Dec.20, 2010
President Ray Lajeunesse, Past-President Bill Fletcher, Secretary Lee Kuefler, Treasurer Hugh Bond, Directors: Charlie Lockwood, Pat Bloomfield, Georgia Maclean, Marion Watts, Norm Watts, Ralph Christian, Gail Grant.
Agenda: The agenda was adopted by Bill Fletcher.
Minutes:Moved by Charlie Lockwood, seconded by Hugh Bond that the minutes from the Nov.15/2010 Rotary Meeting be adopted as written. Carried.
Business arising from the minutes:
- Italian Night fundraiser for Polio Plus will be held Feb.25/2011 at the Qualicum Beach Community Hall. It will be a come and go or perhaps have 2 sittings. Motion made by Norm Watts, Seconded by Hugh Bond. Carried.
- The Annual General Meeting for the Community Services Society (aka Rotary Park) will be held January 17,2011 at Rotary House at 8:00 pm.
- Final Gala Report-Charlie reported that the gala netted approximately $37,000.00. The attendance was down this year, monies raised were up and everyone agreed it was a lot of fun. Cases of wine are available for $150/cs for 2009 wine and $174/cs for 2010 wine. Part of our profit is tied up in the wine. Next year will be the 20th anniversary of the Gala. Georgia Maclean offered to help with PR for the Gala 2011.
- Donation to the Food Bank.- Hugh amended the previous motion to read that we donate $500.00 the Food Band replacing the $250.00 allocated for the Food Bank. Seconded by Gail Grant. Carried. Moved by Charlie and seconded by Norm Watts that we also donate $500.00 the Family Resource Centre. Carried.
President’s Report –President Ray reported that he and Assistant District Governor Michael Procter represented our club at the Foundation Seminar held Dec.11/2010 at Rotary House in Qualicum Beach. Former District Governor Brian Beagle presents slides showing where our monies were spent and how much came back to the District. These slides will be shown to our club at an upcoming meeting.
Rotary Meeting scheduled for Dec.27, 2010 and Jan.3, 2011 will be cancelled. Norm and Marion Watts were planning to present pictures and stories from their Rotary Exchange to Australia. Hopefully, we can see these at another meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: See attached report. Hugh presented an accounting of monies dispersed by on-line banking. Moved by Norm Watts, seconded by Ralph that we approve this report. Carried. Treasurer Hugh moved the adoption of his report. Seconded by Bill Fletcher.Carried.
Hugh will come up with a cancellation policy for the park rental, which will be signed by potential renters.
Past-President’s Report: No report.
Directors Reports:
1. Club Administration: Ralph moved that the Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach purchase an amplifier that is compatible with the new wireless speakers from the Sunrise Club and compatible with our microphone. Seconded by Bill Fletcher.Carried.
2. Club Service:Charlie has received requests for funds from Milner Gardens to administer the Roots and Shoots Program. Georgia will keep in touch with Milner Gardens and will advise the club if we can help in some other way. Also a request for funds from Young Life (United Church sponsored program) and from the Ambassador program (speaker from German Ju-Jitsu Club spoke at last meeting) were discussed. Linda from Qualicum Beach Middle School will be asked to speak at an up-coming meeting. The funding program at the QB Middle School provides assistance to needy students identified by school staff. Mainly it is for food, helping certain students participate in the hot lunch program. It also may try to supply clothing and even bus passes-whatever is needed for a student to continue successfully at school.
3. Foundation: Gail reported that we are at 55% of our $3000.00 goal of donations to Rotary Foundation. Moved by Gail that at upcoming social evenings the profit from the evening be donated to the Rotary Foundation in the name of the Host or Hostess.Seconded by Pat.Carried.
4.Public Relations:Georgia reported that a photo of Rotarians manning the Salvation Army kettles Dec.11/2010 may make the paper..
5. Membership: No report.
6. Youth Exchange: No report.
7. Literacy Chair: Marion reported that she is working on donating Rotary Dictionaries to Grade 3 students in the Qualicum Beach area. This would 164 students and would cost $410 which is in the budget allotted to Marion.
Committee Reports:
World Community Service: No report.
Rotary Park: No report.
Sargent at Arms: No report
Bulletin editor and clubrunner website: Norm will be planning a time to teach Rotarians about face book and clubrunner and how to access the links.
Program Co-ordinator: President Ray will ask Anton Kruyt if he will assume this position. Audrey Bartell will host the social Feb 7,2011 and Charlie Lockwood will host the Mar. 7/2011 social.
Sunshine Girl: No report.
Gala Chairperson: Report given earlier in meeting.
New Business:
Dates to mark on your calendar:
Jan. 24/11-Rotary Meeting at B&W Party Rentals in Parksville
Jan. 17/11-AGM for Community Service Society (Rotary Park)
Feb. 7/2011-Social at Audrey Bartell’s home
Feb. 25/2011-Italian Night at Community Hall
Mar. 7/2011-Social at Charlie Lockwood’s home.
Nov. 12/2011-Gala
Next Executive Meeting: Jan.17, 2011 at Rotary House.
Meeting was adjourned by Patricia Bloomfield at 9:00 pm.