International Students Enrollment in College of Engineering,

National Tsing Hua University

Information for International Applicants

January 2008

College of Engineering, National Tsing Hua University

101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, R. O. C.

Tel: +886-3-5710521

Fax: +886-3-5712670

Email address:

Website URL:

International Students Enrollment in College of Engineering

National Tsing Hua University

Information for International Applicants

The College of Engineering (CoE) was established in August, 1972. The College is currently comprised of four departments (Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Power Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management) and one graduate institute (NanoEngineering and MicroSystems; NEMS.) All departments confer master and doctor degrees.

  1. Departments & Programs

Departments & Institutes / Degrees offered
Bachelor / Master / Ph. D.
CHE /  /  / 
PME /  /  / 
MSE /  /  / 
IEEM /  /  / 
NEMS /  / 

CHE: Chemical Engineering; PME: Power Mechanic Engineering; MSE: Material Science and Engineering; IEEM: Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management; NEMS: NanoEngineering and MicroSystems

  1. Application Requirements

International applicants are those with foreign nationality, but not overseas Chinese or ROC nationals. Applicants who have held R.O.C. citizenship in the past eight years are not eligible.

(1) Eligibility for Masters and Doctoral Program Applicants

International applicants must have bachelor degree or its equivalent to apply for master programs; applicants for Doctoral Programs must have a Master degree or equivalent degree. The standards required by individual institutes/department are intended to ensure that the applicants admitted are qualified to study at this institution and have a reasonable chance of completing the graduate program.

(2) Application Deadline: March 14 and December 1
The deadline on March 14 is for fall semester enrollment; December 1 is for spring semester enrollment.
Date of Admissions Decisions:
For Fall Semester: by the end of May
For Spring Semester: by the middle of January
The notification will be sent by email and by airmail

(3) Application form

Please see Appendix I

(4) Application Requirements: Master & Doctoral Programs

  1. A completed application form.
  2. A notarized copy of diplomas/certificates in English or Chinese.
  3. Official transcripts from each university.
  4. Statement of goals and research interests. (No more than 2000 words or 3 pages).
  5. Two recommendation letters from individuals, preferably faculty members, who can evaluate academic qualifications and research potential.
  6. Record of medical examination, including HIV test.
  7. Financial Statement (i.e. bank deposit, scholarship)
  8. For additional requirements of departments or institutes please visit their websites.

NOTE: For admission, you must have your highest level of diploma/certificate and transcripts NOTARIZED by your country's Embassy or Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the country/place where you received your degree. THESE DOCUMENTS SHOULD REACH THE DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL AND CONTINUING EDUCATION NO LATER THAN 31st MAY. Admission letters will be mailed out by the end of June. Applicants will also be informed via email.

Send completed applications to:
The Division of International and Continuing Education
National Tsing Hua University
101, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Rd., Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Deadline for Fall semester: March 14
Deadline for Spring semester: December 1

(5) Notices

  1. No materials will be returned.
  2. If you plan to apply to more than one department or institute, you should submit a complete application packet for EACH Department or Institute.
  3. Students who are deemed to be not proficient in Mandarin might be required to enroll in a Mandarin program at their own expense after arrival.
  4. Credits taken in college or university may be transferred after evaluation by the institute/department.
  5. If you would defer your enrollment for one year, please submit a formal written request as well as original notarized diplomas and transcripts to the Division Of International & Continuing Education.
  1. English Offered Courses

Please see Appendix III & IV for Undergraduate English Offered Courses and Appendix IV for Graduate English Offered Courses.

  1. Admission Fees and Tuition (per semester)

Undergraduate Programs:

Tuition (Including tuition, insurance): NTD$28,630

Credit fee: NTD$1,050 per credit

Graduate Programs:

Tuition (Including tuition, insurance): NTD$12,980

Housing (Including utility): NTD$4,800~11,500

Credit fee: NTD$1,580 per credit

※ Tuition, housing and credit fee will be adjusted every year.

  1. Application Procedure

Please see Appendix V

※ Applicants are recommended to become well acquainted with the Chinese language, culture, customs, etc. Knowledge of Chinese is useful for daily life.

  1. Scholarships

A wide variety of financial-aid opportunities exist for individuals interested in pursuing their studies at National Tsing Hua University. These include full scholarships, scholarships for the first year of studies and scholarship assistance-ship programs. Scholarships opportunities are available from three major sources: Government, Private Sector and Tsing Hua University. See Appendix II for the applying form for NTHU scholarship.

(1) Scholarship Duration:

The Foreign Student Scholarship is awarded for every recipient for one year (Fall semester: from August to next July; Spring semester: from February to next January).

(2) Eligibility:

a. For attracting foreign students, the first year masters or doctoral students take priority. The recipients should take Chinese courses with totally 4 credits and should not apply for any other scholarships at NTHU.

b. The second or above year students are eligible.

c. The recipients of Taiwan Scholarship, IMBA scholarship, Taiwan International Graduate Program from SINICA and any other scholarships offered by government are not eligible.

(3) Assessing Procedure:

a. The first year masters or doctoral students can apply for the scholarship while applying for admission.

b. The second or above year students should submit their application between June 1 to June 15 .

c. The second or above year students are required to submit the application form (available on the Office of the Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students, OCFS, website), the academic transcript, the proposal and the advisor’s recommendation letter, to OCFS.

  1. Research Groups & Interests: See Appendix VI
  2. Contact Information

If you have any questions, please send your inquiry to or call the College Secretary Ms. Peng at 886-3-5710521

Appendix I Application Forms


Application Form For International Applicants

Attach recent bust photograph here

The field with * must be completed.
Please complete a separate application form for each proposed area of study. Forms must be completed in triplicate.

Part I.

Personal Information
*English Name / (Last Middle First) / Chinese Name
*Nationality / *Sex / □ Male □ Female
*Place of birth / *Date of Birth
Passport number
Resident Visa
Martial status / □ married □ single □ other
*Home address
*Mailing address
Address in Taiwan
*Home Telephone
Mobile Phone / (Country Code)-(Area code)-(Phone Number)
*Email address
*Emergency contact / *Name: Email:
*Relationship: * Phone:
*Family / *Father’s Name / *Mother’s name
*Place of birth / *Place of birth
Occupation / Occupation
*Nationality / *Nationality
Study Plan
*Proposed area of study
*Expected enrollment date / (Year) (Semester : Fall or Spring)
Part II. Complete Section(s) applicable to you
Education Background
*Secondary School / *Date of enrollment
*Date of Graduation
*College/University / *Date of enrollment
*Date of Graduation
Institute / *Degree
Major / *GPA
*Graduate School / *Date of enrollment
*Date of Graduation
Institute / *Degree
*Thesis Topic
*Have you ever studied in Taiwan? □ Yes □ No
If yes, which university ______, which department______
Testing Information (Optional)
Test date
(yyyy/mm/dd) / Test Score
Evidence of Management Study Aptitude
Other Evidence of English Proficiency
Other Evidence of Chinese Proficiency

Part III.

Financial Plan
*How will you finance your education in Taiwan?
□ Personal savings
□ Apply for Taiwan Scholarship □ Received Taiwan Scholarship
□ Apply for ICDF scholarship □ Received ICDF scholarship
□ Recommended for the scholarship provided by Agreement between NTHU and applicant’s current university, please specify ______
□ I want to apply for scholarship from National Tsing Hua University
□ Other, please specify ______
Health Condition
*Health condition / □ Excellence □ Good □ Average □ Poor
Employment History
Job Title / Date / to
Reason(s) for leaving
Job Title / Date / to
Reason(s) for leaving
Chinese Proficiency:
*Have you studied Chinese before?
For how long?
With whom?
*How do you rate your knowledge of Chinese?
(Please use one of these words: Excellence, good, average, poor)
Speaking / Listening / Reading / Writing
Other Information
Extracurricular activities
*Do you need to apply for housing / □ Yes □ No
*How did you learn about NTHU?
I certify that all the information given by me in this application is correct and complete, and understand that any misrepresentation will result in the termination of admission.
Signature: ______Date: ______

Study plan (2000 words about your dedication to your chosen program)

Name of Applicant:

Appendix II Application Form for NTHU Scholarship

國立清華大學 年外國學生獎學金申請表



Please complete this form and submit to the Division of Foreign Students. Additional pages of the same size can be attached if necessary.

Chinese Name / 相片
English Name
Student No. / 系級
Nationality / 性別
Place of Birth / 出生日期
Date of Birth
Passport No. / 居留證號碼
Resident No.
Current Address / 電話
E-Mail / @ / 行動電話
Cell Phone
研究計劃Research Plan

Appendix III English Offered Courses for Undergraduate Programs

Dept. / Course no. / Course Title / Credit / Note
CHE / CHE 211000 / Engineering Math (I) / 3 / 2007-2008 Fall & Spring, Sophomore Required Course
CHE / CHE 309002 / Instrumental Analysis and Lab. (I) / 3 / 2006-2007 Fall, Junior Required Course
CHE / CHE 455200 / Introduction to Biotechnology / 3 / 2003-2007 Fall, Senior Elective Course
CHE / CHE 455300 / Fundamentals of Cell Biology / 3 / 2005-2008 Spring, Senior Elective Course
CHE / CHE 497000 / Synthesis of Nanoparticles / 2 / 2006 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 203000 / Engineering Statistics (I) / 3 / 2005-2007 Fall, Sophomore Required Course
IEEM / IEEM 303000 / Quality Control / 3 / 2006-2007 Fall, Junior Required Course
IEEM / IEEM 306000 / Human Factors (II) / 3 / 2006 Spring, Junior Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 202100 / Discrete Mathematics / 3 / 2006 Fall
IEEM / IEEM 443200 / Marketing Management / 3 / 2005 Fall
IEEM / IEEM 307100 / Industrial Accounting / 3 / 2005 Spring
MSE / MS 403100 / Introduction to Solid State Physics (I) / 3 / 2005-2007 Fall & Spring, Senior Elective Course
MSE / MS 403200 / Introduction to Solid State Physics (II) / 3 / 2005-2006 Fall & Spring, Senior Elective Course
MSE / MS 203102 / Thermodynamics of Materials (I) / 3 / 2003 Fall
PME / PME 312002 / Heat Transfer / 3 / 2003 Spring
PME / PME 443200 / Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing / 3 / 2008 Spring

Appendix IV English Offered Courses for Graduate Programs

Dept. / Course no. / Course Title / Credit / Note
CHE / CHE 507000 / Chemical Engineering Principle (I) / 3 / 2008 Fall, Required Course
CHE / CHE 501000 / Advanced Chem. Engineering Thermodynamics / 3 / 2006-2007 Fall, Elective Course
CHE / CHE 514000 / Mold Design and CAE for Plastics Processing / 3 / 2007 Fall
CHE / CHE 556000 / Polymer Composite Materials / 3 / 2006-2007 Fall, Elective Course
CHE / CHE 568000 / Processing and Characterization of Composite Materials and Lab. / 3 / 2006-2008 Spring, Elective Course
CHE / CHE 575000 / Phase Equilibria of Materials / 2 / 2002-2008 Spring, Elective Course
CHE / CHE 592000 / Pharmaceutical Microbiology / 2 / 2006 Spring, Elective Course
CHE / CHE 581000 / Applications of Electron Microscopy in softy Matter / 3 / 2007-2008 Spring, Elective Course
CHE / CHE 523000 / Phase Diagram Calculation / 1 / 2006 Fall
CHE / CHE 543000 / Electrochemical Engineering / 3 / 2006 Fall, 2008 Spring, Elective Course
CHE / CHE 592000 / Pharmacokinetics / 2 / 2006 Spring
CHE / CHE 592100 / Drug Delivery / 2 / 2004 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 538000 / Operations Management / 3 / 2008 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 514100 / Stimulation Analsis / 3 / 2007 Fall, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 510500 / Statistic Methods / 3 / 2006-2007 Fall, Required Course
IEEM / IEEM 511800 / Fuzzy Set Theory & Applications / 3 / 2007 Fall, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 535200 / Electronic Enterprise Integration / 3 / 2007 Fall, Required Course
IEEM / IEEM 536600 / Manufacturing Systems and Automation / 3 / 2006 Spring, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 510900 / Design and analysis of Algorithms / 3 / 2006 Spring, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 517000 / Operations Research Applications / 3 / 2006 Spring, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 710300 / Special Topics in Human Factor / 3 / 2006 Spring, Required Course
IEEM / IEEM 523500 / Work Physiology / 3 / 2006 Spring, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 549100 / Mass Customization / 3 / 2007 Spring, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 512700 / Reliability Engineering / 3 / 2006 Fall, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 523700 / Human Information Processing / 3 / 2006 Fall, Required Course
IEEM / IEEM 523900 / Biomechanics / 3 / 2006 Fall, Required Course
IEEM / IEEM 545100 / Project Management / 3 / 2005Fall, 2006 Fall, Required Course
IEEM / IEEM 545200 / Product and Technology Development Management / 3 / 2006 Fall, Elective Course
IEEM / IEEM 537200 / Customer Relationship Management / 3 / 2005 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 540100 / Innovation and R & D Management / 3 / 2005 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 541300 / Organization and Management / 3 / 2005 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 543200 / Marketing Management / 3 / 2005 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 535200 / Enterprise Integration / 3 / 2004 Fall
IEEM / IEEM 552300 / Decision Analysis / 3 / 2004 Fall
IEEM / IEEM 511700 / Multiobjective Optimization / 3 / 2004 Spring, 2008 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 537200 / Strategic Management / 3 / 2004 Spring
IEEM / IEEM 512000 / Special Topics on Soft Computing / 3 / 2005 Fall
IEEM / IEEM 546100 / Manufacturing Management / 3 / 2005 Fall
NEMS / NEMS 510401 / Microsystem Technology and Experiment / 4 / 2006-2007 Fall, Elective Course
NEMS / MEMS 560000 / English for Science and Technology / 3 / 2006 Spring, Elective Course
PME / PME 519000 / Advanced Computational Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations / 3 / 2008 Spring
PME / PME 523000 / Sensing and Actuation in Miniaturized Systems / 3 / 2008 Spring
PME / PME 600200 / English for Science and Technology / 3 / 2003-2007 Fall & Spring, Elective Course
PME / PME 550300 / Infrared Systems Engineering / 3 / 2007 Spring, Elective Course
PME / PME 511300 / Computation Fluid Dynamics / 3 / 2005 Fall
PME / PME 543500 / Precision Machine Design / 3 / 2005 Fall
PME / PME 511100 / Laminar Flow Theory / 3 / 2004 Fall
PME / PME 523000 / Micro-Electro-Mechanical Transducers / 3 / 2004 Fall
PME / PME 543100 / Special Topics in Computer-Aided Manufacturing / 3 / 2003 Spring
MSE / MS 535100 / Epitary-Materials Science in its Nano Regime / 3 / 2002-2007 Fall, Elective Course
MSE / MS 536200 / Molecular Biology Engineering / 3 / 2004 Spring-2006 Spring, Elective Course
MSE / MS 625000 / Special Topics of the Highend Electron Microscopy / 3 / 2006 Spring, Elective Course
MSE / MS 544200 / Selected Topics on Condensed Matter Science / 3 / 2005 Spring
MSE / MS 606200 / Advanced Devices and Their Related Materials / 3 / 2005 Spring
MSE / MS 613200 / Nano Mechanical Property Evaluation / 3 / 2005 Spring
MSE / MS 528200 / Thin Film Material Science / 3 / 2004 Spring
MSE / MS 536200 / Molecular Biology Engineering / 3 / 2004 Spring

Appendix V Application Procedure

1. To complete an application for undergraduate or graduate admission, choose one of the following:

  • Apply through on-line international application →
  • Or complete the application form showed in Appendix I and send to
  • The Division of International and Continuing Education
    National Tsing Hua University
    101, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Rd., Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • For multiple applications, please file applications individually.

2. Application requirements for admission include following items:

  • □ A photocopy of diplomas/certificates in English or Chinese.
  • □ Official transcripts for each school attended previously
  • □ Study plan (2000 words about your dedication to your chosen program)
  • □ Medical report including HIV Test
  • □ Two recommendation letters
  • □ Financial statement (bank deposit, scholarship)

3. Deadline for Fall semester: March 14; Deadline for Spring semester: December 1

  • NOTE: For admission, you must have your highest level of diploma/certificate and transcripts NOTARIZED by your country's Embassy or Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the country/place where you received your degree. THESE DOCUMENTS SHOULD REACH THE DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL AND CONTINUING EDUCATION NO LATER THAN 31ST July. Admission letters will be mailed out by the end of June. Applicants will also be informed via email.

Appendix VI Faculty & Major Research

Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

Professor / Major Research
Chen, Fei-Long / Enterprise Integration, Enterprise Resource Planning, Global Logistics Management, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Total Quality Management, and Engineering Data Analysis
Chen, Kuang-Chen / JIT, TQC, TMC, KAIZEN
Chern, Maw-Sheng / Combinatorial Optimization, Inventory Management and Production Scheduling, Modern Heuristic Techniques
Chien, Chen-Fu / Modeling and Analysis for Semiconductor Manufacturing, Decision Analysis, Data Mining, Manufacturing Strategy, Decision Support Systems
Chu, Chih-Hsing / New Product Development, Collaborative Design, Design Chain Management, CAD/CAM, and Human-Centric Design
Chu, Yee-Yeen / Engineering and Technology Management, Product and Process Innovation, Agile Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management, Strategic Technology Management and Systems of Innovation
Hou, Jiang-Liang / Knowledge Management, Logistics Management
Hung, Yi-Feng / Management of Semiconductor Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Production Planning and Scheduling, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Heuristic Algorithms
Hwang, Sheue-Ling / Human-Computer Interaction and Human-Machine Studies
Liao, Shinn-Ruey / Manufacturing Engineering, Non-traditional Machining Processes, Manufacturing System Management, Engineering Management, Industrial Education, Industrial Safety, Human Factor in Human Machine Interaction
Lin, James T. / Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Supply Chain Management, Simulation Modeling of Manufacturing Systems, Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)
Sheu, Dongliang Daniel / Systematic Innovation (TRIZ), Design & Manufacturing Management, Equipment Management, Factory Diagnosis
Song, Wheyming Tina / Statistical Aspects of Stochastic Simulation, Applied Operations Research, Probability and Statistics
Su, Chao-Ton / Quality Engineering, Quality Management, Production Management, Neural Network Applications
Su, Che-Pyng / Operations Management, New Product Development, Mass Customization, Supply Chain Management, Economic Evaluation of Medical Technology
Trappey, Amy J. C. / E-Business, E-Automation, Product Lifecycle Management, Knowledge Engineering
Wang, Eric Min-yang / Human Factors/Ergonomics, Human-Computer Interaction, System Usability, Web-based Consumer Behaviors, Aviation Ergonomics, Industrial Safety and Health, and Anthropometry
Wang, Hsiao-Fan / Multicriteria Decision Making, Fuzzy Set Theory, Green Value Chain Management.
Wang, Mao-Jiun / Ergonomics, Digital Human Modeling, Occupational Safety and Health, Fuzzy Set Applications
Wen, Ue-Pyng / Multi-criteria Decision Making, Production Management, Applied Operations Research
Yu, Chi-Yung / Occupational Biomechanics, 3D Anthropometry, Color Vision
Yuan, John / Queuing Theory, Network Analysis, Human System Diagnosis, System Reliability and Safety
Yeh, Wei-Chang / Graph Theory, Soft Computing, Production Scheduling
