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